
Saturday 20 October 2012

French Indian War 28mm Skirmish Game- Colonial POV

...or bad day at Blackrock!

Myself and Ray had a skirmish game last Monday after SELWG 2012, it was put on by Postie and was a skirmish raid by Indians on a small town of colonial settlers during the French Indian Wars, this was 1:1 figure skirmish with 20 Indians and 24 settlers present (only 12 settlers were armed).

To see who got initiative first we had to have a duel????............

The story featured our characters, mine been retired Colonel Francis "Bulldog" Lee and Ray's lowlife character Askook!

The duel start.......

The initial set up of the town of Blackrock......

10 paces, turn and fire (roll a D10) and I suffer a mortal wound and would die the next day......fecking hell!

A rifle shot rings out and brings the always ready settlers to their doors and armed, the Mitchell family search for the cause of the shot....

The local pastor holding a wedding ceremony in the old colonial militia blockhouse....

Devious shite Postie contractual shot......

The Webb family stream of out their home to investigate further.....

The initial plan for the settlers is to head to the blockhouse for safety especially women and children, I believed this was the best option with armed men covering.....

The first band of Indians emerge, the rules gave them better chances of killing on the dice and the chance of double moves but reloading would take a turn, the settlers found it harder to hit and had no double move...... 

The second band using their double move to run towards the town........

Ray's character can be seen brandishing his musket (the big bleeding show off)......

A devastating volley left a member of the Webb family mortally stricken but there was no time to recover the body( Ray later scalped him).....

The race towards the blockhouse continues as women and children are covered by men at the crossroads.....

Ray (Askook the backstabber) and his band attempt to steal the wagon but two braves pay the price......

I step into the fray myself and give a brave both barrels....

"Keep running, leave the livestock".....

The long road and race to safety, 5 settlers had died by this stage......

Askook (Ray) enjoying his arson!

Some settlers have reached the safety of the blockhouse but there is still danger.....

A Mitchell lies dead and scalped........

...but an Indian pays the price......

Most of the civilians have reached the blockhouse but only 4 armed settlers remain but the Indians have stopped their raid and head back towards the woods licking their wounds......

The points were tallied up by Postie, the settlers got points for killing Indians (10 killed) and Indians got points for killing settlers (10, my character survived, I nearly got Ray at one point but he pulled one of his braves in front of him and they took the round), scalping, setting fires, how much supplies they captured etc......

.......and in the end the settlers won by 40 points to 38 (since then there have been several attempts to change the score in favour of the Indians but a win is a win regardless of Indian player shenanigans), the game was good and a few points were raised and sorted, I believe I played the game like somebody who would protect the womenfolk and children but I also believe that the people of this time were a hardy bunch and most women would have been armed or at the very least known how to use muskets. Maybe this could be covered by the picking up of weapons from casualties......a victory out of a tough and good game though!


  1. Great pictures. It sure looks like you guys had fun!

  2. Great AAR. Never realized that Ray was such a show-off! Bravo to the settlers though for eeking out a win.

  3. Really nice report, looks like a game worthy of the annals of the Lurker indeed!

  4. Great game mate. Shame you didn't get the chance to give Ray both barrels!

  5. Excellent batrep, Fran. Such a shame that your character never lived long enough to savour his victory. Bummer, indeed!

  6. Cool! Terrain is top notch. Any chance of a tutorial on the rail fences?


    1. I think they were bought off Last Valley by Postie!

  7. Close game, and a nice win. I think the plan to fall back to the blockhouse with the men covering for the women and children was sound (and noble enough to makes for a good story, too).

  8. Congrats on the win, looks like a great game was had, the duel was cool.

  9. Very nice AAR, the decors are really great! This duel was looking wonderful!

  10. This was well-written and good deal of fun. I enjoyed both your posts on this game.

  11. Well you lost the duel, the battle, but at least you won the war.

  12. thats wicked. needs more duels. with swords next time, and then eventually with bombs

  13. Great report, nice to get both sides of the same game

  14. Fabulous looking game! Looks a joy yo play, FIW unexpectedly interests me.

    Didn't know you Rejects did much skirmish gaming...

  15. Wonderful looking game and it is good to see you on the winning side

  16. Congrats on the win, that was a close one though.


  17. such a tense duel, got me scared for a second...
    Gorgeous settings! Love the intricate details. And awww to animal figures :)

  18. When do we get to see the rules? Have a few FIW myself if they don't get sold soon.

  19. Great looking game all round!

  20. A very interesting and nice game. The terrain and figures are fantastic!

  21. Nice report Mr Lurker, sir! And well done on the win. 28mm F&IW is my next project - so thanks for the inspiration.

  22. Cool game, really unusual

  23. What a great story! Glad you survived to tell the tale - for at least a day anyway!

  24. Great stuff. Enjoyable looking game. Well done Fran.

  25. Now that's an interesting game love the duellists :-)

  26. Great job: game play moves fast and furious, scenics...the fenced-in area with the tall grass is beeyooteefull!, and the prose narrative is very entertaining, gents. Fun post.

  27. Wonderful table and love the period!


  28. Nice figures and terrain. Fun to read the game from both sides too.

  29. I love it! I felt like I was there. Sorry about the duel but congrats on the victory.

  30. Very, very nice. A great looking game; I can feel a tug on the old wallet strings!

  31. Sounded like great fun was had by all.
    There seemed to be a lot of Arson around by the Injuns, but a win is a win...
    More of this please

  32. Thans for a very inspirational AAR fran !!!

    Lovely terrain and minis !

    Best regards Michael

  33. Excellent scenario! Very imaginative and looks like it was a lot of fun to play. I particularly liked the 'opening chapter' duel.

  34. Great looking game and good AAR..Congrats on the win

  35. Brilliant game. We game a lot of FIW, but usually unit skirmish level, never man-to-man skirmish level. I'm going to send this link to my club to get the creative juices flowing over on this side of the pond.

    FYI, I live in a town that was raided and burned during the FIW so there are 'battlefields' everywhere around here.

  36. What an awesome duel. Their guns are as big as their bodies. I would not want to be on the receiving end of those bullets.

  37. What a great game and story line; not to mention the cool figures and terrain. Great job. Best, Dean

  38. That Askook sounds like a regular git. Is his name pronounced with the s like a z or like a double s?

  39. When I was in the Army we did the 10 paces thing with paintball guns. it is surprising hard to turn around, pull up the weapon, and fire, while being accurate. I think it may be that you are rushing yourself and just trying to be quicker, or that we had no practice. I bet gunslingers in the old west that were successful at duels usually didn't shoot first, they just shot more accurately. Now I need to go look that up.

  40. Nice AAR. Excellent figs and terrain. :)

  41. Very nice battle report! Thanks for sharing!


  42. Good win. The game looks great.

  43. Amazing. I really liked this. New for me!

  44. Cool. I loved the play by play captions, and the recap at the end.

  45. Great report. Great game. French AND Indian War. AND! I hate Warlord for leaving that part out.

  46. I like these figures and this table Fran. And you beat that arsemonkey Ray but you should have killed him in the beginning-he's got it coming!

    I'm home for 2 days so post something for fucks sake!

  47. Great show guys, I love these 28mm antics!

  48. Nice report. I agree that women and children could reload, maybe base it on a skill check or something similar

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