
Sunday 28 October 2012

Things that may make Wargamers Cry part 5....... a series of feck knows!

Damn Shiny Blindness!!!!!

So anyway me an Ray are wandering around a show this year and we had talked briefly about getting a board game for the night shifts and the real boredom hours around two in the morning, so we see this stand and had talked about getting the Game of Thrones board game (good reviews, liked the books and the TV series) so we go halves and for reasons unknown to the fecking pair of us we end up with this card game, now Ray bought the item himself and the vendor did throw in something extra but........... took 6 weeks before we noticed the box cover and that we hadn't played it yet!

The fecking card game.......

The free card pack......

What we really wanted...........

....but maybe what does it matter when this is what I have to work with......

Lurker: Ray!
Lurker: Ray!!
Lurker: For fecks sake wake up!
Ray: What.....where am I?
Lurker: You were sleeping!
Ray: No way...I was resting my eyes!
Lurker: I'll rest them permanently Ironsides, now go do a patrol!
Ray:....but it's cold out there.....and dark!

Proof if it was ever needed!

So looks like eBay then and don't forget British Summertime ends tonight or this morning (clocks go backward and we end up working 13 hours instead of 12)...nice! 


  1. All that and you got the wrong game? Crap, hate it when that happens!

  2. I think it's a bit naughty taking a picture of Ray while he sleeps. Is that a tea towel or a blankie? Hee Hee

  3. Is the card game no good ??

    Leave Ray alone he looks so peaceful :-)

  4. So they suckered you into an expanding card game eh?
    I like the board game, though it is 3+ players, so wouldnt have been great if it's just the two of you playing at work. You should try the game 'Battle of Westerose' -a very good wargame, 2 player battle game, lots of scenarios & replayability and the Game of Thrones theme is well done with the different troop types & characters

  5. Well, since you bought it, I suppose you might as well give it a spin. Maybe you'll like it?

    As for the Game of Thrones boardgame, you better watch out!:

  6. Sadly I have done something similar. Bought one version of a game when I thought I was getting another. I feel your pain.

  7. haha yeah sucks when the game you buy is something else entirely, poor Ray was just trying to get a cat nap

  8. All I'm saying is Photoshop! And why the hell did we buy the bloody thing!

  9. I'll ask again, any spare jobs? I've done nights before and I'm sure I could manage to stay awake!!!

    1. We do need someone to change Ray's bib!

    2. Who's the one who does end up with paint all over his nice clean white shirt? Its not you oirish! You shitbag you!

    3. It's Irish with a capital I Ray. And have you put on weight recently?

    4. I'm afraid for Fran it begins with a giant O!

  10. The boardgame is a ton of fun. I think it's a much better representation of the material than the books in fact... With enough people (it's amazing at seven) the table talk and backstabbing is incredible. I have found that at three or four it's okay, I feel it gets better at more players, though it feels slow to some people.

    I also REALLY enjoy the cardgame as well. It deals more with a mechanical form of political intrigue (as you're playing for political power) through the cards.

    They scratch different itches, and truth be told I think the cardgame deals with the characters in a way that has more depth.

    I say enjoy them both!

  11. 4:45 Now so the worst of the night has passed and the dawn is only a few hours away.

    Any wargamer who has not bought something by mistake has never aken any chances. And there really is nothing wrong with a good card game.

    As for Ray sleeping, let's just say some people need more beauty sleep than others.

  12. It could have been worse, after all sleeping beauty picked up half the price after all.

  13. I'll echo the Ferret and suggest something in the Commands and Colours line. If you're going to play a lot then Memoir 44 has lots of expansions. Haven't played the Westeros version but I hear it's good.

  14. Fran that sucks mate. Ray wake up! Shifts nearly over then!

  15. There's a big difference in price between the 2. The card game is very well rated too, that's not a waste of time.

  16. Bad news there on both the "game" and the clocks, 13 hour day, geez.

  17. Fran, that is a tragic, but very funny, mistake. I don't mind the card games as much as all the extra cards you sometimes have to buy. What a pain. Stick to painting figures, mate!

  18. I wonder how such a thing can even happen. If Ray bought it himself then I blame him.

  19. Ray is just powering up his batteries!!!

    You should get a full size painter suit! That way you will not get paint on you anymore

  20. D'oh! The card game is a lot of fun, even if it wasn't what you originally wanted. The expansion packs are like crack though!

  21. The extra hour of work sucks. Ugh! That must have been why he was "resting". I love a surprise, myself.

  22. I don' t know why...but I HATE CARD GAMES!!!
    No miniatures and no miniatures and no miniatures...


  23. Does Ray eat in his sleep? Lol

  24. That made me laugh..I can almost picture the sinking feeling you must have got.....

  25. i rest my eyes all the time at work, too. :)

  26. I can finally see what a little troll Ray is in that picture Fran. And to find out he's afraid of the dark. Who ever heard of a sissy troll. He's an embarrassment to his species is what he is.

  27. Ah that sucks, once when I was a kid I bought a game and was excited only to learn it was the mac version.

  28. Ray is really a resting warrior...

  29. Hahah.. nice photo mate.. epic! Sorry to hear about the wrong purchase though.. though nice painting set up there guys.. envious of that, but not the 13 hr shift!

  30. Fear of the dark? I thought that was merely a song from Iron Maiden....did Ray like their music as a youngster?? Did he decide to prove the song's title? :-)

  31. Ray looks a bit pregnant on that pic, but don't tell him I said that :) Annzie will protect me, though :P

    There's GOT board game? How cool!

  32. I see Ray is working hard as normal LOL

  33. I think we have all done something similar; love the picture of Ray hard at work!

  34. I'm with you on the disinterest in card games.

  35. ahh game of thrones... were still on series 1, can't afford soho which is up to season 5 now so we would have more catching up to do than ray does on his work by the looks of things

  36. Ray's not sleeping, but rather meditating on his next project.;-)


  37. Eek that sucks. I'm.. actually pretty glad that's never happened to me :D

  38. I love Ray's blue gingham cravat. It's what all us artists will be wearing next summer!

  39. So that's an Oops then? ;-) Oh well, a card maybe easier on space if you are playing at work...?
    Great shot of Ray... classic pose ;-) I'd be tempted to do the ol' burst a paper bag or balloon by his lug hole ;-)

  40. Card game and not the board game? Oh bother! ~And Ray at his finest... now, where's 'the cowboy on the porch"? The cover photo... it was enticing... no really... I thought it was you, Mr. Angry Lurker. :))

  41. If you rub his belly does it bring good luck?

  42. Love this card game! I used to play this game with my cousins haha! I Bet Ray is good at this, want to play with you guys soon :) Might as well can check this site. size genetics
