
Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Battlefield in a Box Badlands Rocks or Alien Rocks?

Currently up to my crackers in Dettol (antiseptic solution) at work and the smell is bringing flashbacks of my childhood and grazed knee trauma.....

Ray: It stinks in here!
Lurker: Stop fecking whining....
Ray: It's on the kettle, the taps and the bleeding spoons you bollox...
Lurker: Shut up, it builds character.....
Ray: I'm going to the toilet...
Lurker: Make sure you wash your hands first, that stuff burns!

All will be explained in the next post if I can still see.....

Anyway I picked this box up for some sci-fi alien scenery rocks and took a scale picture with a 15mm GZG figure, nice stuff and already painted, there are other sets of larger rocks


  1. I vote for alien landscape.
    I'm sure that doesn't surprise you...

  2. Don't worry about Battlefields in a bloody box you git, there'll be a battlefield in here if you don't go and clean the sink, kettle and taps, it fecking covered in that gooey shit, and it stinks!

  3. I had to google Dettol!

    The rocks look cool but I want to know what you're doing with an antiseptic and why you've gotten it everywhere.

  4. Rocks rock, Generalissimo! Great looking scenery. Fun to hide behind, and blow-up!!

  5. haha going to the loo about Dettol I have no clue. Your rocks rock!

  6. Definitely work for alien landscapes Fran. Can you add paint to something pre-painted? Adding a bit of ghoul green or some purple to the rocks would be great for an alien terrain.

    Ray must have done something horrible to you for you to need that much antiseptic. Serves the little weasel right if it burns the hairs right off his nostrils!

  7. Those rocks look nice... But that Dettol-thing keeps my even more curious...


  8. Curious about the Dettol now. But will wait for an explanation.

  9. don't know what interests me more the Dettol or the rocks... the rocks look awsome but the dettol seems to have the power to kill real humans :-)

  10. Always liked this range. Looking forward to the next article!

  11. They certainly do the job for an Alien landscape; as for the dettol the mind boggles!

  12. I shall wait for the revelation about the Dettol.

    The rocks look great, but might need a bit of paint to tie them into your SF world. How much did they cost?

  13. Ah yes Dettol, what a memory spinner that is. A good swig of that in your coffee will see off most illnesses*..... I once found on old bottle (at least 15 year vintage) when I cleared out an old Lab for my company. It was brand new, unopened and potent...boy was it strong. Puts hairs on your chest...and your hands, face etc...

    (*Probably because you'll be dead, you idiot!)

  14. Spoiler alert. Dettol is the worlds best paint stripper. And it leaves yur figures smelling like a hospital.

  15. Look is it just me or does those rock piles look like the remains of 24 hour ration pack after they are finally released from the body after 72 hours...?????

  16. Certainly handy to pick up ready to go and use, but must admit this kind of terrain I prefer to make myself.
    It will certainly do for badlands and Alien worlds!

  17. Look like Mars rocks to me.

    As for Dettol, wasn't there a song called 'Wire Wool and Dettol' as the cure for everything STD related?

  18. Very cool looking terrain. It reminds me of something I'd see in the movie Armageddon.

  19. They look pretty cool, and being pre-painted has to be a plus. I really hope you can still see, that Dettol stuff really does burn.

  20. these remind me of that creature in Galaxy Quests. was it glornack or something.

  21. I think they look like great big piles of Alien poo. That dude had better watch out for whoever laid those things all over the place.

  22. I would never think about the terrain. Very nice...and to be a fly on the wall observing you and Ray work. That would be a good time.

  23. I'm hoping the Dettol was used for a certain figure prep technique and not for your previous too tight undercracker/nackers problem.

  24. At first I thought they kinda looked like turds (no offense!) and now I'm gonna think that people at canyons and heavy clayed areas are surrounded by poo. This is gonna be fun and very immature :D

  25. LOL at D4. They look great they do kinda look like turds a little bit

  26. Badland rocks...a double meaning? Bloody hell!!!!...whose re-decorated!!? Like the blue and the Bladerunner quote. Not been able to "get out" much..bloody management course at the moment..fecking boring :-D

  27. You paid for rock's, er not even real rocks?

    OK then, well I have this bridge see...

    Just let me know how much you will cough for the bridge and I will see if the owner is prepard to let it go for that much ;-)


  28. haha wow, these look like something that came out the oven! ha.

    also, I dig the new layout/Blade Runner quote in the header.

  29. Sorry mate but those rocks look like turds to me.

  30. Nice work Fran! But I make mine from styrofoam or wood.

