
Thursday, 15 November 2012

Things that may make a Wargamer despair part 6 or....

....make sure what it says on the spray can is what you wanted at 4.30 in the morning!

Been having trouble with this whole set of models due to a bad spray varnish reaction, repaint etc, some questionable building and alignment issues.......then I notice one models aerial has fallen over??? I glue it straight with a dab of Ray's borrowed super glue (5 bottles of mine had just hardened in their bottles when I went to get one!!!!) but it looked shiny so I went to the press (at work) and picked up the tin of spray varnish (or what I believed to be spray varnish) and behold..........

So don't spray tired (Ray laughed but then he is a shit!)

Pretty much the face I pulled and how I felt but think bigger!

Former 15mm goodness......

I'll sort them out when I'm feeling better about them......

Just three got it in the end, could have been worse, when life gives you lemons, every cloud h........kiss my fat hairy Irish ass LIFE!!!!!!!

So that I can help others in my time of despair and tired stupidity (and when you stop laughing) here's a guide to the strange creatures that are women...........

I haven't painted anything in a couple of days, maybe it's just the tiredness, or a painting funk or general arseache (which is quite genuine as I feel like John Hurt and the meal scene in Alien) but I got a wargame on Saturday with the Rejects and I'll see you all Sunday when I'm back at work, have a good weekend if you can (COD Black Ops 2 turned up today so I'll be playing that like I stole it tomorrow, technically this is true as it's an early Christmas present).


  1. Ow! I suppose the consolation is that it is only three. But ow...

  2. That's not quite the face you were pulling when you did that! But its a damned good impression! You were very lucky you only hit three of them, or I'd have been picking them out of the bin for sure!

  3. I feel you have been sabotaged by a spy from Rayonia, My General.

    1. I like your thinking Field Marshall!

    2. I like how in these three comments I can see yours and Rays avatar pics together - you look like the evil twin (it's the goatee dead giveaway)

  4. Oh crap!!! You can repaint them. Better, faster, stronger...

  5. Ouch! No make that OUCH!! I feel your pain as I've done the same before and I refused to paint for a few days.


  6. Shite man thats some crappy luck there and I guess the last thing you need is a gobshite saying that (I mean me offering help and suggestions not anyone else). But with all this there can be fixed.

  7. Oh man that sucks! Well, it's like, uh, having new models to paint! Kinda...

  8. I think this happens to everyone once. It's if you keep doing it that you have to worry ;)

    What a bummer, at least it didn't effect too many of them- I really like the colors you used for these- I have a lot of GZG vehicles (love them)- someday I'll figure out something to do with them- wish people around here were up for playing some 15mm scifi!

    1. actually, for the tank that got it in the back, you could turn that into blast damage ;)

    2. Was going to say the same thing here. Looks like it has taken a hit, and is still going! Could just keep it as is.. though then it will be a constant reminder, and something for Ray to point and laugh at you for.. so.. good luck!

  9. Well that really sucks! That's why when I paint it is in MSPaint. If I mess up I can just click the undo button!

  10. Have fun on Saturday. I'm sure Postie, Ray and the others will cheer you up!

  11. I've only ever painted once at 0430, it ended...badly.

  12. Bummer - looks like the majority were unscathed. Some kind of crackling occured I see. Best wishes on the refinishing. Dean

  13. LMAO at the face, sure it isn't much bigger haha

  14. Ouch. I feel for ya. Did it once myself. I still spray a box once or twice just to make sure I have the right can before spraying my mini's now. I was that devastated by the ruined paint job! Hope you get out of your funk man.

  15. It's the thought of doing something like this myself that keeps me awake at night. You have my sympathies!

  16. Pretty good early Christmas gift. Now only if you had a 360.

  17. Fran,Fran,Fran! That's tough mate. Feel for you.

  18. crap that is some bad luck. the only consolation i can think of is that they look like they have suffered battle damage, what a strange reaction with the paint. I have seen something like it before with my models but that was one type of paint reacting to a watered down version of another type.

  19. Sorry to hear and see your whoopsie! Must admit I switched from using spray varnishes due to mixed results... I use a brush on DIY polyurethane gloss, followed by Vallejo Matt Acrylic. Take a little while to apply but works a treat.

    Loved the female translation!

  20. Keep your super glue in the fridge Fran, stops it harderning.

    Bad luck on the mishap.

    1. Yep I am full of seemly useless information for the masses.

  21. I really do feel sorry for you, I'd be crying and throwing things if it were me.

    As for the secret language of women, I don't speak it. Subtlety isn't my strong suit so when a man acts like an arse, I let him know it. Reading my bitch-o-meter is fairly easy!!

    1. Fran: If you were any more direct woman, you'd be a cruise missile.
      Anne: Are you saying I'm pushy?
      Fran: I'm saying your a pain in the arse.
      Anne: Well you're a stubborn pig headed idiot of a man.

      I feel sorry for non-Irish people don't you Fran. All that beating around the bush shite.

  22. Don't worry there Fran, you'll sort it in no time.
    Have fun with your early Christmas present. :)

  23. Gutted for you. Can't say I've had it that bad but I've had spray varnish wreck models before. You could always repaint the spray as battle damage?

  24. Ouch...i feel your pain. Only done it once but had plenty of close calls.

  25. I feel for you mate. Nice lot of vehicles as well. I echo all those comments about women, they have all been said to me with exactly the intention listed. Cheer yourself up by offering to spray Rays figures next time.

  26. I can relate to that!
    Late the other night I decided to apply shade before going to bed so I could use the figures the next day. I used the black paint pot instead. Quick washing left the figure with a prominate hair part!

  27. Ouch, that sucks. But I'm sure you'll be able to fix hem up in no time.

  28. Hey Fran,

    I'm feeling with you since this remembers me of my adversity with my horses:

    Ethyl alcohol and a toothbrush could solve your problem as good as mine.

    Keep going and make the best of it!


  29. Oh noes! That sucks. Hard.

    You know, you can always come back over to my place and complain about it...I promise you will feel better!

  30. I guess you really shouldn't paint tired. Ouch. Well enjoy your CoD and the game this weekend. You should get back in to painting to help avoid mistakes, unless it was just that you were tired.

  31. Why are you doing things at 4:30 in the morning? o.O

  32. Ouch, could you salvage the tank where the black is on the back? couple of drybrushes with a mix of browns could look like dried mud

  33. Bummer! I feel your pain, Fran.

  34. Damn! That sucks! I would understand if you were Angry... ; )

  35. Go to bed at 4 in the morning...dreams are better...often...

  36. The perils of 4am painting. Sorry to hear that.

  37. Been there and done that this year Fran. Feel your pain i did this with EotD Gentlemen Club trying to pry the top off my white paint it spurted as I opened over some the rest of the group i'd finished and was about to varnish. Had to repaint two and managed to save the others.

  38. This is a harsh lesson I myself had to learn the hard way a few years back. Sorry, man.

  39. that woman language dictionary is so very true, Lurk!

  40. Did the same thing myself once. The good news is, you tend to do it just that - once. Lesson learned! In my case I had a whole stick full of WWI 15mm troops, ready for clear coat and grabbed the can of flat black. Language not fit for a family show followed! Back to the painting table they went, and all turned out fine in the end.

  41. Luckily I haven't done that with a spray (yet) but thanks for posting the reaction shot, made me chuckle.

  42. For this kind of reasons my white primer has a white cap, my black primer has a black cap, my gloss final varnish has a transparent cap...and my matt final varnish, with a white cap, is not in the same place of the other sprays... ;-)


  43. Nooooooo! Oh Fran, that is awful, you poor man.

  44. When life gives you lemons, burn life's house down. Who does it think it is giving you lemons?

    Also, in women speak, no also means no.

  45. Oh no!! That sucks!! Well, at least you can drown your sorrows in some CoD. Enjoy!

  46. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Well, maybe a beer or 3 will make it all better?

  47. You're onto something with the 'Women's Language' chart. As a male that's been married for over two decades, I can verify that some of that (or a lot of that) might be true. LOL.

    Seriously, though. Love the amazing work you've done with the models, here. The baby's expression at the top is the same one I make when I fart.

  48. OUch!! Same thing happened to me a long time ago.... bad memories......

  49. Whoah, that burns. I feel for ya mate. Take a break, rally and then take another run at them. I have to admit the current rendition of CoD is really taking me for a rough ride but its still a hoot.

  50. I think scotty's got an interesting idea there about making it look like mud, but my first thought was scorch marks - they look like they've been hit by some kind of advanced flamethrower or laser weapon. You could maybe drybush on some garish oxidation colours or paint the windscreen colour back on in streaks as if the burnt residue has been scraped off by the crew in a hurry to get a view out again, but as is they look pretty good.

  51. I can only imagine how painful...

  52. I wish them a good recovery! And you to Fran!


  53. Never sprayed the wrong color but I did have a pipe burst and destroy the better part of a Soviet FoW army. The ones that I dipped were in perfect condition while the others, well, their paint ran and the bases crumbled thanks to the water.
