
Thursday, 23 May 2013

15mm Painted Eureka Minis Chechens, Redundancy and........

........... yet more Boobs!

15mm modern Chechen fighter figures from Eureka Minis, I also have painted their modern Russian figures but the Chechen figures gave the most trouble as I had to rely more on images than a painting guide, I used the Russian flora camo as the main uniform colour but with a lot of other camos, jeans, tracksuit bottoms etc......

Apologies for the quality of the picutres, poses, my interpretation of camos but I have to thank Barks for the guide to Russian flora camo though......

Tonight is my last shift here at GSK Dartford with Ray, just gathering up my gear, have had a takeaway (feel a little bloated) and that's that, no job yet as theirs not much out there but we'll keep plugging away, my blogging may suffer a little in the coming weeks or months but I hope to post as much as I can but maybe not as much as normal and visit other blogs to see what's going on.......

If you're looking for a quality security officer/supervisor near or around Gravesend please call......

Anyway to help stem the tide of depression on this post I've included some cleavage and as Bryan always asks........her name is Bianca Beauchamp!

I just may post boobs for a living?


  1. Great and tough looking crew Fran. The burnt out building suits them. Bianca has the best hair, doesn't she?

    And most importantly, I hope something comes up for you workwise in short order. If the economy would ever pick up again, it'd make life much better for many of us.

  2. Posting boobs for a living. You crack me up.

    So sorry it's your last day and Rayola's too. Like I told him, the Internet will NOT be the same without you two Goobers.


    PS: Thanks for the laugh on my page.

  3. Great pics, nice work on the Chechens too!

    I'm sure something will cross your path soon enough. It can be tough, but the best of luck with it!

  4. As I told Ray, good luck searching a new job! I hope that doesn't take long. (I thought you guys were already safe from this.)

    You can try living from painting...

  5. I never knew terrorists came in so small a size. Sorry about your news. I'm sure something will turn up soon. Thanks for the enlightenment into a ladies finishing school. Good luck.

  6. Hope things work out for you too.

    You could try Chatam Outlet. It often needs new guys because the management are/were tossers, not ideal but it's a job. Just don't say I sent you ;-0


  7. Feel like shit! Need a new job quick and I ate far too much Kebab!

    1. Do you want to barrow my fat girl pants?

    2. LOLOLOLOLOLOL - teleporting them over. I want to see pictures.

      Man, I am going to miss you two goobers, BIG TIME.

  8. Great work on the 15mm mate.

    Sorry to hear about the Job, I was made redundant in 2011 and it was a pain in the arse. I'm sure something will turn up for you mate.

  9. hope does not take to long guys to find a new job

  10. sorry to hear about the job, Fran :( It's such a horrid crises around the world for years now ... jobs nowhere.... I really hope this period will end soon.

  11. Good luck with the job hunt to you both. Surely you can be split apart?

  12. Awesome job, as always. Hopefully work sprouts up sooner rather than later

  13. Bugger. Really hope you'll find a new job.

  14. Good luck with the job front. I reckon you could tick over by selling painted minis on ebay, just remember when you paint stuff up- one for you, one for the bank.

    Try putting a donate button on your blog and renaming it 'Angry Knockers' by all means though. ;)

  15. Best of luck with the job hunting mate. I'm sure you'll find something suitable in double quick time.

  16. Sincerely wish you good luck with the job hunting mate.

  17. Firstly Great job on the Chechens they look marvellous. Bad luck on the job front i'm preparing to be shafted by work myself at the moment with changes to T&C's or Resign type ultimatum. Good Luck with the job hunt.

    Lovely Lovely Boobies

  18. If you find a way to get paid for posting other people boobs, I say go for it!

  19. Best wishes my friend. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you.

  20. Best wishes to both you and Ray in finding jobs Fran.


  21. Unfortunately I couldn't offer you another job, but I can recommend you go out in style. If you're the security guy you must know how to sneak a few important pieces of office equipment past the cameras. Or just turn them off for a minute and say there was a malfunction.

  22. Good luck with the job hunt mate, hope the pair of you get up and running again soon

  23. Bloody hell, I just read Ray's post and I'm crying. The boobs aren't doing squat for me as I hate the whole idea of you two not goofing together. Blogging will be a hollow thing without you guys.

    Try not to let the depression take you Francis as I know it will be hard. I will pray that you find work soon and that you do not suffer much through this time.

    Forever your cailin,

    1. I'll give it a good go Anne and then I just won't but I'll give it a go first......cailin and Erin go bragh!

  24. I hope you both land on yer feet sooner than later!
    Fantastic Chechen milita they look suitably Riffraffish! Fierce fighters too.

  25. Best wishes to you both on finding new jobs as quickly as possible.

    Nice boobs!

  26. Yep, best wishes to you both... and hoping you'll still check in!

  27. I like these soldiers, General. Nice job. Hope your turn-around time for employment is quick. Get some rest and relax.

  28. Fran, really sorry about the job. Do not lose hope! You and Ray will both find something.
    And I'll take the girl in the Trek uniform, thanks.

  29. I've had accounts do that to me and within 2 weeks to six months at most even the management that decided it admitted they wanted us back, long long after the rest of the people there did, but too late and screw them, they can take what they get by then the jobs sucked anyway really, actually the situations more so than the jobs per se, but they can't have me. Too late. They think hiring back the company will bring back the old guys but they will have moved on.They like to bring in cops right after you make the felony bust for instance, thinking oh now it's dangerous here, we should get cops. Thanks arsewipe, I do this and I'm on the street? I caught the fucking bad guy!! Duh, but, oh, you'll get something else, uh I hadn't thought of it that way...or even lamer explanations. Then they find out the hard way, cops eat a pizza and go to sleep on the site for that kind of money, after all they already worked their real shift for the PD right? They're tires after work, where's your security to wake them up when something happens? Cops won't do the kind of stuff that you guys used to do to be useful, and won't do it the same way either. But luckily every time so far something else did pop up for me, which makes it easier to forget the old place. Keep in mind that there are a bunch of dummies already at every site in the county that somebody would be happy to replace them with the quality squad of eight now available. Starting with you. Then see about hooking up the others as its practicable. I was just with a bunch of serious business people earlier today, and you can make things happen in one conversation if its the right one be there aloha. Nobody told you to stop working.

  30. Take Care Of It My Brother!

  31. All the best with the job hunting Fran! Hope something great comes along soon for you and Ray!

  32. Best of luck with the search. As for the posting of mammary glands - that activity pretty much built the internet!

  33. Nice troops Fran.
    Hope something crops up on the job scene soon for you!
    And as always, thanks for the boobs, always brings warm glow you to your day...

  34. The minis look grand Fran. Bit of a shitter about the job front however and of course the Fran/Ray partners in crime will be missed.

    I am sure you will pick something up soon.With the way things are over there just at the moment it might be sooner than you think.

    Model on!

  35. sorry to hear about that Fran. hope you find work soon. perhaps that young madam there needs a bodyguard?

    your a great guy mate. perhaps some one here can help ya. though I am not sure how many people who have the wealth to own a business also partake in this the blogging world for us mere morals.

    hope you get a job soon. Nice Chechens as well! good work there. I am sure there is plenty of people there looking for a guard but perhaps that is a little to extreme for you. anyway best of luck and I hope that the boobs provide for you.

  36. Hi Fran,

    The whole job thing is a royal pain in the nether regions - mainly due to the peaks and troughs you go through trying to get a new one. I will say the same to you as I did to El Raymondo - keep a little time back for you to keep a sense of balance about the whole situation and remember you both have a lot of buddies in blogdom that will help you over the rough spots.

    All best old chap,


  37. Nice work on the Russians, but where's the vodka?

    Sad to hear about the employment side of things as is everyone else. Hope things turn around quickly for you though, and you land on your feet well enough!

  38. AS I have already said on Ray's blog. Maybe now is the time to chase your dreams. When you were at school I bet you did not tell the careers adviser that your dream job was security, working long low paid night shifts with another big bloke. You made the best of that! You and Ray are both survivors If I am any judge of character. Change can be a good thing and a strong motivator. It may be too late for Ray to become an Olympic Gymnast (he'd have to give up Kebabs) but other than that you could do what you want.

    Post script: No pics of Moobs please!

  39. I heard the sad news from Rays blog. All the best and all the best that you find something new soon.
    Nice jobs on the figures. excellent shading, ohhh and also on the 15mms

  40. Great painting on the Chechens and good luck with the job hunt!

  41. Good luck with the job hunt. You and Ray should start a podcast or YouTube channel, giving reviews, battle reports etc. If you don't mind accepting advertising then you could easily make some beer/pocket money from it. Thanks the images of Bianca Beauchamp, she's boobtastic!



  42. Matt´s idea is a good un. Imagine..the Fran and Ray Show (you pair will have to argue who gets top billing) The Blogs were a success so with a bit of time, a YouTube thingy could work. I mean, if someone shouting at a dog gets millions of hits..why not?

  43. End of an era mate. I bet you and Ray miss each other! LoL.

    Seriously though, sorry to hear the job has finally ended. You knew it was coming but that doesn't help when its all over. I've no doubt that you two talented chappies will have no problem finding alternative employment. One look at your happy beaming face and a prospective employer won't be able to say no.... ;)

    Good luck and best wishes mate. (On the plus side, I guess this means your free for Broadside now?)

  44. Best of luck with the job hunting. I feel your pain, the competition for jobs is astounding. However, my wife works for G4S and says there's a steady stream of security stuff on their website or via the job centre. Seems security roles are on the up in these times of knife wielding nutters in the high street.

  45. The Minis are awesome mate, but the bad news sux big time, heres hoping you find a job quick smart.

  46. Bianca... drool!

    Fran, I feel gutted for you and Ray. I can only wish you the very best for the future.

  47. Fran, very best luck to you (and Ray) in finding something. You're one of the very best mate, a true Gentleman, and I'm sure something will turn up soon. Very much fingers crossed for you, mate!!

    1. Thanks for that mate but surely you didn't mean Ray?

  48. All good photos Fran! Good luck to you and Ray on the job front!

  49. Great looking pictures, with lovely figures and so lovely Bianca! Good luck to you, and Ray!

  50. Best of luck with the job search....

  51. Great work there, Fran- and thanks for the link! Now I'll have to pull my finger out.

    All the best on the work front!

  52. Best of luck on the work front to you both.


  53. Good luck searching for a job!

  54. Best of luck on the job search, Fran. I'll miss you out here!!

  55. Nice looking figures. Good luck with the job search. As to the third boob picture all I have to say is, make it so.

  56. Ah Fran - that is some shit man. Sorry to hear it, but good luck finding something else.

    Cool Chechens btw.

  57. Move to Australia, more sun, more heat, more money, lower cost of living!

    1. Sounds epic, do I have to bring Ray!

    2. move to New Zealand. more sun, more heat, no snakes, less people.

      giving you a choice now... but whichever you chose take Ray. both countries have plenty of places to abandon him if he gets out of line.

    3. Seriously mate, look into it! Oh, okay, bring Ray too :)

  58. Very nice, Fran. I think it is very difficult to paint those irregulars. And good luck looking for a new job; I wish you the best.

  59. Good luck on the job hunt Fran

  60. Hope you get something worth having soon!

  61. I know it's supposed to be army uniforms with camo but to me it looks more like a ragtag group trying to defend an abandoned building from an oncoming zombie hoard.

    It could be just me.

  62. Late again - sorry! Lovely miniatures Francis, particularly the chap in his track suit bottoms - very 'behind enemy lines'!

    As for the job, here's to a speedy intervention of good luck and fate, because I'm not sure our cosy corner of the blogosphere can stand the loss of you and Ray.

  63. They are great looking painted figures there Fran and I hope you find a great job soon

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Great work as ever, Fran. Sorry about the job front, I know how you feel; I've just been made redundant myself after 29 years, but managed to bounce back - you may be pleasantly surprised - keep the old pecker up in the meantime, best wishes.

  66. The end of an era and I know exactly how you feel as I've been through it once and am currently also in the same state (1 week to go). Life goes on as they say (but wtf do "they" know ?) so like me try not to let your depression get you down and don't lie awake worrying about you insomnia.

    Your figures btw look great and I'm always amused by people in camo who put garish colours on too - qv American hunters in head-to-toe camo wearing Hi-Vis vests cracks me up.

  67. Truly sorry to hear this Fran. I hope you are able to find a job soon and that it's something you like. Best of luck to you man.

  68. I'm pretty sure I'm not the prospective audience for this post. But I love the minis, and I wish you all the luck in the world in finding a job.

    Just an fyi: I don't think posts about cleavage will make you much. Not unless all the porn sites in the world go down at the same time...

  69. Best of luck finding a new job Fran! Really keeping my fingers crossed for you and Ray. I have been there for most of last year and I know how this feels!

  70. Does the quality of the pictures has something to do with the boobs? I love them! The figures I mean! :-)


  71. Berets and modern weaponry. hmmm... Are you sure they aren't French Resistance reinforcements showing up late to the battle? Maybe they had to enter a quiz to get on the board, and the confused umpire kept asking them the questions in Chechan.

    Sorry about your being laid off, and good luck on your job search. Working in construction, it sort of comes with territory for me.
