
Sunday, 5 May 2013

Miniature Paints size testing, finally played the Star Wars X-Wing game, 2 other blogs are giving away stuff and it's fecking hot!

I use Miniature Paints for my Tanned Flesh and Earth Brown mostly with a few others along the way and recently they've started releasing some paints with newer smaller looking plastic bottles instead of their glass bottles and for the same I did an experiment.

I cleaned out an old bottle, put the new container beside the old one and emptied the new bottle into one of the old bottles.......and as you can see there is little difference well not enough to make me stop buying them.......I feel good but not?

Also today before I went into work my mate Vinnie brought over his brand new issue of Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game and between the two of us we played the basic rules game (in the garden) and I know we're late to the band wagon but we really enjoyed it, we took turns with two TIE fighters (the good guys) versus the Luke (the git) Skywalker X-Wing, Skywalker won both!! We only managed two games because the sun was trying to fry my brains ( fecking hot today and still is) but good game and easy to far!

Not great pictures but hopefully you get the idea......

I really hoped for breaking news............

I know one of the TIE fighters is back to front.......

Beautiful miniatures.......

Two good bloggers are giving away stuff and have asked other bloggers to pimp them out like Pamela Anderson.........

We have Seb over at Back to the Minis and

Burkhard over at dhcwargamesblog

Ray and myself won some figures to be painted by the very talented Andrew Saunders over at his blog but he uses the term historical miniatures, I'm hoping for some leeway:D

Sorry if it's all too's a group of Princess Leia re-enactors, cosplayers........ what do call a group of Princess Leia's..........a Fisher of Leia's?


  1. That group of Leias shot is just awesome! Something for everyone in there somewhere! An organa of Leias?

  2. hmmm I have tried a couple of MP paints. I find they tend to dry out quite quick and I'm not to keen on the lids. I use the matt varnish all the while though.

    mmmmmmm Leias!

  3. Never heard of Miniature Paints, are they any good? About time you played X-Wing, it's immense.

    Oh, and weren't you moaning about the cold not that long ago?

    And I believe it's an "inadequacy" of Leias. Sadly, nothing to do with the ladies themselves...

    1. Oh, and was I the only one ranking the Leias in order? Chick on the far right first, then the blonde second from the left, second row...

    2. Nope. You're not alone. Yummy.

    3. I thought so until Seb piped in!

    4. Some are better than others but in general they're good!

  4. The X Wing game is cracking. Have look at this post as they have just announced the new Wave 3 ships

  5. I love the Star Wars miniatures and you're right about Skywalker, he's a massive git. It's no wonder his dad cut his hand off really.

  6. Some of those Leias are looking a bit...erm...Jabba in places ;)

  7. Glad you like x-wing. It has a very good mechanic in my view (and I don't mean R2D2). Perhaps a harem of Leias would sum up what's going on there.

  8. An orgy of Liea's....nice! I'm pleased that the paints are the same size. I was a little angry to say the least when I saw the size of the new bottles!! But it would help if the actually put how much paint was in the bottle on them!!!!!

  9. You're not late to the game - I've never played it either.
    Congratulations on winning the figures.
    And thank you for the orgy of Leias!!

  10. All should sure be able to get their Leia on

  11. Pleased the paints are the same as ready for a few new ones. XWING is an awesome game, before you know it you'll have your own squadrons

  12. You're playing X-WIng – excellent!!

    I've found that keeping the TIE's together is better than splitting them, and if Luke takes R2 he's a complete git to take down (shields indeed!)

  13. that's a lot of princess Leias! :)

  14. I've heard great things about X Wing. So many good systems, so little time.

    The group shot makes me think there might be some benefit to cosplay. ;-)

  15. Glad to hear you got to play X-Wing. It's all the rage right now. It's hot there? A bit chilly here at the moment. Have a good night Francis!

  16. A Fisher of Leia's lol, classic!

  17. Seeing those mini's makes the X-Wing game more appealing. They look pretty cool. I haven't gotten to see anyone play a game yet around here.

    Thanks for the Leia pics. I just added a couple of items to my Christmas list.


  18. I did the same thing with my GW paints when they switched to the cheap plastic screw top pots! I still have some of the 1st issue paints in perfect shape!
    Suprisingly, I have yet to buy the X-wing game...My wife knows I'm a HUGE starwars fan, so I figure it's only a matter of time till I get my own!

  19. Welcome to the dark side of X-Wing addiction Fran. I've only played the base game thus far but it is really fun. And those figures, you can't have just one. I also think I had a Nerdgasm when I saw the Princess Leia beauty pageant.

  20. I would have done that experiment with the paint as well. Glad you liked the Star Wars game. I never played it, so I'd even be later to the game than you guys.

  21. The correct plural term for Leias a "Hanful" isn't it?

  22. I feel a bit overwhelmed with info here, but it's interesting to know how you go about your details.. even if I've nothing to compare that to

  23. I wonder how long before all those princess sync that time of the month?

  24. Glad you likes X wing. You just have to get postie involved then the rest of the rejects will fall into line.

  25. Glad you hear you've taken to X Wing. It's a great wee game...if a bit of a money sink! Just got me an A Wing, I'd love me an TIE Interceptor!

  26. I've used MP in the past, though I've never been too impressed if I'm honest. Still good to hear they haven't done the usual, new bottle, less paint.

    And you're okay, I haven't played it either. Though there are a few players up here.

  27. Now there is a room I wouldn't mind being in

  28. Star Wars game is enticing........

    Come back to the Emerald Isle it is lovely and cool/dull/overcast here :-)

  29. The Xwing game looks real good Angry.

  30. Not to jump on the bandwagon, but I'm giving away about 250 Epic Scale marines along with a bunch of Epic Land Raiders. Just FYI:

  31. Ironically the movie Princess Leia was a Fisher by birth! Geez Fran - bottle it babe!

  32. Thanks for the mention Fran!

    Hope to finally get a game of X-Wing under my belt... Only had the game since my birthday in November!

  33. X-Wing is a very interesting game, but not cheap!

  34. don't blame you for being suspicious of the bottle size. Every container on the planet should list it's size.
    Laughed at the Leias, good fun.

  35. I use quite a few MP paints regularly. The various blues, Umber, Chocolate Brown, Leather Brown, the black and the chainmail especially. I use them mostly for basing purposes, or for painting timber...

    Except for the chainmail. Obviously.
