
Saturday, 13 July 2013

BLOG-CON at Foundry Miniatures 9th/10th November 2013.........

......I came, I saw, I wrote about it.

A few of the Rejects want and hope to attend this in November and hopefully attend both days, a few games, good friends, maybe a few beers and a few curries but this is also for non bloggers to attend, it's about community!

"A Convention run by and for Wargames Bloggers"

James Brewerton or G.I James has written this on his blog to launch Blog-Con........

I am very happy to be able to announce that Wargames Foundry have agreed to host Blog-Con 2013 at their Foundry in Nottingham over the weekend of November 9th/10th.
What I want is for all you bloggers to have a great time be able to catch up face to face and also try out some different games. I would like anyone who would like to bring a game along to contact me with what game it is how much space they will need and how long a game will last. When I have a list of what games are going to be put on I will produce a list, while I do not want to get all formal and do sign up lists I think we will need to give the people putting on some idea of how many gamers want to try their game. My hope is that with a good bit of publicity we may get a few non-bloggers showing up and trying out a few games. If we can encourage some new wargamers then all the better also it would be nice if we can encourage along any youngsters. I have set up a new blog that I want to run as a community blog, anyone who wants to post on it just needs to let me know their email address so I can set them up as authors, on this blog you can tell all about the game you are putting on or maybe the painting/terrain demo you want to put on or simply can offer a lift to the venue. I will be giving the blog address to Marcus and it will be linked to the Foundry Website.
Foundry Miniatures Ltd
24-34 St marks Street
Nottingham NG3 1DE
United Kingdom

View Larger Map

The image below can be used on any of your blogs to promote the event. Lets show the hobby world that Bloggers can be the heart and sole of our hobby, I would love it if we can use are enthusiasm and passion to encourage a new generation of wargamers.

So what are waiting for, head on over to the blog.......

.........and the event is also free of charge to attend!


  1. Nice one Francois!!!! It's pencilled in on the calendar!!!!

  2. Nottingham? Damn that's not too far from me actually.

  3. great pimpin Fran looking forward to seeing you guys there

  4. What the bruiser boys are coming? Is it to late to opt out? ;-)


  5. No idea if I can make it..... but would like to.

  6. Sounds great may have to see if the SWMBO will persuaded to let me go :D

    1. Do you need me to write you a note mate...but only if it's going to help?

  7. I think that is an awesome idea and you guys will have a great time!

  8. I'm sadly not able to attend due to work commitments that weekend - something I am not happy about! The idea of fiends, curries and beers scores a perfect 10 for me so here's to a great weekend chaps.

    1. That should of course read friends not fiends! Mind you then again...

    2. You were right about fiends because there is Ray!

  9. fingers crossed you guys make it there!

    1. Damn right Dezmond, crossing some other things too!

  10. I'm afraid Nottingham is a bit of a jaunt for moi but I hope everyone who goes has a blast :)

  11. Awesome time it will be, hope all make it with glee

  12. Book me in for 2015-ish!

  13. Sounds like fun to get together

  14. Great idea for an event, one which I'm already considering making the effort to attend.

  15. November 9th is my birthday, and while it sounds like it'd be a hell of a birthday, you bastards just live too far away. When's the American tour?

    1. We'll see about this one first before the world tour!

  16. Can you imagine the horror of me showing up at this? First off you'd have to deal with me hugging you and crying because I finally get to meet you. Then you'd have to deal with me tagging along after you like a little puppy dog. And then the most horrible of all thing would occur-I would talk and even worse than that, I'd expect you to talk back.

    Now that's a thought that would make a man wake up screaming in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.

    1. What you fail to realise is that I live with a lunatic already, I'm well prepared.

  17. Great to have a convention.wowowow Now I must find a few to attend without beimg killed by my wife for travelling around europe for two weekends in a row...

  18. This sounds fantastic. Hope like hell I get the chance to go. Need to start being nicerer to the missus.

  19. Good luck with this! I think the heart of such things SHOULD lie with those who've the most passion for it!

  20. Seems like there are cons for everything these days. I haven't had time to go to one for ages though...

  21. To much water between here and there! :-D

    But I wish you all a very nice day!


  22. Posted on here as well as a start to help get thiongs moving.
