
Friday 13 June 2014

15mm Russo-Japanese demo game at Broadside 2014, The Rejects sweating their crackers off or.... BigLee is crap with the dice even when it's a demo game!

We have been going to Broadside for it's last 3 years now and while I thought we would go again but not put on a game! Little did I know that Postie would rustle something up quickly and that it would be impressive enough and beautiful enough to win a prize!

It was hot that day...........

We arrived about 0800hrs for an opening at 1000hrs, took about 50 minutes for it to be put together.....

Little help from the smiling one........

Just more useless advise but every group has one........

The showstopper.........

Russian balloon for spotting and telephoning in Japanese movements........

Sculpted metal base to balance the monster, beautiful work from the little megalomaniac......

Finally set up........

Apart from the Peter Pig building this is all hand crafted too..........

Japanese start their advance....

Russians hide behind their hills, me and Lee started to get suspicious about the Russians intentions in this demo game..........

Very suspicious.........

Siberians in their lovely whites...........

We even have telegraph poles with telegraph lines, sewing thread lines, first one to knock a pole over had to buy the teas, poor old Lee.........

On another note I have been put in charge of advertising, where it says "Posties Rejects" we can add your name or business for a nice little, very cheap, negotiable little fee, I'm hoping for Coca Cola and Burger King to come in first but no offer openly laughed at at this stage.......

How do we win this game now, we had been advancing our figures forward for the effect and as eye candy for the visitors to the show........

All of a sudden the Russians are up and prone and firing at the poor strung out demo advancing Japanese.....

We were more engaged with talking with visitors and trying to keep cool in the fecking heat, we had little time to play a demo game (I hope I'm not saying demo too much Ray!)......

Ray about to release a serious wedge in to the Foundry coffers......

The Milton boys had found a cool spot and were making the most of it.........

I did mention it was hot?..............

Tamsin (fellow Reject) taking a picture of Rays devious and conniving I'm playing a real game face for evidence)......

The Japanese taking a little bit of a hammering in this demo and not a real game......

That observer was a bit of an eagle eyed git..........

International observers too frowned upon the playing style of the Russian side........

A melee for which I cannot find a result as it was not recorded I believe......

We soon wiped the smug faces of these two Russkies when me and Lee went shopping and called a tactical demo draw and headed off....... 

Winner, winner chicken dinner, all down to the little megalomaniac, well deserved too............ 

Next time:    The treatment of metal miniatures, bullying from scary little gits and my Analogue Hobbies Challenge 600 point bet figures start to come home to roost!


  1. Great pictures mate. Your right, it was b***dy hot in that hall. And as for our opponents in the demo game.... fancy playing 'to win' during a DEMO game. Most unsporting!

    1. Listen here sh!tbag, it wasn't a demo game, just because you both sucked ass both tactically and in the dice throwing department!!! ask his nibs, he'll tell the truth!

    2. Postie has read the post, he said "You where in it to win it, you suck!"
      His most holiness has spoken the truth.

    3. Not when I spoke to him last night and he also mentioned your cheating in the demo game.

  2. Maybe Red Bull will want to advertise instead?
    Still think the balloon is awesome.
    And like the new header!

  3. Seems to be a great and funny the ballon and the observers!

  4. "taking a picture of Rays devious and conniving I'm playing a real game face"

    Nope - didn't want to risk cracking my camera lens ;)

    Nice write-up Francis

  5. Good looking game, Francis and entertaining BatRep!

  6. I'd advertise myself, for a good cold pint o' Guinness, but then again, I'm accustomed to heat. Wonderful work fellas! Well done!

  7. love the hot air balloon, awesome.

  8. Hot as hell as never fun, but looks like a great run. And love the balloon too.

  9. Great looking game it sounded like it was fun and you all had a laugh. No Loot though for Fran?

  10. Very nice looking demo game!

  11. What an amazing board! Great work guys!

  12. Was it entirely appropriate to show Rays legs? You might set some ladies pulses racing!

    Nice report mate. And you should treat your metal miniatures mean. It gives them fighting spirit. None of this mollycoddling nonesense!

  13. Cracking post Francis, great to see more photographs of that superb DEMO game!

  14. Love the new banner. And the balloon is amazing. The wedge was funny. My only question is, where did you stop to eat that day? And was it good or crap?

    1. I had a handful of warm chocolate covered cornflakes from Ray!

    2. Warm? Wait? Why were they warm? Did he keep them in his warm area? Because you shouldn't eat those, if he did.

  15. Sounds like a fun day out, great pics too dude.
    Well done the Rejects on the win.

  16. Great looking game and great write up as well Fran! Thanks!

    Creepy new header too!

  17. Great photos Fran! Congrat's to you guys!

  18. Every time I see that balloon, I want to move to England.


  19. Thanks for the event-docudrama, General. + nice new banner!

  20. Good on you buggers for putting the game on.

    Heat in the UK? What a bunch of jesters!

    Well done.

  21. Great new banner image!

    I like the international observers frowning upon the playing style of the Russian side.

    Oh, and nothing is worse than soggy crackers.

  22. I take it the demo game was another good-natured epsidoe of camaradery then.

    Good winning the best of Show all the same, will Postie nowl be even more unbearable and mega-manical ?

  23. You boys really seemed to have a grand time of it this year Fran, even with the sweltering heat. That balloon is sweet and the whole board looks nice.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Fine, rarely see in battle this theme.
    Is it one the grim reaper your special favorite,
    has been since received a cup of coffee to waiting...

  25. Very entertaining commentary Fran and super looking game!


  26. Quite impressed with the balloon and throwing such a splendid demo game together on short notice. Just a note Redbull and megalomaniacs don't mix.

  27. What's with the missus Death and her sisters in your headbanner, Fran?

  28. Great AAR. Another interesting game!!!

  29. Looks like a lot of fun....I love the ballon.
    And hey just a coke?? You damned chep to bribe...

  30. I have to say, Postie is quite amazing. Throwing something together and taking first? Brilliant! Great work all around, and up in the air too.

  31. The photo of the eagle-eye view is a cracker! Very impressive set p and game. Is it still hot? :-)

  32. Great looking game and lovely terrain (might just nick the telegraph pole and line idea for myself).

  33. So I take it it was snowing?

  34. Hearty congrats to you and the rest of the Rejects on a well-deserved recognition. That balloon is indeed a show-winner. Nice to see you all having a great gathering - and the Foundry wares are always tempting! Best, Dean
