
Thursday 18 February 2016

28mm Painted AVP Predators, Colonial Marines and Aliens........

......from Prodos Games.

Received the AVP (Aliens vs Predator) boxset from a friend, he had received 3 from the kickstarter but while talking to him over the proceeding months he never seemed to have the painting time, so for his birthday I painted him the figures so he could game with a painted set!

Figures are resin, very light (I weighted the bases), good detail especially the predators, hard to clean and one ridiculous pose of a marine with his foot in the air (I molded some green stuff to at least make him stable!).

Poor pictures but the situation for the moment is causing some disruption!


  1. Cracking stuff Francis, I've been sorely tempted by this, the Aliens are just superb models.

  2. Just don't keep them predators on your night stand!

  3. Great models and a lovely paintjobs there Fran.

  4. These were great. I'm having google+ issues can you reply to see if it tells me.


  5. That was nice of you to paint them for him. They look fantastic too. I wouldn't want one of those buggers after me.

  6. Nice work! Those area some super cool minis.

  7. These are so good It makes me sad that you have left the country. Where is the voice of reason in the Rejects now. It will have to be Lee for sure it will not be Ian, Ray or Postie!

    1. Fran? The voice of reason?? Madness more like!

    2. Fran? The voice of reason?? Madness more like!

    3. Well clearly Ray has a problem always repeating himself yet saying nothing!

      As for Lee being "dodgy as Hell" which other Reject would you Suggest as the voice of reason then? Surgit? Smiffy? Izzy? John? Tamsin? Curt? I am already team scapegoat for Rainham club..... and scapegoats are not the voice of reason!

  8. Awesome job, really like the Predators the best. Sure they'll beat the aliens haha

  9. Terrific stuff Fran, and I'm especially interested in your comments as to how you got on painting the minis. I'm a huge fan of the "Heroclix" Aliens and Predators and doubtless destined to get my hands on this game at some point. Your posting hasn't helped my willpower ;-)

  10. Replies
    1. Clearly he likes the sound of his own voice as he says everything twice. Silly badger :)

    2. I'm going to get him. But you know he is such a blog whore that the more I humiliate him, the more he'll like it.

  11. Those Predators look great mate

  12. Look, I'm telling ya, there's somethin' movin' and it ain't us! Tracker's off scale man. They're all around us, man. Jesus!

    Great stuff..

  13. Oh wow! These are lovely Fran. I love this franchise and am very tempted by this, especially when painted so well. Awesome job dude!

  14. Nice work mate. Great models.

  15. Nice work. In space no one can hear you paint. Cheers

  16. Very nice figures, my General. And a fine gift.
    Hail Franonia and its benevolent dictator!!

  17. Fabulous work on these, Fran! What a wonderful assist for your buddy. Hope you guys get some nice games in with them.

  18. What a lovely set, top figure Fran!

  19. Just awesome Fran, one of the best sci fi movies of all time. Any plans to game with these?

  20. That fourth picture really shows off your work. Well done, Fran!

  21. Marvellous work Francis :D All very impressive, but the Predators are extra super cool!!! Cheers! :D

  22. Those aliens and predators both look intimidating as hell! The guy with his foot in the air? Not so much. But well done regardless!

  23. The alien and predator sculpts are seriously cool looking. I like the palette you chose for both of them Fran. The monochrome on the aliens really fits the bill.

    The sculpting on the Marines isn't quite as good. The poses are awkward and the basic anatomy is wrong. However, you have done a fine job of painting them up.

    1. The marines had such potential but he said he was happy with them, thanks Anne!

  24. AVP, I like it! And the new header, too :)

  25. The predators look awesome, great detailed work!
