
Saturday 9 April 2016

15mm Modern Bundeswehr Panzergrenaiders with TPz Fuchs Zug....

....from Flytrap Factory.

Modern German Panzergrenaiders with the TPz Fuchs, 4 squads of 6 panzergrenaiders to make up a Zug (platoon)

The Bundeswehr has a strength of roughly 178,000 troops, placing it among the 30 largest military forces in the world and making it the second largest in the European Union behind France in terms of personnel.

Currently has troops deployed in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Turkey, Lebanon, Mali.........

TPz (Transportpanzer) Fuchs (Fox) and one of the larger APC's out there at 7.33m in length.

Nice figures and resin APC's from Flytrap, a few little issues with some air bubbles and HMG's not fully cast but where else would you get them!


  1. Excellent job Fran, love these splendid vehicles...

  2. 'Bundeswehr Panzergrenaiders' now I dare you say that quickly :)

  3. Really great work on the AFVs and the camo. Amazing work in 15mm.

  4. Excellent work Fran. They look great.

  5. They really do look the business Fran, and I especially like all the work you've gone to on the AFVs. Love their camo and it really ties the vehicles down to the soldiers. That force will look awesome on the tabletop :-)

  6. They look good, Lurker. I like the area you have for photos too. That's what I need to do soon with my food shots.

    Happy Weekend.

  7. Enough troops there to do some damage. Great job indeed.

  8. Tremendous stuff Francis, these look superb.

  9. Nice figs Fran, thanks for the update on the size of the bundeswehr as well, second largest in Europe eh?!? ;-)

  10. I really enjoyed your battalion of moderns this winter, Fran! These are particularly very nice. I'm being driven toward 15mm just because of the variety and detail of the much more to explore in 15mm than 28mm! ;)

    1. I do miss 28mm sometimes but size, scale and prize won me over!

  11. Very very nice, my General. Hail Franonia!

  12. Wonderful looking troops there Fran! Great work.

  13. Wunderbar!

    Sweet looking work Fran. More modern stuff please!

  14. Since you've gone home your painting has really gotten good Fran. The whole series of 15mm you did during the Challenge was terrific. I think being away from that swine Rousell has something to do with it.

  15. Excellent work! I especially like the vehicles -- they're awesome!

  16. Very nice Fran - They paint up lovely.
    What rules have you been using recently - just not been able to find a fast moving set - currently tweaking Laserburn Imperial Commander which has a surprisingly good feel to it.
    Rolling back the years :-)

    1. I was trying fubar and the newer ultra rules but may try something newer and will have a look at Salute!

    2. Thanks Fran, tried Fubar for WW2 so might give them a look, but as you say Salute and shiny new stuff - aahhh who can resist.

    3. I do like simple though, I have Black Ops but it seems it's for small games!

  17. I really enjoy these modern figures that you are painting, and these are no exception.

    If only I could find a set of rules I like as well. That seems to be the hardest part.

    1. I totally agree old boy, will try a few to see!

    2. For what it is worth I am inspired. I will collect 2 Platoon size forces and play about with some rules. Taking the Best from Force on Force and Donnybrook. Thus points will be by squad with the better quality squad being fewer in number (Fewer squads! as opposed to fewer figures. ) I shall work something out and take this to email as opposed to comment on your blog.

    3. Sounds good to me mate, are you going to Salute?

    4. Nope no Salute for me.
      While it is a good day the venue suck any atmosphere out of the event, queues are horrible and too few places to sit. I shall save money and just order a platoon or two from the internet. Zvesda model kits I suspect! Maybe with QRF figures.... Always open to suggestions from a fellow like your self though.

    5. QRF are not great, Khurasan, Flytrap Factory, Eureka are good castings in general, the new Battlefront Team Yankee vehicles are not bad either!

    6. Just to let you know I have started now. Figs arrived this morning and now cleaned up and primed. Only 1 platoon (Battlefront Russian) expect them on my blog next week end!
      I will start by using the "Force on Force" rules and see where it goes.

  18. Nice additions Fran, vehicles look very cool, sweet paint job!

  19. Top notch job Francis!! :D Cheers!

  20. Nice paint sceme, reminds me of my time in olive clothes....long long ago.
    There was a saying when I was with the Bundeswehr never ever to step on green stones... could be a Grenadier!!!

  21. Looks realistic... and a bit scary, Fran!

  22. Nice work Fran. I'm really liking your basing.

  23. I don't know what should be more worrying; that Germany has the second largest military force in Europe or that France has the first.

  24. Wow, they're a really good looking group with superb detailing; they really eserve to see some table-top action.

  25. That's again some nice brushwork Fran! Great unit!



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