
Monday, 31 January 2011

45mm Painted Miniature Factory Figure: Uncle Meat or............ I like to call him"The Angry Lurker".

While reading other wargaming blogs I have come across people using a figure to represent themselves or others on the table especially for skirmish gaming and basing batreps around themselves and others, I do this myself by making the player pick a figure to represent themselves (I find they treat the figure differently and play him differently aswell). As an umpire you don't always get to do this but I think I have found the figure that best represents me physically and mentally and he is a 45mm resin figure from the Miniature Factory called Uncle Meat.

Now some of the followers of this blog who know me personally and have met me may agree that the model is quite a good likeness but may say  just not ugly enough are just gits (needed to get  that it in before they did).The head, juice bottle top and chainsaw come seperately but are an easy fit and the model is quite an easy paint, really happy with how he turned out (for my painting skill) and all I need to do now is find some chainsaw catalogues.

L to R, 28mm Copplestone Casting and Hasslefree Miniatures for size comparisons.


  1. Very nice. It even looks like you! LoL

    I like your painting style btw, I think the high contrast/very deep shadows you use look very good on a gaming model.

  2. That is a truly awesome figure! I have to buy one!

  3. It's a nice very figure with great painting. This mini would be even nicer with a dial on his forehead, like Mean Machine Angel from the Judge Dredd comics. Sometimes angry isn't enough ;o)

    Whiteface / Oliver

  4. Wow, that looks great. I'd hate to meet him in a dark alley.

  5. I like the way he looks like he could slice his way through hell itself, but has a shield guard for health and safety reasons.

    Great figs, great painting

  6. Great work, great model.

    Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit:

    1. Chainsaw
    2. Sheer force of will and bloody-mindedness 3. Genetic modifications
    3. Underpants - optional.

  7. Good job on the muscles, worn out boots and visor!

  8. great job! It looks fantastic!

  9. That's a really cool miniature, I'm currently watching a video that's on "Miniature Mentor" about the guy who is sculpting that model. Genius!

  10. I´ve got a couple of trees that need he available? :-D
    Nice paint job on a nice sculpt

  11. "Underpants?" Those are Clothes, Mister Emperor Sir! He went thattaway!

  12. That is a bad ass miniature and an amazing paint job. Can you paint me to look that bad ass?

  13. I know the Lurker personally, I have to work and game with him, Yes the figure is his double....except Fran's not as muscled and has a fatter head, in both senses!!
    Nice one Fran!!!, I suppose in your next zombie game my figures gonna be a girl!

  14. love the background building

  15. That's an awesome figure taking up center stage and the Elvis impersonator is also bril.Nice work on the brush as well.


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