
Friday, 28 January 2011

Angry First Aid Part 2........Knee Aid.

My 3 day first aid course for myself and half my security team is over and everybody passed (I was surprised aswell) but now I have guys who think they are House (pictured left) and are trying to find people to perform procedures on, they want their ID's to read Doctor (one wants to have site hero?). I agree with the House image because with security you get loud and surly first aid but still good first aid but mainly beacuse our knees are in tatters and the cane would help. Our instructor did buy us knee boards but they were small and we kept slipping off them (causing even better carpet burns) lol.The other thing we found out about one of our colleagues is that if you tickle him he farts.

Should be back to normal from the weekend with blogging after I redo some pictures and Bob Geldof can organise a gig.

For some comments I received CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


  1. Glad the three days are over. It'd be easier to remember if they could keep it simple. Soon the details will get mixed up in the mind and they'll actually do the infant version on a big guy, or the human version on a bird or something.

  2. I don't want my name on my pass anymore, just call me "The Doctor".

  3. So do you work in security? What's the best way to take down a security guard? My friend told me they always wear ball cups, so that's a waste of time. Is it true?

  4. I think Mekelnborg has been there too. I wonder how much one course is really worth, given we can forget this kind of thing so easily? I'd say first aid procedures need to be practised monthly at least, though I doubt anyone would be interested in that, even with the break from routine.

    Glad it's all done anyway. I'm betting you didn't celebrate with a knees-up.

  5. At least your security guards look like House. Around here, our security guards are 90 year old men that look like they couldn't catch a cold, let alone some kind of intruder.

  6. I once knew a kung fu master named Zorohamster who could make anyone fart by tickling them.

  7. "For some comments I received CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation."

    Hahaha made me laugh :)

  8. Don't let them do a car key tracheotomy on you.

  9. Hahaha! this is definitely the funniest post i've read on here... careful with those carpet burns my friend... ;D

  10. Here, these two guys tried to 'take down' security. It was a really bad idea. One dead, one wounded in critical condition. Look what happened to them. The Fire Dept used hoses to wash the sidewalk. This was today,three hours ago. Listen to the eyewitness describe the way the robber with no eyes kept trying to get up. He was the one with the shotgun. Security is okay.

  11. Nice blog man! Good luck!

  12. Depending on how often you'll have to go to get recertified it can be worth it to pick up a set of knee pads ($10 investment at any sports shop). They also come in handy when you do repair work around the house.

  13. Lol, he farts when tickled ? heheheheh

  14. Ah! Does he fart when you tickle him or when you tickle him does he fart?

  15. The "tickle farts" thing is never going to get old... lol

  16. Thaét must have been funny three days! but it's good that as many as possible people learn to practice first aid, without the intention to take over doctor's works.

  17. Dually noted. In the instance a security officer ever preforms first aid, do not attempt to tickle him for fear that he may fart.
