
Thursday, 3 February 2011

28mm Painted Zombie Spawn Points.

........or the zombies in barrels from Revenge of the Living Dead.

For the zombie rules I use you can have zombie spawn points that basically designate where more zombies will appear on the board in a random matter if you're feeling generous or right next to the player if you're not. They are generated on the roll of a D6 so I placed a headstone on these bases signifying the D6 number (the headstones I believe came from the Warhammer skeletons box from Games Workshop), the zombie figures come from Eureka Miniatures  but can also be got from and to me remind me of the zombies in the barrels from Revenge of the Living Dead.

I painted them with that in mind and covered them in varying shades of red paint and red and brown ink, now the paintjob on these figures and bases was quick because these are gaming/scenery pieces and I didnt put as much effort in to them as I normally would for the reason that the the figures aren't greatly designed but they're perfect for what they are portraying and that was probably the point when they were made. The other numbers 1 and 6 will go on my zombie horde bases probably written on the bodybags with the zombies still in them.

The rules I use are Akula's AR:SE rules on two A4 pages

Four of a kind.

Numbers 2 and 3.

Numbers 4 and 5.

Number 1 and 6.


  1. You did great, nice paint job

  2. Really great idea. Though you say that you have rushed the painting bit, I still like how the turned out!

  3. OMG they got to Chicken Man as well!!!

  4. I really like these minis, very fun!

  5. Even more character than normal. The guy in the chicken suit and traffic cone are off the wall!

  6. Those are great man. Good work!

  7. Very well done spawn points! These would be great in any zombie game!

  8. Great idea and excellent painting.

  9. great paint work...and cool idea

  10. zombie barrel its the c4 for the army

  11. As a guy who has a passion for playing zombie board games, I love this. Big fan of Last Night on Earth. The fiance and I play that at least once a week. Killer job!

  12. Those are excellent, especially #5

  13. Hahaha these are good mate, Toxic Avenger ? I hear Akula's rules are meant to be a blast, how do you find them ??

  14. @The Extraordinarii: Left a link at bottom of post my friend.

  15. Super duper'em love'em love'em!

    I am doing something like this in 15MM, cuase it is cool.

  16. Good stuff indeed. Those stuido minis are very special eh?

  17. Nah bro, I meant how do you find playing them, do you like them as a set of rules ? (srry must be my aussie lingo...)

  18. That is too funny guys. (the finding the rules bit)

    Ingenious markers AL.
