
Friday 4 February 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Review 27: REC 2.(3 STARS)

........another gaming twist to zombies I think.

This movie was made in Spain in 2009 and I believe made an appearance in the UK in 2010, now I had not seen REC the original but I had seen Quarantine which was the US remake and seemingly was a remake exactly and virtually to the word so I believed I could watch REC 2 without too much trouble and after watching it I feel I was OK as the movie started straight away outside the same appartment with a team of spanish swat about to enter the same cordoned off building with the same virus/disease outbreak with a doctor in tow.

The doctor who is not a doctor for very long enters the building with the 4 man swat team with head cameras and a large shoulder camera (not very tactical) to record everything, they want the original carrier of the zombie like illness and a sample of her blood and the doctor has the verbal/voice recognition that will only allow the team out of the building when they have acquired this.Now what follows is a lot of screaming, running, crying, shooting, pleading, bleeding etc....of any good zombie flick as the former tenants and original rescue teams in the building start to make things difficult but what interested me was obviously the quality of a good zombie/horror movie but that the zombies for a better word (I would class them as ragers or fast zombies) were demonic based and were being controlled by an entity/demon within the building and the doctor who now identified himself as a priest was after confirmation of this by getting a blood sample to prove it.

So it gives another scope to zombie gaming with the addition of maybe vatican death squads, exorcists and different types of demon and zombies with a weak link that when the demon dies they die aswell.The movie is a zombie/horror crowd pleaser and I recommend a watch even if you don't game zombies.


  1. Yes, it was a very fun film to watch and like you saw it on both versions.
    Your right it also does give a different take on the zombie scene.


  2. I heard this one was pretty weak compared to the original, but your description has me intrigued.

  3. thaught the same thing , that it wasnt as good as the original, but now im intrigued

  4. i saw the remake of the first one, so i'll definitely check this out.

  5. Who doesn't love zombies? Thanks for the movie link of your other blog. Going to check it out now. Enjoy your day and until next time, eat well.

  6. I hadn't heard about this and you've piqued my interest. More imagination and new approaches in any genre are always welcome.

  7. i love zombie films. thanks for the tips.

  8. I believe its one of the best horror franchise going! But I highly recommend watching the original, I made the false decision of watching the remake first and when I watched the original I was shitting myself...again. The original had much better scares and zombies!

  9. The demonic take is a nice little twist.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I've been looking for more zombie movies. I'll be sure to check out this one and the first sometime.

  12. had avoided this one - but after your review I might give it a look this weekend....cheers

  13. Haven't seen it, heard it wasn't something special, but reading your review I might take a look :)

  14. Oh wow, looks wicked scary, will check it out. Thanks for posting this....followed!

  15. This is what I've been looking for :D thanks.

  16. It always comes down to the 4 man swat team. haha. BTW...I made you new blog of the day.

  17. I havent watched this movie,need to watch :)

  18. may give this one a shot thanks for the review
