
Monday, 7 February 2011

Games Workshop WH40K Stormraven Gunship or how Valentines Day came early.

Being looking at this model on some other blogs and have seen a tutorial on how it goes together and been thinking about getting one, the one stumbling block being the price and justifying it to myself but that happens with other companies products aswell and not just limited to Games Workshop.

So out shopping with the other half the weekend just gone I picked her up a few things for Valentines day she wanted (which she is now wearing and eaten??????), she asked me what I wanted so I thought some money towards this Stormraven Gunship and hey presto I have a bright large shiny box.

The point I'm trying to make is that Games Workshop is expensive at times (some people will say all the time) but it makes a quality product and I will be using the gunship for somehing not Games Workshop WH40K related as I have done before and I have posted some pictues to show how I use them for other periods.The bottom line is if I can't afford it I won't get it or if I believe its essential I save for it, if you don't but a companies product then don't be surprised when they are no longer around.

I haven't opened the box yet as I'm trying to make a futile point to the other half as she munches her way through several packets of Hotel Chocolat product and says how comfortable her new footwear are..........and what is she really getting for Valentines Day?

The bright shiny box in my possession.

Neo Soviet Games workshop Valkyrie.

Neo Soviet Games Workshop Usarkar Creed as a Soviet General.

Neo Soviet Games Workshop Dreadnought.

A finished Stormraven Gunship, mine will not be red or probably this well made.


  1. Oh, it is a great post! I really like it! ^_^

  2. Always nice getting models for a surprise!


  3. Nice suprise. I sure yours will be just as well matter what colour it will be.

  4. Well that is the way to build suspense for next week's episode when le chocolat supplies have run low and you've still got the box to open. Will he try to purloin chocolat if she falls asleep? And would that force additional gifts, when the day itself rolls around? Stay tuned.

    It has been determined over here that red sports cars get a lot more tickets as they annoy the cops even more than sports cars generally do.

  5. Hey, Happy VD! (Not venereal disease) No better present than the one you 'point out'.

    I like the pics of your Valkyrie and the Neo Soviet general.

  6. That's a brilliant idea! We don't usually do anything special for Valentines but I think that's going to change!!!!

  7. Happy Valentine's Day and glad you got something fun.

  8. I never got into warhammer but the models always looked really cool and fun to paint. These also look equally as awesome.

  9. Getting a wargaming Valantine pressie from the Mrs sounds like a fantastic idea, not sure my wife would go for it, on second thoughts there's No chance she go for it!

  10. Badass! That looks like something ForgeWorld would make. Color me impressed, GW.

  11. Woa! I wished my wife give me presents like that on valetines day. lucky bastard ;)

  12. that red gunship looks awesome!!

  13. Great blog for such a great hobby! It can be sooo rewarding when you create a cool model...
    keep it up - just followed!!

    ******************************************* - Video Game Reviews and more... - WTF news + Babe of the Day

  14. The only thing more rewarding than getting something you really want for V Day is getting it early. Cheers to that!

  15. now how did you manage that? All I get for VD are chocolates...
    Cool looking model, and I love the dreadnought...I need to get back into 40k

  16. What color will you do?

    Some nice figures there!

    Oh and, add your other blog to your google profile thingy! i noticed it only has this blog :)

  17. interesting post.

  18. Good luck with that mate!
    Happy VD (Miss Cook will be very proud of you, when you finish it - make sure you do before she eats her chocolates)! Only kidding!!!

  19. Good work, the dreadnaught looks ace.

  20. that dreadnaught looks beast. reminds me of thors in starcraft 2.

  21. @Doo: Will probably black with a yellow star to represent neo korean forces like in the new PS3 game Homefront coming out soon.
    @Thanos: Some hope.LOL
    @Ludo Weyden: You got to treat them right and a lot of training.

  22. Off-topic, could I ask you to check the most recent comments under the D1 post at the Expanse?

    It's going wiki and we'd like to copy your comments across.
