
Monday 9 May 2011

20mm WW2 Painted British Home Guard 1/72.

The Home Guard (initially "Local Defence Volunteers" or LDV, or in slang, Look-Duck-Vanish, hence the name change) was a defence organisation of the British Army during the Second World War. Operational from 1940 until 1944, the Home Guard—comprising 1.5 million local volunteers otherwise ineligible for military service, usually owing to age, hence the nickname 'Dad's Army' — acted as a secondary defence force, in case of invasion by the forces of Nazi Germany and their allies.[1][2] The Home Guard guarded the coastal areas of Britain and other important places such as airfields, factories and explosives stores.

More information here

These are some of my Home Guard forces defending a bridge from Sgts Mess for my What If? Operation Sealion WW2 Game, a mixed bag quality wise but not too bad seeing as I need them.

The bottom 3 pictures before the award pictures are for a fellow blogger Dr. Willett's Workshop (good blog, go visit) who asked for some comparison shots on a samurai building picture I posted last week.

Got this award from the zombie overlord over at , go visit the zombie madness and thank you to zombie prince.

If you knew me persoally you'd know that very few people would associate me with sushine as I am considered more with black clouds, thunder and depessions but Kicking Rocks (go visit, good blog) nominated me and I thank him for it
Now a lot of people have been debating these awards as everything from a good thing to a fecking bad thing, me I have no problem with them and I find them good for promoting around the blog community, so if you read this blog today and you want an award to promote your blog please take one or both and link me if you feel like it to say where you got it or the people who originally gave it to me, I don't mind. Some of the blogs I sent awards to recently took it less than positively but that's the beauty of the blogosphere.


  1. Good stuff (I like the river terrain particularly)- and congrats on the awards

  2. I'm with man man cave on the river terrain. Very nice! I'm glad to see your blog getting the recognition it deserves from zombies everywhere.

  3. The Award thing is a bit silly, I dunno if I will do it again either.

    Also, Dad's Army sounds like a useful homefront defense, and I guess everyone had to do their part.

  4. Looking good Fran!

    How did your eyes cope painting the 20mm figs? Obviously couldn't have been too bad given how well the figs have turned out?

    Is that a Last Valley river piece?

  5. Great figs. Sealion is a great choice for a what-if game.

  6. Yes, Last Valley before his long holiday.

  7. Aye well his holiday is finished and he is back producing his terrain pieces. He had a stall at Carronade and seemed to b busy

  8. I like that old man with the machine gun.

  9. thats a really awesome set youve built up.
    congrats on your award.

  10. lol, look-duck-vanish!

    did you use a separate light for the pics? they have a nice spotlight effect on them. :)

  11. that 2nd picture of the gun emplacement by the bridge totally looks like a tilt shift camera trick on a real guy ;O)

  12. No, just a cheap camera with flash.

  13. Awesome setup and congrats on the award!

  14. I dont know why but the first few pics remind me of Saving Private Ryan. lol. and thanks for the shout out! :D

  15. "who do you think you are kidding mr..." "Don´t Panic!! Don´t panic!!! " Does the set come with the airraid warden ("evening napoleon") and the little old guy who was always needing the toilet. (My sister dolly makes wonderfull cakes) ??
    I don´t remember a japanese pagoda in the series.

  16. You seem like a bright and sunny guy to me!

  17. congrats, and nice pics

  18. Hadn't seen these in 20mm before. I think it is always best to look on the positive side, otherwise we might as well just be cynical and not bother with any of it.

  19. those are awesome. grats on the awards. i never get em lol

  20. Cool terrain, and a good new header pic. I hope these awards are kept in check. The Stylish is alive and taking over!

  21. The award blog thing is nice to help spread the blogs around. Congrats btw.


  22. I like the bridge and the water a lot. The whole thing is cool, but the water got my eye along with the bridge.

    Congrats on more awards. Sunshine, huh? That's great. And so big, too.

    Miss Wiggy is down for her nappy nap. She goes full nuts and then passes out. Got her frozen peas and string beans for her tinkle treats. She loves them both. The long frozen bean seems to help her chewing.

    She wants to put EVERYTHING in her mouth these days. Oy. Well ... back to chores. I gave her an extra pat for you.

  23. hooly god that looks like a lot of work

  24. great post - I loved Dad's army and the real stories behind it.
    Congratz on the award...well deserved

  25. Nice paintjob on the figres Fran, they look good with the terrain! As for the blog awards, as for the blog awards, I've got no problem with them at all, it's quite nice getting a little recognition for all the hard work we all put into this silly little hobby of ours, now if the award came with a £100 figure/beer or PS3 game voucher, it would be better but beggars can't be choosers!!!
    As for the Sunshine award........I'm afraid I agree with your comment, Kicking Rocks don't know the real Lurker.....there's more sunshine beaming out from my arse!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. I wonder if any of the figures in this line come armed with that little bit of insanity known as the PIAT. The whole idea makes me laugh. Box + spring + anti-tank shell = weapon. Just don't try to use it from a 2nd story window, the shell will just fall out.

  27. Nice Figs again! - Well done!

    Stiilll like those Samurai buildings!!!

  28. Whoa. Those are pretty nice.
    And congratulations on the award.

  29. Thats nice! i got the zombtastic one aswell!

  30. These awards are starting to remind me of e-mail chain letters

  31. Damn man, that bridge looks freaking cool, and the houses there look epic.

  32. I nominated you for the Zomtastic Blog Award today at my blog! :D Check it out

  33. How dare you give me something nice!!!

    also, those first three feel really atmospheric

  34. hehe, didn´t know there was a zombie award^^

  35. the awards are kinda spam, but they signify that someone actually reads/likes what you do, so thats awesome! Congrats AND thanks for always pushing my lame ass blog on your legions of followers/disciples. haha

  36. Thanks for the pics! Wow, what a difference in size. You do expect the shrine to be bigger though.
