
Sunday 8 May 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Review 36: The Mutant Chronicles (3 STARS).

At the end of the Ice Age, The Machine came from the outer space with the purpose to change men into mutants. However, a hero defeated the device and a great seal was laid over The Machine. In 2707, the depleted world is ruled by four Corporations: Mishima, Bauhaus, Capitol and Imperial that are in constant war. During a battle between Capitol and Bauhaus, the great seal is broken and The Machine works again transforming soldiers and civilians in hordes of mutants. A small part of the population escapes to Mars, leaving millions of people behind. The man of faith and leader of an ancient brotherhood Brother Samuel is a believer of God and the Chronicles, a bible about the mutants. With the city under siege of the mutants, he visits the Corporations' leader Constantine asking for an aircraft and twenty men for a suicide mission to destroy The Machine, planting a bomb and a detonator following the knowledge of the Chronicles. He recruits the tough Major 'Mitch' Hunter; the Bauhaus Lieutenant Maximillian von Steiner; the keeper of the Chronicles Severian that is under a vow of silence; the gorgeous and lethal Corporal Valerie Duval; Corporal Juba Kim Wu; Captain John McGuire; and Corporal Jesus 'El Jesus' de Barrera. Together they become the last hope of Earth against the evil mutants.

This is a strange movie as described above but it's like Victorian Sci-Fi at times with beautiful flying machines but also with futuristic tommies and germans with fantastic weapons in the first world war trenches, it's a dark and grim movie with a good cast (Thomas Jane, Ron Perlman, Sean Pertwee, Devon Aoki etc.....) plus more zombie/mutants than you can shake a stick at but where the movie suffers is a little too much CGI and some shocking dialogue but all this can be overcome and an entertaing, well detailed movie can be found. 


  1. I quite liked this, although they didn't stick too closely to the setting of the original RPG, so you lost out a lot on what was going on with the back story. Characters were a little two dimensional and yes the dialogue was lacking. 3 Stars is fair though.

  2. This was a good sci-fi movie, reminded me of "9"
    and the sky captian a little bit.

  3. seems interesting enough, thanks for the review.

  4. I don't like when movies over CGI it. Good review. I hope you have a good day on your side of the world. Miss Wiggy just pooped and peed and as I write to you, enjoying a fresh ice cube.

    What a goof.

  5. I hate when movies misuse cgi, Crystal Skull mess up with that too....

  6. review is good. movie about sticky mutants?
    why would hero stop turning us to mutants?Wouldnt it be good?

  7. Thanks, Lurker. Trying frozen organic peas next.

  8. A fair review but I still have mixed feelings about watching it. I liked the Mutant Chronicles rpg but too many reviews have been very negative about the film. I might wait until it comes to terrestrial TV, then if I don't like it, it won't have cost me anything.

  9. i was hoping more for this film. 3 aint a bad score though.

  10. Another one you've gotta lend me!!!

  11. This looks like a great movie!

  12. For all we know, this could be really happening, but since we are between the biggest events we don't see either one.

  13. Heya

    Not a bad film,and a fairly accurate review but if you have any feelings for the Wargames (any edition) the books or the RPG then you'll probably hate it... There's only so much plot you can completely re-arrange/ignore/get wrong and the inclusion of familiar characters for the fans missed it's mark when they botched the timeframe/setting/backstory/fluff in general.

    For anyone who watched Doom and felt dissapointed when your favourite monsters didn't show your in for a similar feeling.

    That said, i'd still watch it it can't be that bad, just not as good as it could have been.

  14. Shocking dialogue? Hmmm....
    Never even heard of it actually. But if it is scify, then I will have to give it the once over.

  15. Doesn´t look too bad...and I´m going to take your reviews a bit more seriously after I watched Monsters the other day. The "sex" scene!!!!!?? What a load of ....*§!?%V*>.

  16. This sounds pretty interesting.

  17. nice movie.... sounds good....

  18. Sounds entertaining and so I'll watch it.:-)


  19. I liked this movie, but yeah a few scenes were kind of lacking in detail.

  20. Never heard of this movie, but I'm interested seeming films about the future!

  21. I watched it a few months agon... Well it was an other one time experience. Not bad, but lacking a little something.

  22. Quite a blog you have here...alot going on...pretty cool

  23. Sounds interesting, I think I've heard of it before, just never thought much of it before. Ron Perlman is a plus though.

  24. man u find the coolest hidden movies lol

  25. any movie with mutant in the title is bound to at least be decent

  26. never even heard of this one, but sounds pretty awesome

  27. yo!!! You've won an award from me! click the link for details:

  28. the poster is intriguing enough, good review

  29. Well, as a complete virgin to this mutant/RPG/sci-fi stuff, I'm convinced to give it a viewing.

  30. Thanks Lurker, this one's now on my watch list.

  31. Nice review, Lurker. Gotta check this out soon :o

  32. By the way You have been nominated for the Zomtastic Blogger Award by yours truely! Stop by my page and check it out!

  33. I think the movie poster looks pretty sick honestly! Just cause of that I would watch it. lol

  34. Love your blogging work! Keep up the good work you make really good posts!

  35. 3 stars is a bit high for this movie. 2 if you can manage to watch through the stilted aircraft fight scene. It just didnt quite do it.
