
Monday 13 June 2011

Broadside 2011 Show Report and Pictures.

Apologies for lack of posting but internet connection at home is down for no apparent reason.

The rejects made a short journey yesterday to Broadside 2011  at Swallows Leisure Centre, Sittingbourne in Kent, the first year for the show. Set in a lovely centre (great pool and facilities, didn't take a picture of the pool area because I didn't want to end up on a register), the show was £3.00 (reasonable) to get in, the show itself was located in 2 halls within the centre which were easily accessible by a corridor running between them. The lighting in one hall was a killer (same as Cavalier, the anti glare type) and the other hall was fine with normal light.
The show was spacious, plenty of room for traders and customers, we were there around 0930hrs and left about 1200hrs, there was a steady trickle of visitors in this time, plenty of regulars but not that busy it appeared to me. It's the first year and shows need a bit of time to settle in but we enjoyed it, made a few purchases and yes we would go again next year, definitely worth a visit (it gets you out of the house and away from the SWMBO for a couple of hours anyway with the lads at the very least).

One fly in the ointment, I got stuck buying the boys bacon rolls from the leisure centre cafe, we ordered 3, they had only 2 left at 0940hrs, I ended up with a sausage roll (awful, awful, awful, I really wanted a nice bowl of salad but they didn't have any left either), the guys said there bacon rolls were lovely.

No bring and buy this year but I've heard probably next year.

Some normal poor pictures from the show in no particular order.

The lighting in the main hall, I think I'm developing a lighting fetish.

Crooked Dice &TV game......Empty at the beginning.

Not long before full steam ahead.

Frontline Wargaming, who do returns, nice unsmiling guy, I like him.

Gringo 40's, hope he did well.

Wide shot of hall.

Operation Sealion participation game.

These guys had their own shirts, we need to discuss this among the Rejects.

Great Crush The Kaiser terrain.


....and again.

Real Time Wargames boys I believe.

Plastic Soldier Review people where I bought the wrong item but not their fault.

 BigLee with a bag for his dice, we're worried about the big weirdo.

Postie (obligatory contractual shot) suffering from the weight of his wallet.

More lighting from the other hall, Ok , I have a lighting fetish.

Ray and Richard discussing the lighting. Weirdos!

I love games at the shows, who doesn't like eye candy but I really go for the traders and to buy stock or figures, is that the same for you?


  1. Never been to shows like this. Sadly... How many REJECTS are you?

  2. It's been a while since I last attended a show, but yes, I'm tha same, Fran, traders are the main reason for going.

  3. Thanks for that Fran. Looks pretty good. Might be one I check out next year.

    Johnny, well worth a visit Sir, pretty much whatever show you can get to, wherever you are.

  4. Some great looking games going on there. It would be nice to get the chance to go to a show like this.

  5. Nice looking show. Generally, if I want to go to events I have to travel friggen hours to do it! Yes, I'm suffering envy...grumble...grumble...moan..sobs.


  6. Great photos -- I especially like the Crush the Kaiser terrain (the water-filled shell holes are awesome), and Big Lee's dice bag. Very cool.

  7. It's not so much the traders as the participation games for me. Shows and blogs are how I keep up with all the interesting new stuff out there.

  8. This looks pretty cool. Looks like theres loads of differant games/terrains there

  9. awesome! so much variety! :D

  10. Cool place, i have to go to one of these places soon.

  11. Nice and fun looking event. Impressive demogames on display too.

    I go to events to discover new games, traders and figures. It's also fun to meet new people with the same hobby.

  12. I go for fun - and that means a good day out with my mates. I like to play demo games but dont always, but DO ALWAYS seem to spend more than I budgeted!

    Love the dice bag - must get a suitably manly one for the Lad now he proudly has his own set of gem dice!

  13. Impressive terrain set-ups....and lighting, of course the lighting.

  14. looks like a fun show to attend

  15. looks like you had a really great fun, Lurk!

  16. Neato. And I'm with Trey and Tim. I'd go for the lighting. Have you tried painting to OttLites? Oh man, those are great.

  17. Looks like you had a great time there buddy :)

  18. lol whats up with this lighting thing? theyre just lights

  19. Pretty impressive show there

  20. Looks like a great time! :D

  21. Would be nice to got somewhere like that

  22. This looks like so much fun ;D

  23. Don't let the lighting fetish get into you... we need you in our hobby mate!!! :-)

  24. Bacon beats sausage every time.

    Looks like a great show, except for the lack of food.

  25. Great show! Their creations are amazing too!

  26. When I go to gatherings like this, it's to get ideas. I don't always spend money, but I always seem to leave with something valuable.

  27. Thanks for the coverage – was all set to go to the show up until a last minute emergency scuttled that idea. Must pencil it in for next year!

  28. some impressive stuff here!

  29. cool pics, i especially like that 13th pic ;)

    peace :)

  30. That shit looks like a whole lot of fun to go to! All this talent in one room! Hmmmm, so man talented finngers. My dirty mind is taking over...

  31. Since we only get to one show (usually Warfare) per year as it entails flights etc we normally use it to shop but do look at each of display games and even to comp games. We talk nothing but wargames for two solid days and overdose on figures, books, rules and terrain. Every year it finishes with 'we must try that period next' :-)

  32. In the Opn Sealion pic it looks like those cows are about to get hurt. Sad they don't understand what the men are doing.

  33. sorry to hear about your sausage.

  34. Looks awesome. I used to go to the Warhammer Games Days when I used to play. :D

  35. Awesome as always. definitely looks more interesting than all I've been to :)

  36. Nice photos Fran, mine came out very dull and that bacon was really really nice nom nom nom!

  37. I fantasize about playing that James Bond game!

  38. Looks like a good turnout. How long does it take them to set up their tables? Or do they have it down to a science by now?

  39. I'm a lighting man myself, then figure buying and seeing what's happening trade-wise. Not overly concerned with the games themselves unless they have nice terrain.


  40. By the way....what did you end up buying? I see Ray with a bag as well. Or that may just be the bacon?

  41. These pics are really good. The model terain looks awesome.

  42. Looks like a fun event. I especially liked the Kaiser set up.

  43. Good coverage of a good looking show mon ami!

  44. they say lighting is partner aaron has 25 lamps in our 900 sq foot condo. takes me 12 mins to turn off all the lights.

    small spots behind every plant and piece of furniture. lamps in every window, kitchen counter, bathroom. my gawd!

  45. The table for the "Crush the Kaiser" game looked pretty special.

    You call it a "small show" Fran but up North we would regard Broadside as a pretty big affair. You guys down South are pretty spoiled for Shows! Like you though I like to see what the traders have to offer and the bring n buy if there is one before what's on the actual games tables

    Bad luck about the bacon roll tho. No surprise that Ray enjoyed his!

  46. I have no idea what that "Crooked Dice and TV Game" is, but the board looks amazing. I'd love to see a miniatures scenario based on "The Running Man" or Smash TV, game-show style fighting to the death for cash and prizes for a studio audience.

  47. That guy 3 pics from the last one, looks like Steve Jobs. Sounds like you had fun my friend, i want to go to one of these conventions.

  48. All this amazing stuff goes on right under my nose.

  49. I didn't know you can have deep philosophy discussions about lighting lol

  50. It always amazes me the detail that people put into their wargaming terrain.

  51. Hell yeah great post love it.

    Looks like great fun!

  52. nice convention, looks like you had a good time

  53. Amazing stuff! I love conventions! :D

  54. The Great Crush The Kaiser terrain looks amazing; it must have been so much work

  55. looks like it was an awesome convention shw

  56. mmmmmmmmmmmmm well lit bacon!!!!!!!!

    Ray:"I bought Big Lee a bacon dice bag but I ate if before I could give it to him"

    Great looking layouts, it looked like a fun event.

  57. It was a great little show and I would definately go again next year. Hopefully my pictures of the day will be posted on my blog BLMA tomorrow.

    My FOW german dice are settling into their new home nicely. They have promised to roll high for me next time I use them.
