
Friday 10 June 2011

Inspiring Picture 23: War Truth 1.

.......a terrible thing but true.

George Smith Patton, Jr. (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945) was a United States Army officer best known for his leadership while commanding corps and armies as a general during World War II. He was also well known for his eccentricity and controversial outspokenness.
Patton was commissioned in the U.S. Army after his graduation from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1909. In 1916-17, he participated in the unsuccessful Pancho Villa Expedition, a U.S. operation that attempted to capture the Mexican revolutionary. In World War I, he was the first officer assigned to the new United States Tank Corps and saw action in France. In World War II, he commanded corps and armies in North AfricaSicily, and the European Theater of Operations. In 1944, Patton assumed command of the U.S. Third Army, which under his leadership advanced farther, captured more enemy prisoners, and liberated more territory in less time than any other army in military history.


  1. It's so true. I like;

    "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."

  2. War really is pointless. Why can't we all be firneds? I've followed you and by the way crazy blog stats dude!

  3. I've always had a fascination with Patton. Sometimes a bit of a love-hate attitude toward him, but always a fascination.

  4. True stuff. Thanks!
    I have a suggestion:
    Change the color of links to something brighter.
    The blue is much to dark and makes reading uncomfortable :)

  5. Great post. I thought Patton always carried pearl handled six shooters. Or is that just Hollywood BS?

  6. It looks like he was a lot of fun^^
    Terrible statement though...

  7. now thats a man to make movies about

  8. Informative as always. :)

  9. it's such a sad quote, but you can't argue with logic like that

  10. Good quote, terrible man, and much overrated as a general

  11. @Mojo: I'll have to try that. Thanks.

  12. that is so very true and chilling at the same time :(

  13. And of course there all the conspiracy theories as to whether the car crash he was killed in was an "accident"

  14. And they made one hell of a movie about him... Loved that movie.

  15. He did capture the essential fact that war is indeed hell and never pretty. It is a bloody, ugly affair that should never be considered lightly. War should horrify those involved or it is too tempting a solution for any crisis or misunderstanding.

  16. His pistols were Ivory! Only a New Orleans whore carried pearl ones he is supposed to have said.

  17. This remember me a similar quote: "if you wish to win you must'nt be ready to die, but must be ready to kill".

  18. I didn't know that about Patton's 3rd Army. Interesting.

  19. Patton was in my mind one of the best military geniuses of modern times.

    Reporter, "I noticed General that you have a bible next to your bed. Do you actually find time to read it?"

    Patton, "Every god damned day."

  20. Very true quote. Patton has a million of em.

    My favorite is War. Huh? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Oh wait...

  21. Yep. He knew what he was talking about.

  22. Very true quote from a man who new his business.


  23. Patton Museum at Fort Knox, by Louisville, Kentucky has the revolvers, school notes and doodles, and lots of other Patton stuff.

    It's easy to practice your 'war face' if you have ice cold showers. 19 Delta, 19 Echo.

  24. Alternative caption?

    "Dang - I'm sure there was a musket there when I started rammin' ! "

  25. Just wrote you a comment and Blogger deleted it. Hmmm. Guess they're still working out the kinks. At any rate. Have a great weekend. I'm headed to the fabric shop later, after about a billion days off in a row.

    This time I'm copying my comment in case it gets deleted again. Why I'm sharing that with you. I have no idea. Anyway, Happy Weekend!


  26. true quote. croats always died for someones else

  27. foxhole convos w/ Patton must've been a treat.

    he'd probably slap me half way through my observation that the dust from the hole was getting into my shoes causing frustrating blisters.

  28. We need some men like Patton in charge these days.

  29. thx informative as always !

  30. Jeez, ya gotta be quick on this blog, otherwise you end up way............down south.
    Would have been interesting if he had survived a bit longer than he did.

  31. Patton was a complete and total badass.

  32. It's funny, but true. And it made me think about how I just accept the fact that a bunch of people are dying at the hands of my countrymen. :S

  33. Patton was the definition of a bad@ss. He knew his job and knew it well. War is never a pretty thing, but sometimes necessary.

  34. hey, my fellow Irishman, i enjoy your blog, keep up the good work!

  35. Every time I comment you, google deletes it or crashes me. Its so obvious Google is a meowlissa racist right now. Geez.

    Anyway, great as always!
    there is a pic of him hanging in the family office. to post this unless google still hates me.

  36. Nice post, I love these comments made about war, sadly I know a lot of them from call of duty! haha

  37. He's pretty much pointing out that SOMEONE has to lose in a war. I mean, be the bigger loser, I guess.

  38. he's been through alot, what a hero

  39. That quote made my nipples hard. ...uh, my nipples have built in truth detectors ;)

  40. That Patton quote gave me a chub. No homo.

  41. Patton was a BADASS. Quite possibly my favorite general ever.

  42. or as Sgt. Hartman said in Stanley Kubrick's 'Full Metal Jacket': "Marines can't die..a dead marine is a marine in a world of shit." ...or how does it go??

  43. so true, unfortunately...

  44. George Smith Patton speaks the truth straight and clean!

  45. There are some fantatsic biographies about the colourful life of "old Blood 'n Guts"

  46. Jimmy Fungus - it goes like this:

    Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: The deadliest weapon in the world is a marine and his rifle. It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead marines and then you will be in a world of shit because marines are not allowed to die without permission. Do you maggots understand?

  47. Ugh! That is a terrible thing, quite sickening, too and true. I liked Patton because he told it like it really was.

  48. Oh, cool. Your blogroll gets a lot of clicks.
    Now I feel kind of bad about not having blogged for a while. Graduation is tomorrow, so I'll be getting back to it for now. I'd love to be left on your blogroll for as long as you'd like.

  49. looking awesome....
    amazing pic...!!!

  50. wow that is a hell of a Quote man.

  51. that quote really does make sense and sums up a lot, however there will be many people to argue that :P

  52. He was a brilliant tactician and for all his faults his skills helped to free europe from a nightmare.

  53. Wow! that's a really awesome quote!

  54. sad but so so true!

  55. i could man handle this old bastard, doesnt even have a beard. weak.

  56. Meeowlissa - try deselecting 'Stay logged in' on your Google account - it stopped blogger crashing me out when I tried to comment!

  57. Hey buddy! Every week I am doing a new blogger interview and this next week I would like to interview you. So if you would be so kind as to email me back at so we can get it all started that would be great! :D

  58. Patton told it like it was.

  59. One very interesting yet informative post!

  60. Good post. Old Blood & Guts. "Our blood, his guts".

  61. Very informative piece mr lurker. First quality blog ive found by 'ironically' lUrking. Followed.

  62. brilliant bastard he was. and I stress the bastard part. ha

  63. really cynical yet completely true...
