
Thursday, 20 October 2011

200,000 hits, some ladies, some blogs and....

....a BIG thank you!

Some controversy yesterday with my post, some people were a little unhappy with the content but I never set out to do that, the miniatures are made and you buy them primarily for scenery and sometimes because someone actually made them. Don't get me wrong I loved the comments and opinions because we're all different and some people are not into wargaming but take the time to comment and I appreciate that a lot, a damn lot.

I will warn people in future if there is anything like this because I've painted something last week in 20mm that I believe is quite grim but happened a lot in WW2 and a lot of other conflicts over the centuries but on to the ladies of cosplay , Google and some blogs you should visit.

Google is such an asset.


Not a clue but it says a certain something, found out her character name is Mileena.

Jessica Rabbit.

Steampunk or Malifaux?

Baconfat Log : Miniatures blog.

Anne's Attic : Weird, funny Irish girl blog.

Jay's Miniature Enterprises :Miniatures blog.

Sean's Wargame Corner : Miniatures blog

Laughing Ferret : Miniatures blog, running a competition and needs 3 more followers.

World War 20mm : Miniatures blog.

Will recommend some other blogs next week.


  1. Congrats for reaching the 200691 ;-)
    Some sexy naughty girls.
    Going to take a look at the recommended blogs.

  2. Nothing wrong with hot girls ,and big boobies .

  3. I think the one in pink is from Mortal Combat.

  4. Congrats on reaching such a landmark, Fran. Now, I'd like to play pat-a-cake with Jessica!

  5. Congratulations Angry. And thank you for the plug. I had 2 new followers out of nowhere and I thought, "What the hell have I done now?" Weird, funny Irish girl blog Christ, with billing like that who won't follow me?

  6. Congrats and very well done my friend. You have some interesting girl friends!!I like!!!

  7. I'm tempted to say that some people from yesterday must think the A-Team has it right and nobody really gets killed in a war... sometimes a dose of unpleasantness is needed.

  8. Who are you again? And why are you always angry...Lurker?

    Congrats mate!

  9. Congratulations, and thanks for the feminine pulchritude.

  10. Congrats on such a milestone. All your posts are appreciated.

    As for the lady in pink, she is definitely Mileena from Mortal Kombat.

  11. Congratulations on the milestone. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but aren't dead bodies part of war? Your work seems pretty realistic to me and unfortunately, that will include some death from time to time. Keep up the excellent work!

  12. Woohoo! Dead bodies and hot ladies!!! Helluva way to start my morning off!!!

    Seriously though - I missed the 'controversy' yesterday...but, I think to keep it in context, the bodies do tend to add to the 'scenery' of a wargame.

    A lot of people wont paint 'alive' figures of US and British soldiers in Afghanistan, or the Taliban for that matter, because its all 'too raw'. If you take casualty figures for what its worth - just a game, and with no meaning behind it - it probably helps a little.

  13. Congrats Lurker. That is a lot of corruption spread. Well done.

  14. Congrats!! Funny google pic and lovely, lovely looking ladies!!!!


  15. Congrats, I have 1 follower :( but nearly 400 hits so not too bad!

    Love the ladies ;) but the google one is a CLASSIC!!!


  16. congrats on those hits, Lurk, you're the biggest Irish star!

  17. Congratulations on the 200k! It's very much deserved. Great google pic and those are some fine looking wimmens.

  18. Cosplay is good when done right. This was done right. I also can't believe you got some complaints yesterday :/

  19. Congrats on reaching the 200K mark! and good god that Jessica Rabbit. O.o

  20. 200k hits is insane! We're not even close to that. Congratulations, my friend! Also, I'm still wiping drool off my keyboard from the steampunk chick. That lass is right up my alley in all the wrong ways.

  21. Well done Fran that's a lot of hits!!! and I was wondering when you'd get around to posting boobies!!!


  23. Congrats, sir!

    I used to reeeeaaallly like Jessica Rabbit when I was younger....

  24. Congrats on 200K hits, it was already over 201K by the time I saw it. And thanks for the plug, three new followers already. As far as criticism over the casualty markers, you can't please everyone. Some have the same feeling about wargaming altogether. So what can you do? And lastly, while I appreciate all of their charms, Mileena is my favorite.

  25. Congrats on your milestone as well! And remember, it's your blog, you can post what you want.

  26. dude 200 000 is a big number... congrats :)

  27. wow... congratulations on 200k, that is a hell of a number there. Also i hope to be recommended next week, that would be insanely great. also, just to make my point, that steampunk girl is hot as sun set on fire, i would marry here the moment i would see her live, even if she does not want it.

  28. Congrats, the one below Catwoman is a character from Mortal Combat games I think. The lady at the bottom is the owner of "Steampunk couture" - does really cool looking clothes.

  29. what? Only 200K...?? Your slipping mate :-D

  30. gratz bro!

    follow me for extreme randomnism!

  31. Congratulations, Sir. You are reaping the miniature-gaming genre fruist for your persistent and profitable labors. Don't stop!

  32. Oops...sorry about the misspelling, I musta sneezed.

  33. Congrats on the mile stone. Some nice pictures in this post.

  34. Very nice! - well done on the huge hit score, I am still working on 20,000!!!.

  35. Congrats sir, that's a big milestone. Also those are some lovely ladies and blogs (ok, i only know Anne's blog there, but i love it)

  36. Think I've just fallen in love with Jessica Rabbit's tits.

  37. Tony VH: I'm sure you could buy them from the same place she did if you're that keen on them ;)

    Think my vote goes for Ms. Steampunk. Worth about 50,000 hits right there. Congrats on the 200k and thanks for the mention & link for my blog!

  38. Major congratulations to you Lurker! I only just crossed the 100K barrier myself.

  39. I can't believe people can get that worked up over miniatures (even if they are of casualties.)
    Now *I* need to see what that 20mm is of.

    I was here for the 50,000....that seems not too long ago, so congrats x2 for this milestone!

  40. Good work, and another great post.

  41. Wow, 200,000! That's just massive. Congrats, Lurker!

  42. The miniatures were awesome please dont stop. It was so realistic and good, it kind of made us feel bad as if it were real. So, take it as compliment.
    Congrats on the hits and these women are awesome. Good one for tips for halloween

  43. hey, i wanna be one of the scantily clad superheroes on your blog!

    i just got an elvira costume, does that count?

  44. @Kage: I'd post you in am Elvira costume.

  45. Grats.
    I saw only one "controversial" comment in your last post, so it's not that bad.

  46. Jessica Rabbit!!.... best costume ever!!!
    side note- your Gaddafi is also an incredible farter comment on my blog.... freekin awesome!!!!

  47. My abject apologies my good man for being so late with this comment, it has been madness at work! Just wanted to add my congratulations for a fantastic milestone.

  48. Congrats on the milestone, dude. I would have asked Mileena for her phone number if I wasn't married.

  49. A fantastic a milestone. Thanks for being a great blogger and a great commenter. You rule.

  50. In the wargame literature the topic of the dead, even soldiers as opposed to civilian, was up until the past few years condemned by some voices as 'Black Wargaming.' Some but not all, and each individual can do what they think is right.

    That is articles in the zines that wargamers read spoke against that, and also such things as torturing or executing prisoners, certain types of SS, ethnic cleansing/massacres, etc.

    There have always been some who liked them and made them, others who thought it was repulsive.

    If you think about it even a minute, the topic does come up frequently and it is something sick if you do and sick if you don't, as far as the casual onlooker is concerned.

    If you don't they will say you should, why not, you are sick. All that shooting and no one got hurt? If you do have them, you're sick, really sick making those.

    The trend recently has been more in favor of including them. It may be that this newer generation is desensitized by video games' mayhem, whereas originally the videogame designers came from the tabletop hobby.

    Their marketing research decisively went for blood, guts, rape, mayhem, etc., far worse than this. There are any number of familiar examples.

    There is a company called Tragik who do nothing but dead figures plus one set of hospital casualties about 1812, which would also be a tragic scene.

    The plastic figures at least and many of the metal too have always included some, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army for Korea set from Imex has fully one fourth of the figures as casualties.

    Personally I think Tragik is kind of sick, but being sick either way, might get some at a later date. I lean towards the idea that it is tragic but it is real, and no use trying to pretend otherwise.

    A bold topic to address Mr Lurk. Congrats on the hits.
