
Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Painted 20mm WW2 Civilian Casualties of War.

The other grim side of war, casualties from aircraft or artillery fire or other causes.........., figures are from CP Models.

The middle piece is actually 3 bodies on top of each other!


  1. Great stuff in a órrible way!

  2. Paul said it all: ''Great stuff in a órrible way!''
    Nice work Fran!

  3. Great stuff. Nice kill markers.

  4. very sad scene. Incredible detail

  5. They just don't seem to have a lot of life in the paintjob!

  6. There's a starkness to these figures that evokes a response for me. I don't feel that when I see video games depicting the dead. I'm not sure why that is. I'll have to think about it.

  7. It looks like the bods from yesterday's post got hit by a manic steamroller – quite disturbing!

  8. A surprising level of realism there in some of them.

  9. Very nice Fran. Great comment Ray.

  10. INCOMING!!!!

    Looking pretty good. I like the paintjob.

  11. Very grim indeed -- the Robert E. Lee quote seems even more appropriate today.

    Excellently painted though!

  12. great painting.
    They aren´t as nasty as I can imagine......................sorry, that sounds a bit like the two old gits from harry enfield..but I mean they could show a lot more..?? horror of war..not your figs but showing the effects of all manner of sharp pices of metal.. Are there such figs about??

  13. @ Paul: None that I could find or I'd have them, I suppose they could be adapted?

  14. Not enough firms make corpse figures. I find them very useful for for my zombie games but really, they should be part of any battlefield.

  15. One or more downed civilian could also be just wounded and faking it (death); and rise-up to smite the enemy as a Partisan.

  16. Nice addition to the project. When you want to read something sad, read the wikipedia article on total causualties in WW II.

  17. This time,I must admit I don't like the idea of these, Lurk. Dead people should not be a part of any game. Once people start playing in that way, it gets a bit offensive to all of those who really lost someone in wars, and it also makes people insensitive toward real killings and victims :(

  18. Hmm....corpses in a historical setting, a little disturbing, but in a zombie game I'm ok with, maybe its because one is completely bogus, but the other has actually happened... anyway good job Angry.

  19. Good job on those. I think it's good to include civialian casulaties in wargames. It serves to remind us that even though we're playing a game, it is based on something horrible.

  20. Were those the refugees from before? Those poor poor people...

  21. Ooo, this is kind of depressing. :\

  22. Nicely done, but this made me sad... a reality of any war, I suppose.

  23. That's morbid, but needed for realism.

  24. Tough call on the reality of war, but well presented.

  25. Excellent, in a depressing sort of way...

  26. agreed. That bonus clip I had that was removed by user was Lucy Liu's dominatrix scene from Payback. I reposted it though from a different site.

  27. Weird! It looks like Cup Cake Art, or like a Cake you would find being made on the Food Network. But its not food. How sad, because it kinda made me hungry.

  28. Not sure I get some of the comments on today's casualties of war post, they're not real people and they're for a game!!! A wargame??? In war people sadly die, in a wargame figures are taken off to represent this, they become a casualty of war. This is definitely not offensive or insensitive, the are just markers for a game.

  29. I agree with Ray, even though he doesn't appreciate honey on fish or chips, buy I still agree with him on this one. I don't find them offensive or insensitive.

    However, honey still rules.


  30. Yeah, poor fellas, they ended up being cannon fodder hahaha that's too bad.

  31. It looks like a bunch of little people went and died on some Eucharist !
    (Needs more blood/wine.)

  32. hmmm, no wonder those refugees were in such a hurry...

  33. I dont know this is making me sad.

  34. I feel bad for the little guys.

  35. I don't really understand the point of having civilian casualties on the stands. I guess they really did bite the dust.

  36. I think they look great. Well worth reminding people of the true horror of war and the often forgotten plight of the civilians who endured invasion, and often worse, liberation.

    Just look at how many civilians died during the Battle for Normandy.

    Keep up the good work Lurk... War sure is hell. Lets not forget that.

  37. I think casualty figures remind us that real war has consequences. Too frequently we are presented with a romanticized view of war that can skew our perceptions.

    Rather than being offended because of friends & family members who have lost their lives in war, I feel that it is a reminder that war is dangerous, can take loved ones away from us and is not something that should be undertaken lightly. War involves sacrifice on a most dreadful scale.

    I feel that the figures above are presented in a tasteful manner, and I'm not offended at all.

  38. I like these, they add a great touch of realism.

  39. The figs work well with the period and games Lurker has in mind, as civilian refuges were attacked by aircraft on a large number of occasions during WW2.

    Our hobby recreates history and some aspects of the horror of war, but should also remember that we only play with toy soldiers.

  40. Nice casualty markers

    -- Allan
