
Wednesday 30 November 2011

15mm Ancients wargaming eye candy, Hittites and Assyrians.

This batrep has already been published over at the other Rejects blogs, all I can say is that it was a one sided game for the other side but I had a good time and a win is a win especially when it's against Ray!

So here are some of my pictures from the game and have yourselves a good day!

The initial layout before we but more they screwed it up.

The town of Sansat circa 854BC.

Contractual Postie picture, took some pictures of his second man cave which I will post this week.

This represents myself, Prince Fran the flame haired.

The Assyrians deployed for battle.

Bloody Hittites!

There wouldn't be much difference 5 turns later!

Assyrian heavy chariots.

Assyrian medium cavalry.

Assyrian heavy infantry with ladders for siege work.

Assyrian baggage camp and harem!

Postie had 10 of these on the table and could be reinforcements but mine here turned out to be peasants gathering wood...dammit.

Slingers...useless gits.

Heavy infantry...not so useless.

I, Prince Fran the flame haired lead my forces from the back mind you...I am son number 25 according to my dad the King.

Arab camelry or as Ray described the ancient version of a bleeding panzer.

I lead some Hittite chariots into an ambush....cue evil laughter!

...and then give them a kicking...... seen here....cue more maniacal laughter!

Chariots engaging each other....

...bleeding Hittites have to double team me I'm that awesome and humble!


  1. A most unbiased and fair review of the game...NOT.

    Please stop rubbing salt into our wounds. I'm still smarting over this defeat. Has Ray calmed down yet? He looked a little 'unhinged' by the end of the game on Sunday?

  2. He's still frothing at the mouth....cue more maniacal laughter and some lightning!

  3. I've hired the best assasins in the land to kill your older brothers. One day all shall bend the knee to King Fran flaming hair. This I vow on pain of death.

  4. I can think of several words, that cannot be written, so only one will do.


  5. Hittites , indeed. I can see this may well lead to another Middle Eastern grudge for the ages.

  6. Prince Fran The Flame Haired is a badass name, and I would love to be lead by that guy. It's also nice to see you don't just stick to WW2 or other "modern" combat.

  7. All hail Prince Flan the Flame Haired!

  8. @Max Silver: Who the hell is this Prince Flan????

  9. My goodness. There is just so much.. do you and the others paint them all ?!

  10. Great pics. Sounds like a great time was had by ... some. :)

  11. @Dustee: Nearly all painted and owned by one man....Postie.

  12. Thats a bunch of some really nicely painted stuff there guys.

  13. exotic! I love when you delve into a deeper past

  14. They aint getting past that wall!

  15. high titties and ass raiding, fuck yeah. :D lol sorry

  16. Hi

    Great pics and love the town walls

  17. Wow! However, this looks really wonderful! Simply brilliantly!

  18. Another laugh out loud, classic report. What's the point of winning if you can't rub your mates noses in it!

  19. Ray frothing at the mouth, maniacal laughter in the back as well as lightning ... sounds like a damn fine day.

  20. Flame haired? Sounded like a good battle

  21. Quite a story with pictures. Love it. Efficient 4+3? your dad - the king :)
    Slingers - Useless gits - I saw in news lot of them throwing molotov cocktail during Egypt riot. :)
    Good one. Love the post and cute cute warriors and the flame head prince, king , comrade and all.

  22. This looks real fun, I wonder what the numbers mean, you said your "reinforcements" turned out to be peasants cutting wood. So is there a random element to this?

  23. Thats a pretty sweet set up! The game looks very interesting. What is it called?

  24. @Bersercules: House rules , battle of Sansat 854BC.

  25. Those city walls are excellent. I always love seeing your ancient war scenarios.

  26. Great looking fun game with your friends...what wargaming is all about!

  27. Love to access a copy of your house rules if possible, they look fun!
