
Tuesday 29 November 2011

The many faces of Wargaming or doing as you're told!

On Sunday Posties Rejects met up for a game of 15mm ancients and as you've possibly heard here and here it was a bit of a disaster for BigLee and Ray, the game was finely set up by Postie with hidden units and possible Favour of the Gods markers all over the place but where the problem started was with one side's man in charge sticking to a plan (in his eyes a good plan) that other's possibly didn't think so!

Now you know me a little and I'm not one to focus on the misery of others (well Ray can be an exception) but I felt sorry for the boys and did a little pictorial tribute to the many faces of wargaming...our hobby.

Will post some of my pictures of my game tomorrow for eye candy purposes, sorry about yesterday but the SWMBO was in her birthday mode so I took the day off and hid.

This is going to be a good day and a good game my friend....



You need to stop taking pictures Fran or I'm going to arse invade you with that camera!

A moment of despondency....

The brave face.........

I'm not playing anymore........


I'm going to kill him..........

I had a great time though and won!


  1. Congratulations! You'd think they would know better than to challenge the Lurker :P

  2. It was a sad sad day for the Hittites. And pretty crap for me and Ray as well. I'm blanking it from my memory.

    Actually we ought to feel sorry for Surj...cos he's gonna be ribbed about this for all eternity.

  3. Damn this looks fun, I never tried any tabletop games before, so I seriously feel I'm missing out.

  4. A wonderful sequence of defeat...

  5. Glad you won, and I quite like the Orc t-shirt. Or at least I think it's supposed to be an Orc. They look surprisingly happy for people full of rage and despair.

  6. Humph!!!!! What a load of bollox!!

  7. Wonderful photo shots. I bet you enjoyed every minute of it. Congrats on the win Fran.

  8. LOL at this post I haven't played any games like this for years but can remember the feelings well when things don't goto plan

  9. Comments are hilarious. And of course they drew out Ray to deny all!

  10. lol sounds like a good time and omg look at all those minis! That's pretty amazing!

  11. That Big Lee fella sort of looks like the dude on his shirt!!!

  12. That is an awesome looking shed, chaps...

  13. ...and so Legends were made. Great set of photos, Fran!

  14. the T-shirt on that big man :)

  15. Nicely done Lurker, there's nothing better than taunting the vanquished. To the victor, the spoils!! (a round of ale at least)
    And cheer up lads, theres always next time:)

  16. Now that seems like one hell of a time!

  17. It's fun to have days off and hid. Love those. And great fun photos here as well.

  18. Ha, Ha, Ha! Funny, but real!

  19. Winning is what it's all about. And happy belated to SWMBO!

  20. Ah! The experts with talk shop ^^

  21. This is great! Finally I see faces to the masterful recreations.

  22. Sorry I'm getting to you late big guy, but I've been down with a bugger of a cold and just woke up. I must say Ray had this coming as he was talking smack about you on his blog before the game started. Said you had a big hairy ginger arse, he did. But don't tell him I was the one that narked on him. Thanks for putting up these pics, it makes it seem almost like I was there.

  23. And if Ray ever gets his hands on me, I'll be glad I wasn't.

  24. those are real good pictures and now it much more cool to put face to those names when we read about their great work

  25. Having read Ray's report first makes these photos all the more funnier.

  26. Haha those captions are great, so good to see both sides of this match now.

  27. This battle with the Hittites is gaining more publicity than Kadesh! The third post I read this week

  28. Thanks Fran, that has really cheered me up. Nothing someone else's despondency to brighten your day.

  29. Great post. An excellant batrep, even without the normal pictures and explanation

  30. You all look so serious....

  31. Talking about 'many faces' I found it quite fun to find out what Ray actaully looks like, conpared to the avatar on his blog! regards, from the other side of the world!

  32. "Sir. I said to General Ewell these words. I said to him: "Sir, give me one division and I will take that hill." He said nothing. He just stood there and stared at me. I said, "General Ewell, give me one brigade and I will take that hill." I was becoming disturbed, sir. And General Ewell put his arms behind him and blinked. So I said, "General, give me one regiment and I will take that hill." And he said nothing. He just stood there. I threw down my sword. Down on the ground in front of him. We could have done it, sir."

  33. Well, you go on with your bad self Mr. Rockstar!! And so incredibly kind to share the other side of things!! (And you were missed yesterday!)
