
Friday 25 November 2011

Inspiring Picture 31: Villains Accuracy?

It's bad enough when your lackeys and henchmen can't hit the side of a barn door while standing beside it but you can't knock off the hero yourself as the villain other than give him a fecking flesh wound but not before you tell him the fecking plot.

Note to self when I take over the world, no giving away the plot and the henchmen (maybe henchwomen?) need firearms and accuracy training but obviously not too bright as you don't want them getting ideas!

Got a game this weekend with the Rejects so you all have a good one this weekend hopefully especially the Thanksgiving lot who are still enjoying their 4 day weekend!


  1. LOL Very fitting for every bond/spy fi film made

    I'm going to have to nick this picture to repost when I get my Crooked Dice Minions finished great find mr Lurker

  2. If your on my side in the game on Sunday, this best not be an example of your dice rolling, if your on the otherside I hope it is!!

  3. With us there is no Thanksgving! If only one normal 2 days of weekend have. But I find, in Germany we have anyhow enough holidays ^^

  4. Have fun! We Man cavers also have a gaming date this weekend!

  5. Have fun at the game. It's called The Principle Of Evil Marksmanship, they really can't hit anything lol.

  6. i mean they can hit the shoulder thou... that will show the hero.

  7. Have a great time. I hope you don't run into any sleestaks. Well, I kinda do.

  8. Let me know when you're about to set your plan for world domination in motion. I want to sign up to be one of your henchmen!

  9. Great pic. Have a good weekend. Not everyone over here gets a 4 day weekend. I had T-day off, and now I'm working Friday through Monday. :(

  10. Very funny and enjoy your game.


  11. So I would be suited already alone from my origin, nevertheless, really as a villain ^^
    But joke aside... I has a little translation problems... This is a Game? If so which and where this is received so? (If my question is stupid, I ask around Excuse me!)

  12. LOL....So very true..having been a store manager...this was also very applicable.

    Have a good battle mate.

  13. It's either crap or godlike accuracy, neither of which are very realistic.

  14. And yet the hero can gun down 250 people with 100% accuracy. Makes sense, right? Hilarious that people never seem to question this when watching movies. Great pic.

  15. Man you should have discribed it diffenrently. The first shot hit him in the shoulder the rest was pure intimidation !!!

  16. it makes you wonder who really is the bad guy then, the guy that just wants to get away without hurting anyone or the guy that is going for the headshot. and as for beer, i drink it from all over the world. connoisseuring that bitch like a motherfucker.

  17. That's an even better standard expected for Star Wars Storm Troopers, " These blast marks are far to accurate for Tusken Raider's ....these were made by Imperial Storm Troopers..." my arse!

  18. That villian isn't a worthy opponent. I'd take him out fast with a single shot to the head. When you take over the world, can I be one of your henchwomen. I'm good with a gun, not afraid to shoot to kill and will follow orders.

  19. Great photo. Maybe the shooter is like me, and merely past the age of steady firing; or maybe just rolling bad dice. Have fun at your game; shoot straight.

  20. Hahah that picture is so true. It only makes sense right?!

  21. hey man, at least one of them hit him in the shoulder!

  22. Brilliant! Good luck in the game too.

  23. lol. I see this and think of Star Wars. Never hitting any of the major characters....Imperial Storm Troopers = FAIL

  24. I laughed at the part where you wrote, note to self, when I take over the world.

  25. I miss the old James Bod villain. They had deadly accuracy when you were being introduced to them, but somewhere along the lines of the movie they got lame.

    Nowadays, they just start out lame and don't get any better.

  26. It always makes me wonder how in the hell the bad guys always seem to miss soooooo badly...

  27. Better accuracy than Imperial Stormtroopers.

  28. Just pray the bad guys don't discover shotguns... ;-)

    Have a great game!


  29. I, too, have a list of "dos and don'ts" for when I take over the world...



  30. That darned Hero Armor, never seem to be able to hit anything.

  31. If villians were smart they would be heroes

    nice blog followed

  32. Have a great time and enjoy your game!
