
Monday 30 January 2012

15mm Peter Pig Dictator and Bodyguard and......


Good weekend as I saw 2 movies on Sunday at the cinema (3 in total last week) as my friend turned up (Vinnie) and we hit the movies (Haywire and Underworld: Awakening 3D, my first ever 3D movie experience), nearly got involved in a altercation with a fecking couple who talked through nearly a whole movie but they backed off and will review the movies this week and next.....

The figure you see below may represent me when I started to run a small country in the late 1990's on the borders of the middle east and Africa but I can't say exactly due to the CIA saying I still owe them!

I've decided it will be a hypothetical country (maybe) and region but the figures and vehicles will be real with rebels, insurgents, security contractors, US forces and Franonian troops, etc.....

Below is a Peter Pig dictator figure with IDF figures representing the bodyguard and GAZ jeeps as transport...already started to design a flag.....

...and of course I realise I'm bonkers!


  1. People talking in the theater is the worst thing ever, had my first Avatar viewing ruined that way, but on the other hand it made me get to see it more than once in 3D :P

  2. At least you've made it to the cinema... I've been trying to take my wife for a night out for the last three weeks but fate/school meetings/work trips keep f***ing up our plans. Maybe next week, fourth time lucky!

  3. Last time I was at a movie there were some annoying people, they need to be told to "STFU or GTFO" really. As long as you were able to follow the movie though you should be fine.

    I'd go for a lot more than bonkers, but I just can't put it into words without getting banned from Blogger!!!

  5. I want some Franonian troops of my own to play with...

  6. They are part of the movie, I think...

    About the Dictator, he appears to be a very Democratic and Respectful Leader...

    Best regards

  7. Bonkers!? I think we all are´s just that no-ones giving the certificates out yet :-D
    You should give the "glorious leader" a name...Richard is good, Richard Spud..or Dick Tater to his mates :-D

  8. Nice one.
    Umm, from what I have observed in real life you need more medals, and two revolvers, handles facing forward for cross draw. And the cap must be replaced with a nice black cavalry type. Otherwise looking good.


  9. Truthfully I wish they'd take 3d and shove it up their behinds but that's just me. Nice that leader would make anyone crap their pants. And the CIA huh?

  10. Having just seen both films you mentioned (in near deserted cinemas - ah, bliss!) I have to say, good choice! I enjoyed them both immensely.

  11. Saw Underworld 3 myself. It's a good addition to the Kate Beckinsale in tight leather series. Someone said they're were vampires and werewolves, too. Not sure.

  12. Or I guess that would be Underworld 4 in 3D.

  13. Is the dictator from the AK-47 republic range?

    1. I'm planning on using him for my 20mm games, the thought of a dictator with serious height issues and a small man complex to go with it makes me smile.

  14. Great stuff Fran. I love the Piggy figures. I guess a lot of people dont, but I like their character for 15mm. Im going to start working on some PP ACW here shortly.

    Can I get a little sneak peak of your Haywire review? Im trying to decide whether to go see it or not. I think Gina Carano is about the best thing since sliced bread, so that may be good enough....

    1. 3 stars, popcorn, worth the watch for the close combat fighting and I find her really pretty......

  15. Clearly not enough medals! Great miniature though.

  16. Underworld 3D was the 1st 3D film ive ever seen too, when the windscreen of that claped out van smashes i thourght i was going to get sharded by glass!

    Good looking stuff btw, i keep meaning to look at the Peter Pig stuff at shows.

  17. I knew you've been a dictator secretly in some little country.... I just knew it!

  18. Now if Ray would make you a flag. A Franonia flag. Maybe a few tee-shirts as well.

    Good stuff.

    1. Our mate Keir, supposed to be doing it, but I know I'll end up making for his Lordship!

    2. Our you working on the flag form me and The Whisk Ray? *Taps foot*...

    3. Feck, I spelled that wrong. Are you working on the flag for me and The Whisk Ray?

  19. Very nice I like the jeeps

  20. Very cool. That's a nice looking dictator. Great job of the jeeps full of troops, too. We're all bonkers a little, I guess.

  21. Will Franonia be a tax haven with no extradition treaties? If so, I might consider becoming a citizen :)

    1. We're looking for good looking people Tamsin, no extradition and tax benefits....

  22. Sounds like an awesome idead. How are planning to handle immigration problems?

  23. I still wanna go and see the new underworld in 3D.

  24. Wow, he's a great looking figure

  25. Nice!
    That was your first 3D? I didn't see it in 3D last week but I imagine it was pretty cool.

  26. Wonderful figure and now you are moving into 15s gosh

  27. Nice dictator, Lurker.

    I find the 3 most annoying things in the cinema are

    a) People rustling a bag of sweets or crisps all the way through the film. Like you can't not eat for 90 minutes - you have to fill your face for every second you're in the place.

    b) People putting their feet on the seats or against the back of the seat you are in. Would they do this at home - put their dirty trainers on the back of Mum's armchair? No - so why think its OK in a public place?

    c) Talking through a film. You're there to see the film. If you want to talk, why go to see a movie? Why not just go to Starbusks and chat over a coffee? Its cheaper and doesn't annoy the other 100 people in the place. How self-centred do you have to be to think that you yacking through a film won't actually impair other people's enjoyment.

  28. I like the dictator figure. No resemblance to wargamers-we-have-known, I am very glad to see! Always nice to see the AK-47 getting a run out. Really looking forward to see what you make of Underworld 3D.

  29. Great work and an ingenious idea too; I love the Pig's stuff - nice figures :)

  30. Bonkers... maybe, but weren't they some good times!!!

  31. Realizing that you are bonkers is the first step in recovery.

    Come to think of it, no recovery needed here. You're quite enjoyable.



  32. 3d doesn't work properly for me... something to do with the glasses I think. Anyway, fantastic models, and a cracking idea

  33. Nice job, Sir. A little goatee and the General would look like you!

  34. Ah! ... You've come over to the dark side at last... Franonia huh? Nice. :-)

  35. Great General! Lots of character!

  36. LOL bonkers you are! Great figures really like them all especially the jeeps!

  37. nice jeeps, i'd paint em green though, cause my jeep is green.

  38. Those jeeps are nice. Bag of chips for them. And people takling in movies is one of the things that pisses me off, but they upped the ante and now talk or text of the phone during the movie. I'm all for the legal system to change the law to allow those people to be dismembered. Fingers first. Then hands. And if they are that stupid hang from the cinema walls to warn the others this will not be tolerated.

  39. Great start to what should be some fun games; let your imagination be your guide.
    Is there a way to add some Hungarian Insurrection troops to the mix?

  40. Nice work! And I hate people that have to talk through a movie. I remember a VERY LOOOOOOOONG time ago, going on a date and he got all offended because I DIDN'T feel the need to talk through the show. It didn't last.

  41. It's the blue colour of the jeeps that does it for me.

    I saw HAYWIRE too last night. It needed more action and less confussion.

  42. Franonioa... Got a nice ring to it dunnit?

  43. Cool figures! and the bodyguards are probably "Darkwater" employees

  44. Did you shrunk Fran? A dictator of 15mm high isn't that impressive :LOL: And don't put medals on him, he will fall on his nose ;-)

    Luckely your paintwork is much better. I like the figure and the jeeps. Show some more of these figures!

    I had enough of cinema long time ago. Just give me a DVD and I lean back ;-)


  45. off to see Underworld tomorrow....there's never enough Kate Beckinsale in tight leather...ever

  46. these are super cool and I love them.

  47. Nice job on these bad boys Fran.

  48. US forces vs Franonian troops.

    I wonder who would win.

  49. What is that building in the background? A fort it looks like firing slits. just wondering.Yes... imagi-nations my favorite wargaming.

  50. I cant wait for you movie review! I want to know your take on
    3-D Movies. I think they are lame!
