
Tuesday 31 January 2012

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 64: Haywire 2011 (3 STARS)

Beautiful freelance covert operative Mallory Kane is hired out by her handler to various global entities to perform jobs which governments can't authorize and heads of state would rather not know about. After a mission to rescue a hostage in Barcelona, Mallory is quickly dispatched on another mission to Dublin. When the operation goes awry and Mallory finds she has been double crossed, she needs to use all of her skills, tricks and abilities to escape an international manhunt, make it back to the United States, protect her family, and exact revenge on those that have betrayed her.

Gina Carano.

This is an action movie which starts half way through and goes back and then continues on, the lead actress (Gina Carano, former MMA and was ranked third in the world in her weight category at one stage, was the Gladiator "Crush" on American Gladiators and currently trying acting in this Stephen Soderbergh movie), the movie is a little slow at times but is made up for by the fight scenes which while not Bourne quick are good all the same and she prefers the close combat way out most times, it's a double cross movie with a some revenge thrown in, she's been given a good cast around her with Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas, Ewan McGregor, Michael Fassbender etc......

Gina doesn't do too bad with the role and I hope she's given more in the future, the locations are good especially Dublin as she was running by places I did bouncer on the door and places where I was a chef (memories), the action when it came was good, the story was a little weak but it's well worth a watch especially if you like Gina (she's very beautiful).......

The one word ending made me smile.........


  1. Nearly went to see this at the weekend but went for 'The Grey' instead which I think was the better choice.

    I think I'll keep Haywire on the backburner for my LoveFilm list later in the year.

  2. I enjoyed this a lot and Gina is very easy on the eye. I totally agree with you about the ending. It made me laugh as well,

  3. Certainly a stella cast; one to watch out for me thinks.

  4. I still haven't seen it ,but I wanna !
    Plus , I wanna see the new Underworld movie in 3D .

  5. Will add this one to the list, thank you.

  6. Really sounds interesting, hopefully it'll be available in my town.

  7. Sounds like a plan, will see it when it comes out on dvd, as always.

  8. i am going to wait on this one, saving the money for the avengers...

    try this place for the walking dead:


  9. I heard Soderbergh did something to Carano's voice in the film in post-production. I'm not sure why, though.

  10. not my type of film, too much violence, but you know I adore Ewan, Channing and Fass My Benders!

  11. I'll have to be on the lookout for this one. Thanks.

  12. I'll check it out at some point.


  13. Sounds like it's decent and I hope she's taken seriously.

  14. Very interesting this Gina... pardon, this movie!

  15. Sounds like its worth a watch thanks for the highlight i'd must of missed this one being advertised

  16. Plot reminds me of Sandra bullocksmovie "the net".hanks for this review I will watch this. I find weightlifting women more attractive than cheerleaders, anyone agree with me?

  17. After watching the trailers it seems to me that Ms. Carano is certainly believable as a tough girl, but she has zero charisma.

  18. gina is a pretty hot fighter/chick. cyborg mangled her that one time though

  19. Hmm??? she's an attractive looking young filly, can't say too much encase she tracks me down and beats the shit out of me!

  20. This is probably one I'll catch on NetFlix.

  21. Sounds like a good movie! I hope she gets more movie roles too! But I base that soley on her looks!

  22. Yeah sounds pretty good. I'm partial to sneakers. haha

  23. You were a bouncer! I'm not surprised in the least, nor am I surprised that you find Gina pretty. Now you've another story to tell us. Fran the bouncer/chef, international man of mystery...

  24. She is hot! Do they still air American Gladiators? I used to watch it all the time!

    I will have to have a look at this movie! Nothing like a hot chick kicking some ass and getting revenge!

  25. The movie poster reminds me of the game Wet. Which was a terrible game, good to see the movie wasn't anything like it.

  26. This actually looks half decent. I may check it out.

  27. Gina Caranos body is so ... euchw!

  28. I'd watch almost anything with that on the screen.

  29. Sorry for the pun, but I had such a crush on Crush!

  30. It's watchable for her.. so I'll wait til it comes out and rent it maybe. Watch it in the comfort of my boxers.

  31. I was going to download this the other day!

  32. I've been patiently waiting for this to come out, saw the preview in a theater ages ago, I'm just glad it's not awful as I liked Gina Carano back in her MMA days

  33. Never knew aabout this one, will have to watch.....smoking Bod !!

  34. this would be the kind of movie that i would watch when it comes out on dvd...
