
Friday 17 February 2012

Angry blogger rant, Safia Gaddafi, Salute 2012 bad news, won a competition and boobies....

Blogger is giving me arseache at the moment, deleted my blogroll due to the fact you couldn't add anybody to it any more, I then did another blogroll (which took fecking ages) and entered all my favourite blogs again minus a few fecking dead ones and everything was fecking fine and now it's stopped me adding fecking blogs again, can't get any answers from blogger but now they're really arse invading us with this new Captcha fecking arse water..........

....even this guy trying to be funny got it fecking wrong!

I'm already angry enough without having to squint and shout at the computer more than I usually fecking do and then have (mild mannered , fecking bollox) Ray who is on days this week coming in and fecking ranting about Captcha to me because he's physically fecked and blind as fecking well, for fecks sake blogger sort yourself out.....

.......and why is fecking Safia Gaddafi emailing me!!!!!!!.........

Greetings to you,

I am the second wife of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and my name is Safia Farkash al-Baraasi Gaddafi. we came to know each other in 1971 when Gaddafi was admitted to a hospital where i worked as a nurse. we got married the same year and have six sons and one daughter.

I decided to contact you on this vital issue as you may have heard about the death of my husband Muammar Gaddafi on Thursday Oct 20 2011.............,

This is just an excerpt from the email but money is involved eventually.........

The Rejects are not doing the WW2 game at Salute 2012 now due to the organiser Paul Darnell having to pull out due to work issues but we'll still be going as fecking punters and hope to meet up with fellow bloggers there....

I entered a competition over at Retro-Zombie about filling in the blanks in a comic and I fecking won and I won a  puzzle page?, I'd rather win his current competition which is easy to enter where the prize is a zombie head pencil holder, give the boy a visit......

The last two panels were blank and something came over me and I'm not fecking sorry......

This is the fecking prize!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always had a thing for the counsellor, looks like somebody else fecking did.......

...and whilst painting a fecking 28mm Predator figure for a fecking friend I dropped a lot of fecking black paint down the front of my fecking shirt, fecking friends........

Now have a good fecking weekend if you can, rant over and I'm fecking out of here.......


  1. Rank! I thought I had a rant and a half the other day, but you win, my friend! Stop by and see what I have cooking today. Slather it in butter. It will make you feel better!

  2. You sound like me Angry. Feck, feck, feck, arse, feck. The only thing you missed was gobshite and you'd have been mistaken for my twin. And you've even got Boobies on your post. I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry but I'm laughing my fecking arse off right now...

  3. Totally feckin' agree mate - feckin' blogger and the new feckin' captcha is a feckin' pain in the feckin' 'arris

  4. I totally feckin' agree too!!!!!I just had a bit of a rant on Ray's blog!!

  5. Love the comic, love the weird email, love the rant.

  6. Frak! Blogger have Fethed up our Blogs again? Those Drokking meddlesome Gorram Smeg Heads!!!

  7. LMAO Indeed frustrating passwords. lovelly erm bristols. what was i saying.....

  8. Damn, sorry your having a bad day. I, on the other hand, am just waiting for my Gadaffi money to clear in my bank account and then its off to the Bahamas for meee!!

    She is very generous isnt she? Just like those Nigerians a while back....

  9. That's a fecking good Photoshop job... or a fecking marvelous boob-job!!!

  10. Lurker ...
    Now you know why I bailed a few times in the past.
    Too many damn issues with Blogger.
    They have fixed them for the most part.
    Trying to post is hard enough, but trying to fix crap is a pain in the ass!
    Oh and I probably would've watched Star Trek more if they had giant boobies on the show.

  11. Hah. Sorry Angry, but your bad day started my day off nicely!

    Hey, btw, you should really give Safia a chance. Just could move to Libya, have a palace (or a tent). Its really quite exciting!

  12. I've had the same issues! I thought it was my computer - couldn't add new blogs, and this new verification is impossible to read. What to do? Best, Dean

    1. The limit seems to be 166, set up another blogroll, Rebel Barracks came up with it.....

  13. Sorry to hear you're having such a rough day -- you've gotten a heaping helping of rotten occurrences. Hang in there.

    Bummer about Salute, too.

    Great entry in the contest though!

  14. I'm with you on the security check things, my eyes are bad enough without having to squint/decipher what the computer is trying to show me. I suppose the boobs don't help with my eyesight either, but at least they're worth the effort!

  15. I soooo agree, got a rhyme made up about those stupid ass catpcha crap. They've got way out of hand.

  16. I've met the actress and I don't believe the counselor was that endowed...
    You saw my take on the new word verification today.
    And when my blogroll hit two hundred, it locked up as well. Had to delete and make several small ones. You're the third person I've heard who's also had challenges.

  17. The new anti-spam thing is quiet bad. Honestly... I am quite happy Wordpress does not use that thing. They have some kind of software that checkes posts for spam. So far nothing got through, it found over 700 in the past 9 month with only one false positive. Plus I do not have a blogroll problem either.

    The phrase you found here is quiet funny. A couple of weeks ago I saw one that was actually racist.

    Regarding Mrs. Sirtis (Counselor Troy). A colleague of my better half is a big Star Trek fan and actually became a therapist because of the role (otherwise she is actually a nice, normal person ;-)). A couple of years ago she actually met Sirtis at a convention and told her so. The only comment she got from her was "please move along... I do not have time for this". Sounds like a nice person!

    Have a nice weekend!

  18. Right, well glad you got that of your chest! Have to say that I feel the same way about blogger so took the Captcha off mine (I think), I'll probably get spammed by Mrs Gaddafi now! Sorry to hear about the game at Salute, but hoping to be there myself so will try and say hello. Have a great weekend!

  19. I hate the new captcha too and a lot of shit has happened, but at least you won something. Right?

  20. Feckin potty mouth! Another amusing post as usual (well it cheered me up a bit).

  21. Yeah the new captcha sucks. Nice breasts though.

  22. Bad times, though mrs Gaddafi emailing you is quite funny! (its a scam!) If your around at Salute and can be arsed im going to be at the Malifaux table, pop over and say hello.

  23. I positively despise captcha too! Especially the new one. I don't understand why anyone still has that on their blogs when we've all agreed we won't use it. It's demeaning and offensive and off putting! Satan's work!

  24. Nice boobies... was there something else in this post?

  25. Those tits are fecking ace by the way.

  26. I wondered what all the distant shouting was this i know, Fran and Ray :-D
    The e-mail from Safia ain´t no´s my other web name :-D
    No seriously, those captcha things are a frickin pain..especially for half blind old gits like me. But i´m looking forward to when a good one turns up...the best one I ever got with the old ones was "loopy"... about sums it up really.
    I´m glad I didn´t remove my blog roll and then start all over only to find it don´t work....!!!!

  27. Fran, I'm sitting here killing myself laughing. That was one major fecking rant - made my day it has (and I've disabled captcha from my blog now!

  28. They're all a bunch of feckers! .... Saying that, if she'd dropped black paint down her shirt I'd be first in line to give her a wipe down...Ooooh errr, more tea vicar?

  29. LOL! The word verification had me nearly spit my drink out on my screen.

  30. Boobs... wait, what? something about blogroll?

  31. The new captcha is really starting to piss me off! I'm sure the idea is to make 'robots' struggle, not humans!

    And I have to be honest. I think your prize is amazing. I immediately started doing one of the puzzles in my head..and quickly told myself to get a grip..and stopped myself. I can't promise that I won't be back to finish it..

    (I won't be back to finish it)

    GM x

  32. Boobs, fantastic.

    Two word verification, suckage.

  33. That blog roll issue has been going on for MONTHS. I've complained like a million times, but it doesn't look like they're doing anything to fix it. You can add your blog to the list of effed up ones here:

    That new captcha rubbish makes me feel dyslexic.

  34. I see your boobies prize and I raise you one free toothpaste. Which after Ray's comment, I posted the picture of the prize.

    And here I thought no one wants to see my toothpaste.

    Anyway, you guys crack me up. As for the captcha stuff. It's total crap on a cracker. It's like they really want everyone to shut their word verification off, rather than really helping to stop spam.

    I dunno.

  35. you are the king of anger... boobies, prizes and a blogroll you cannot eat... i can verify i am a human being, stop blogger from making more changes. congrats on your win.

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Visit The Madness:

  36. I feel your pain about Captcha. Took me ages to get it removed from my blog. But it should be gone now.

  37. I removed captcha too...

    They are a true clapping hands in the a$$...

  38. lol yeah blogger is a bitch. it does what it wants when it wants. and that last pic looks shooped but not sure.

  39. I will be at Salute again this year Fran. Drop me a line if you want to press the flesh again.

    Commenting on Blogspot site via Wordpress is a pain in the hole, just in case you were wondering.

  40. Bart pretty much sums up my opinion about everything except the last picture.

  41. Those feckin captcha things are impossible to read! I hate the shit out of them! It is only by pure luck that I have been getting them right! They have got to go or I'm outta here! Feck off blogger! Just leave us be! We didn't ask for this shit...why force it on us? Did the government put you up to this?

    I love a good rant but hate the foul mood that comes with it!

  42. Yeah... People should just disable captcha and read their comments before posting them.

  43. I love the word fecking. Was going to put FECKOFF on my license plate but they wouldn't let me. Fecking feckers.

  44. I dunno what it is about your rants, but they amuse me. Deeply. I want an email from Gadaffi's wife.

  45. I'm with you on the Captcha - positive pain the posterior! I'm also very much with you on the Counsellor, was certainly a reason for tuning in to watch next generation...

  46. Enjoyed the post. I turned captcha off on my blog. Have fun this weekend.

  47. Not only that but I'm getting the Red Cross on every picture in Blogger at the moment!


  49. Great rant mate. Hope it was therapeutic.

  50. I saw the actress who played Counselor Troi at some comic/collectable show last year. She's still got it my friend....but I wasn't down to pay all that cash for a photo with her =/ Maybe I'll bump into her on the street one day and get one for free!

  51. Yea those captcha's are the worst, can't understand why they changed it.

  52. Fecking hell, you just cheered me up, nice rant, blogger is shizer!


  53. Sorry to hear of your blogger issues, I think it all treats us different in wierd ways. To see it all sorted out would be wonderful!

    Ms. Gaddafi probably contacted you for protection, as well as your rugged looks. See, your figs are so realistic, that she thought you had a personal force of thousands and enjoyed showing them off in your blog. I can't blame her, though, as the casualty scene did give me nightmares the night after.

    That puzzle page might actually have worth. Not to you, but the psychic in me sees it as a bargaining chip down the road.

    Have a pleasant rest-of-the weekend.

  54. count me in for the rant about the captcha one. I had to go back to old blogger and then remove captcha. Frustrating.

  55. Already changed settings so folks don't need to put up with this horseshit!


  56. You're fecking right to rant about the new digital form of torment Blogger unleashed!

  57. I do hate those new fecking blogger captchas.

  58. I am fecking ranting with you about the new captcha. It is driving me insane. Please, bloggers get it off of your blogs. I am having trouble with a few of my blogger gadgets as well and have not received an answer to my Feb. 10th questions. I am a new follower and fecking glad to be here.

  59. I've found this thread, which may help you sort out your captcha problem.

    Then go to Settings, Comments. Word Verification "Off". :o))

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