
Thursday 16 February 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 66: Sherlock Holmes 2 (3 STARS)

Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson join forces to bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.

I loved the first movie, 4 STARS of anybody's time but for some reason this isn't even though it's a romp at times, we know nearly all the characters apart from Mycroft Holmes (Stephen Fry), Sebastian Moran who is Moriarty's evil henchman (Paul Anderson) and Moriarty himself (Jared Harris, I only knew him as Dr.Ashford from Resident Evil: Apocalypse) but he's bloody well cast as the evil Professor.....

The story revolves around Moriarty's attempt to start World War 1 a lot earlier than it officially did and it's a damn good attempt, the story is fast paced (the set piece in the forest in Germany is particularly well done) but things don't get going until quite a bit into the movie, good action, good humour but the new lead actress is distracting (Noomi Rapace) but not in a good way but Holmes and Watson perform brilliantly together and it's a good ending but at times a little far fetched. Hoping for more though......


  1. I haven't seen either of the two Sherlock films, so it would be unfair of me to comment on them. However, I would like to say that I love the flag that Anne has created for you. Sheer class!

  2. Like you I loved the first and, as you know, have a 'thing' for all things Victorian so looking forward to this. Three stars sounds fair, as difficult to follow up a smash hit.

  3. I'm also a big fan of the first movie. Most of my friends didn't like it and I just can't understand them.
    The second part was... different but also great to watch.
    It's definitely a buy for my blue ray collection.

  4. i fell asleep in the first film, i need to revisit it someday...

    hey i wanted to let you know you won the name the caption thingy i was running... i sent you the prize [via email]



  5. My only complaint was that with three attractive female characters, the only nude scene was with Stephen Fry!

  6. It wasn't just me then... Liked the first one a lot, but was left a bit unsatisfied with the second. I watched it on the big screen and some of the action scenes had me turning my head like I was at Wimbledon, might be better watched at home maybe. Good, but not as good.

  7. Didn't see either one actually. Big fan of Downey though.

  8. I enjoyed that one even more than first one, especially as there is Moriarty here.

  9. The first one didn't really do it for me, could watch the last 15 minutes of it and get the whole movie. So I skipped this one for now.

  10. it's a movie I'd skip myself, since I can't stand Ropace and RDJ although I do adore Jude Law

  11. I'm still yet to watch either but I think I'll end up watching at least the TV series soon.

  12. I keep forgetting to watch the first one.
    Yep, I'm a lazy bastard.

  13. I liked it just as much as the first one. Downey and Law play off each other so well.

  14. I really enjoyed the first one and so you can be sure I'll watch this one as well! Reminds me I need to get a copy of G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T and maybe convert some scenario's for this.


  15. Thanks for the review. I enjoyed the first one. Still looking forward to the 2nd. Great Flag!

  16. Only 3 Stars? I think it deserved at least a 3 1/2. lol.

  17. I think this one was as good if not better than the first one. It really fitted the style of the period much better although in the series his brother is the smarter of the two and that doesn't really shine through. I enjoyed this one immensely. You are under rating it!

  18. robert downey jr. is in it. that is all i need.

  19. I really liked the first one but haven't seen the second yet. I hope Mr. Ritchie continues making new ones.

  20. Still not seen the first one yet!!!!!! Lend it me git face!!

  21. I'm a huge fan! Adored both of the movies and the British TV series too. Sherlock is definitely the sexiest character ever to have been created..after Johnny Bravo, of course!

    GM x

  22. I am not sure I will see this until it hits the free movies part of On Demand. I was bored silly by the first one.

  23. I enjoyed it: switch brain off, enjoy the romp. Thought the second was better than the first actually.

    The BBC adaption is even better: more Holmesian, despite the modern setting.


  24. First one's already on my list; this one will go on too, just because I enjoy Sherlock Holmes so much.

  25. You know I actually like this one more than the first.... and you are right Dr Moriarty was perfectly cast!

  26. I'm a great Holmesian, love him and the various attempts by actors to develop the character. I thought the 1st movie was a good 4S, yet to see the 2nd one but after your comments and seeing the poster with SH brandishing a Mauser 9mm, my favourite pistol (anorak), it now is a sooner rather then later. Ta feller.

  27. Liked first one.
    Haven't seen second, thank you for review.
    Really liked most recent Tv series
    Wondering, is Ray Moriarty and Lurker Holmes? Or is it the other way round? Love the banter between you two.

  28. Sounds decent. Rent-able maybe.

  29. I agree that it's not as good as the first one, but still a good flick.

  30. Thanks for the review, I loved the first movie, and will probably see this one anyway.

  31. I like these actors, but I can't get into them for Sherlock. I'm just too set in my ways with the older black and whites.

  32. Damn nobody seems to rate this movie too highly. My own reason for wanting to watch it are probably odd enough : because I'm a big fan of Stephen Fry. But I just don't feel like sitting through a so-so movie, there have been so many lately.

  33. I liked it... lots of action and adventure. I had a hard time understanding Sherlock's ideas, etc. but that could simply be because the character is not a 'regular' sort of guy. It's worth renting and I don't regret seeing it in the theater. It seemed a little overwhelming for me but most action flicks feel like there's too much happening on the screen any more... as if the special effects of each movie must out-do every movie before it.

  34. It pissed rain out all day while the sun played hide and seek. Spent a good six hours behind the drums, then read some Salvatore (Dark Elf series). It was a fine way to spend a day. Good night Angry.

  35. I wanted to watch the movie. Now I am confused. Anyway I had done many things in my life I regret later, let this one be added to the list.

  36. Good to hear the sequel isn't screwed bad. That's what mostly happens.

  37. I havent seen it yet but If it´s half as good as the first then it´ll be great....

  38. I loved this film. It had some really cool "detective work" elements, cool action/gadgets, and pure wit from Holmes and Watson as ever. All in all I thought it was a great movie. I saw it on opening night. :)

  39. I loved this movie and the first to bits and wouldn't put either one ahead of the other. Time whizzes by at warp speed when Im watching these movies and am always left wanting more.
    Non believers will be cast into the pit of eternal damnation for their effrontery at not thinking exactly like me!!
