
Wednesday 25 April 2012

15mm Fire and Fury ACW Game, Battle of Salutesville 1862.....

.......or the game of 6 bloggers!

Last Sunday and the day after Salute the Rejects put on a 15mm ACW game using Fire and Fury rules (otherwise known to me as Fire and Furious Anger rules) for 3 other bloggers, the battle was a hypothetical one set in Salutesville 1862 (Posties idea and game). So there were 7 players (the seventh was next door neighbour Jack who had gamed with us before and Postie umpiring) and a massive game with a lot of figures and divisions on the table and reinforcements arriving on lucky dice rolling!

I was in and out at the beginning of the game and near lunch while I was keeping an eye on lunch! There are several posts of the game and can be seen on other blogs!

So some eye candy and brief explanations mostly with what went on with my side and 5 brigades of McClaws 3rd division South Carolina boys!

The Union boys, Ray, Curt and Seb....

The Confederates, BigLee, Tamsin, Jack and the guy behind the camera.....

South Carolina's finest.......

Deployed for battle, you had to roll to see how far they deployed on......

Union forces await......

Robert E.Lee makes an appearance......

BigLee advancing on my flank.....

Tamsin fighting in the centre.......


Trying to knock the Union off a hill, this did not go well.......

Disordered and out of ammo markers, we used a lot of these.....

More Union forces advance.....

Union cavalry reinforcements arriving...too late though but bastards if they dismount in a good position....

Ray gets a little too close.....

The ongoing battle......

2 Confederate brigades heading back to reorganise.....

Tamsin in the centre....

Union artillery, far better than Confederate made it's point all day....

Hood's Texas boys doing some wood clearing......

BigLee trying to make a breakthrough.....

This is now way to be attacked.....

The last action of the game, hitting  them in the flank....

Contractual Postie shot, I think I went a bit David Bailey....

A victory for the Confederacy 19-13 when the points were added up, the game went back and forward all day with the dice allowing no one to get the upper hand but eventually we got a few good dice rolls and the Union started to collapse, a great game, great gamers and a great day!



  1. Great photos Lurker! We'll have to try F&F in 6mm next year.

    Lunch looked nice as well!

  2. Excellent Battle report. It was a great game. I like these rules, even if they can be a bit cumbersome at times.

    I should have my pictures and batrep posted tomorrow...then I can collapse in a heap and relax for a couple of days.

  3. Great setup. Liked the flow of photos. They reminded me of an Eddie Izzard skit "Death, death, death, LUNCH, death, death..."

  4. Great battle report, although the close up of Ray was a bit unsettling. I'm so-so on the fire and fury rules but that's likely due to me being 0-7 playing them

  5. The dice are a feeble and and fickle mistress. It's cool you got some bloggers in on the action and I hope for some it was a first time and a real good experience for them.

  6. I like the idea of a blogger pick-up game. As ever good to see the action.

  7. Great pics Fran and nice report :)

  8. Looks like a lot of fun and wel done gettinhg all that pasta sorted out! Time for a rest.

  9. Great post Fran and some nice pics, of course the 17th is my favourite, followed by the pasta pic, nom, nom, nom. I've nearly finished my post, had to stop a while and play Call of know how it is???

  10. A great game, great gamers and a great day...and a great report!
    Nice pictures, what a colection of figures! Specially the Texas guys and the union artillery.

  11. Fantastic looking game Fran. Great photos and very cool bunch of gamers to play with.

  12. Lovely pictures, great narration and cute figurines as usual. I saw a flag with U.S and A. Whose is that?

  13. Looks like it was a good game.

  14. Ha! Nice to see the boys from my current state of residence (SC) getting some game time.

  15. Great looking game Fran! Lunch didn't look too bad either!

  16. Nice! That looked like a lot of fun.

  17. Impressive game and shed,great to meet you all at Salute - nice one :)

  18. Very nice review. Thanks for sharing the pictures!


  19. Nice pictures and lunch looks great!

  20. Looks like another awesome game! :D

  21. Awesome looking game, and so many infantry units, very jealous.

  22. i'd like to try this out. but i bet it would just turn into a drunken game of risk to me

  23. I already knew the outcome of the game. I read Tamisin's report and she leaked the news of Ray's loss earlier in the week (and his U turn). A good day for Angry and a bad day for Ray!!

  24. congrats on the win, Ray's eye was scary..haha

  25. I'm loving the tiles in the kitchen... it was sooo me, to comment on that :)

  26. Great post Fran, what a talented and kind hearted man you are to prepare sustenance for you fellow gamers ;) The photo of Ray made me jump!

  27. Angry:

    Saw pics of this great looking game on Ray's blog. I like yours better - you show the pasta too! Best, Dean

  28. Great pics and report, love ACW fir n fury rules

  29. Yahoo, great report, photos and best of all the bowl of pasta, which looked nice. Now I want a bowl of pasta

  30. Nice report looks like a fun day. Can I ask what figures these are? I'm just starting to collect ACW.

  31. Great Post. I love the detail. Well done.

  32. Great looking game there, looks like you all had a great time. Though it might've helped that you won.

  33. Fun stuff -- you guys always put on the coolest games!

  34. What a great picture of that pasta! And Ray ate two plates of them? :-D

    Great report and thanks for sharing!


  35. Great looking game and pics.Yum want pasta now

  36. Great photos, and again looks like it was a great game..

  37. So basically you helped the Confederates win?

    Looks like it was a great game and if the cavalry had come in time they might have won! Great photos, you really capture the moments!

  38. Ok, for me the best pic is, by far, the pasta ;) They were licking good Fran. Thanks again for cooking, even though it can be messy.
    And see you next time.

    Seb, French Chapter.

  39. I love, love, love when you guys break for lunch.

  40. Looks like a hearty lunch, and just wondering how long do these battles usually take?

  41. nice pics and an interesting looking game

  42. Great game pics, nice looking lunch, and a couple of err, 'interesting' pics too...

  43. Random lunch shot made me laugh because it took me a second to realize it wasn't part of the game. Felt pretty silly when I realized.. just lunch.

  44. I AM HUNGRY NOW. and it is 2:30pm I have ages before dinner

    great post.

  45. It was great gaming with you, Fran, but even better eating your cooking! Actually I have to admit that I felt so indebted for the great grub that I kinda threw the game (don't tell Ray - he'd be pissed).
    - Curt

  46. Great looking game and one day I hope I can visit and join in the fun!


  47. Good AAR and very nice looking game !

    Best regards Michael
