
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Salute 2012, Fieldworks Models and 80 pence!

The weekend nearly killed me, between the show, the Sunday gaming and cooking and all the smiling I was fecked! The show was great, met loads of fellow bloggers, stayed until the end (first ever time and never again!) and I admit people coming up to you and staring for a second or two and then going "Are you the Angry Lurker? will never get old or tiring! (some people did the stare but then walked off but you can't blame them after seeing the picture below!)
Proof that Ray actually bought lunch, well dinner anyway!

I stuck to the list (no Pamela Anderson again!) but I had a certain amount of money in my right hand pocket and that was that (I'm not telling!) and I ended up with 80p ($0.50) left because of the lovely Kath and John Shuker at Fieldworks whose 15mm modern distressed  buildings were beautiful and painted and they were generous with the discounts, really lovely stuff and Franonia is taking shape because of them, Timecast were very generous with a few freebies but I still screwed up my order (doh!)

The meeting with fellow bloggers went well with a surprising amount turning up, meeting others around the show and some who forgot or got too drunk!

Here's a brief list that I can remember, good bloggers and go visit them!

Mike at Trouble At T'Mill
Jay and his beautiful wife over at The Raptor's Nest
Andy over at The Lair of the Breviks
MiniMike (Dutch Chapter) at MiniStories
Dalauppror (that's him in helmet on his avatar) at Dalauppror
Dave over at One man and his brushes
Michael at 28mm Victorian Warfare
Seb (French Chapter) at Back to the minis
Tamsin over at Wargaming Girl
Andy at The Hangar Bay
Dallas at Fawcett Avenue Conscripts
Curt (Canadian Chapter) over at Analogue Hobbies
Tomsche (Pikachu hat wearing legend!) at Societa di archeologia e cimeli

..and Clint over at Anything but a One (he wasn't there but he was in spirit and he's sorting out Broadside 2012 with others which is our next show!)

Now if I've forgotten anybody or got their name worng I'm sorry and mortified, I took pictures but not a lot and even those were dodgy for all sorts of reasons but some of my favourites and clearest are shown below.....

Corunna 1809, my favourite and I believe it was voted the best!

Sevastapol 1855.....

Oshiro Model Terrain Samurai game...I focused more on the lovely scenery!

Baltic War, Slowing the Tide, beautiful stuff in 28mm......


  1. Great pics!

    The photo of you with the BK crown is priceless and should get a caption contest!

  2. Nice pics Fran!!!! T'was a great weekend and I'm still knackered!

  3. Wow, those settings are incredible! And you met so many blogger buddies as well. A good weekend, sir!

  4. Thank's for the mention. Appreciated. Wish I had gone but if wishes were horeses Beggars would ride!

  5. Hi Fran,

    Loved the pictures and I insist that the BK hat makes another appearance at Broadside....;-)

    All the best,


    PS How else will anybody recognise you?

  6. Wow.. again, just scrolling through the photos that are passing through the blog-o-sphere.. amazing.. seems that all that went were very lucky, especially with some of the deals popping up!

  7. Damn, the ship does look nice! So do the other pictures! Hard work does pay off...

  8. wow, that's some beautiful eye candy! I'd love to have that terrain :)

    as for the picture of you in your crown, I think you found a new icon picture!

  9. Great pics Fran. Infamous or not I am sure you really enjoyed the weekend.

  10. Awesome pictures. Well except that first one. Scared me more than a rabid sleestak.

  11. Excellent photos. Looks like a really fun show!

  12. I'm going to tell you the same thing I've told the rest of you lot that went to Salute. Time to pick up your brushes and paint!

  13. Great pictures here, too!

  14. Great photos Mr L. Just wish I was there too.

  15. It looks like a great event. Nice set of photos, Fran.

  16. You forgot me at the meeting. me... the great Yellow Rodent... *snif* *heartbreak*

  17. Love the pics Fran - was great to meet you guys :)

  18. Nice pics..that ship is brilliant!! If it didn´t get best it should have.
    Next year I´ll pull my finger out and come along

  19. The Mug Shot is CLASSIC! it A.l...(thanks Ray..haha)

    The show picture's are great, some excellent work in there my friend.....Nicked a few shots for my Diorama reference folder.

    Get some rest.

  20. *sigh* Maybe I'll get to meet you and Ray and Big Lee and Postie next year..

  21. reat pictures but didn't you say you were going to smile more^^?

  22. Those setups are awe-inspiring. Off to visit those bloggers.

  23. So if you were the king, Ray had to be the jester.
    And oviously a pretty bad jester because the king looks not amused.

    I feel sorry that you still haven't got your Pam.

  24. Nice pics. Sounds like it all went well!

  25. Great pics and thanks for sharing, seemed a good day had by all

  26. Wow! Great pics! So is it really good to be king?

  27. Thanks for the pictures glad you had such a good time.

  28. Cool pics there Angry! Very nice to meet you and the other Rejects in person!

  29. A king is born ! God save the king !!!! ;)

  30. Wow the detail in all of those is amazing, sounds like you had a great time too.

  31. Great show, great company and a great follow up game...what more can anyone ask for?

  32. BTW I think your Burger King photo should become your profile picture... LOL

  33. Hi Fran !

    Nice to get a chanse to say hi at Salute, looked like you spent your money well considering all tha bags you vere carrying.

    The Helmet are my own creation, made out of lether with "celtic" pattern similar to the celtic easter egg, inspired by the Suton-Hoo and Vendel helmets, I use to weare it back in the days then I was out for some strandhuggs;)

    My best lesson during Salute were that "Dalauppror" is very hard to pronounce in all have to practice:)

    Best regards Michael

  34. Why the sour face? I love those Burger King crowns. lol.

  35. That first photo is the best thing I have ever seen on the Interweb.

  36. love the hat! at least you made it out with some money in your pocket.

  37. The ship and the Japanese scenery look stunning and it's cool you got to meet so many bloggers. 80p is probably good for something here or there. You got a lot of good stuff though, that's what matters. Not how much it cost.

  38. LOL the crown photo is awesome. You should get some Christmas cards made with the caption 'Bah Humbug' above it.

    Glad you had a good time and look forward to seeing your goodies making an appearance

  39. Loved your crown picture. You should add that to your profile and exort burger for life contract from Burger King.
    And pictures at salute justifies the hype and why any would would go in like a King and come out like a pauper. Casino for wargamers? It is like playboy mansion for your folks. Love it. I wish I was there.

  40. Are you kidding me... Some of those pics are ridiculous!! And its nice to see fellow bloggers getting together.... I plan on one day meeting my fellow "stupidity bloggers"... it'll be great!

  41. That picture of you is cute :-D Was is taken before or after the beers? :-D

    Great pictures Fran and thanks for sharing them with us!

    PS: One day you'll find Pam. And if you don't find her before November, I'll look for her at CRISIS 2012 in Antwerp, for you ;-)


  42. Some great photos of what was a great day out. It was such a treat to meet your good self and I look forward to next time. Although perhaps a little less liquid refreshment on the way home for me next year!

  43. Wow all those setups are amazing. But I especially love the details in the last ones.

  44. such lovely pics, Lurk! I mean those in the bottom of the post :)

  45. Thanks for the pictures. You folks "over there" have some wonderful model-gaming shows. And I appreciate the pictures, as I am mostly an armchair conventioneer.

  46. Good man as you said, 'eye candy'!!!

  47. You're famous!! Other than the look on your face (could you look any more irritated??) looks like it was a good time!

  48. As someone who definitely isn't a war gamer.. I have a feeling I would've enjoyed it over there anyway.

  49. Great photos, Fran, of a very interesting day, as I can see.

    Best regards.

  50. Your picture makes you live up to the name the Angry Lurker!

    I too hope the ship got voted best! Its awesome!

  51. Hahaha the crown pic has definitely made my day, your expression says it all! Glad you guys had a great event.

  52. Thank you - This post is the next best thing to actually GETTING to Salute!

  53. Photo journalism at its best! Good post!!!!


  54. Great tomeet ya Fran... a central hub of the bloggers!

    That Crimea game so tempted me for more shiny...

  55. Ah, but you're a beautiful man, Fran. That first shot clinches it. And you did smile alot during the weekend - a right real trooper, you were. I suppose disqualifiying Ray from the Challenge for doping would evoke a full grin?

    ...and thanks for the lovely pasta - it made loosing a bit more bearable. ;)



  56. Now where have I seen that face before MMMMMM LOL

  57. Fran, I laughed out loud when I first saw the burger king pic on Ray's blog!

    But it looks to have been an epic show and I'm sorry to have missed out. I've said to Mrs K I want to go next year and she didn't seem that put out, so you heard it here first!!

  58. best photo ever... you are the king baby... hail to the king!

  59. so you are a king??? does this mean franonia is now a monarchy or just a dictatorship? nice pics. I wish I could have gone, it would have been cool to meet everyone. shame about the distance

  60. Holy Christ on a crispy cracker! Those miniature sets are amazingly detailed. I love the picture of you with the Burger King crown. I bet you felt like a real king that day. You can tell by your excited expression. :)

  61. And here wasme thinking you bullied ray into leaving.

    Great to meet you and the guys, hope to see you there in the future,

  62. Gosh it looks like you had a good time and the effects are visible. Great photos and maybe next year I will go

  63. How many miles from France? Oh, my god! Snifffff....

  64. How can anyone look unhappy in a burgerking crown? Its good to be the king..

  65. Great show! Good to meet you all and already looking forward to next year :D I have been re-inspired to take up the old brushes again...sniff... ;)

  66. I'm glad you survived the weekend. It looked like there were many excellent games going on. Loved the regal photo of you. It's good to be the (Burger) King!
