
Monday 11 June 2012

Broadside 2012 Show Report and Pictures...

...maybe not very good pictures but joint second place for our demo game!

Up at 0500hrs to meet up with the rest of the rejects and pack up everything for our WW1 Battle of Amiens 1918 demo game at Broadside 2012, we arrived at about 0710hrs and the venue was open, no sign of any show boys yet (we got asked a lot if we were because of our tops I think) so we set up the table and we're done by 0800hrs (doors open at 1000hrs!!!!). So we wander and harass chat to traders and other demo gamers as they arrive until the doors open at 1000hrs.

Took some pictures of our game and some of the other demo games, we had played this game the week before and I won that as well with some help from the other boys obviously, forgot loads and some names (apologies), spoke to other wargamers and we invited some to come play a game, met fellow bloggers, TamsinRobert Crook6milphilWhisperin' Al to name a few, spent a few quid (if you don't buy then shows will not happen.....BigLee!!!:D)

We got joint second place for our demo game due to our info, willingness to speak to people and enthusiasm........
The game was good but we there to talk to people, educate about the period and the battle, look for conscripts and promote the hobby, the show and the Rejected!

So here we go........

Assembly in progress.....

Ray...his best side!

Everything was pre-marked for a specific place on the board.....

The lesser spotted show organiser.....spotted!

What to do, what to do....everything is ready.


Ray the forager trying to get into a bag of rolls......

We played a couple of turns to get the ball rolling.......

They blow up too easily.........

We had good interest throughout the day...........

Nice WW2 game...

......air support...

...these were excellent card buildings!

The Alamo again, I love this game....

The boys from Maidstone 6mm WW2 game, it won best in show...

This contributed to the win, good information......

Clint from Anything but a One and his modern Afghan game and hand crafted boards, the man is a unique genius and a pleasure to talk to, he made the gun rack for the Aliens movie!!!!!!

The Battle of Benfleet, lovely guys, lovely stuff......

Franco Prussian Game from Real Time Wargames I believe....

"Romans go Home" from the boys at Shepway......

The main hall with a Reject for scale.........

These kids were well informed of the period and terrain.....

One of the Rejects was lured away by the gleam of a WH40K demo game......

A view of our hall and area......

My tank crosses the lines and would eventually win the game for us.......

The Rejected! 
(well most of them anyway, the others were shopping I think, picture taken by Mr.Crook!)

Compared to last year and it's first year this year was busier, better attended by traders I believe and I believe has a good future, demo gaming is fun, hard, my back is fecking killing me, I never had to smile and monitor my language so fecking much in my life but I enjoyed it and well done to the boys and girls of Broadside 2012!

.....and of course the boys of Posties Rejects!


  1. Well done on getting a second for your game - looks like a fantastic board and troops.

    Glad the show went off so well, must be a big relief for Clint and the MHWC boys after the initial disappointments with publicity.

  2. Great looking game. Any plans for more shows?


    1. There's talk about a show in September but I may not have healed by then!

  3. "So we wander and harass chat to traders"

    We did that at Salute one year - having set up our participation game we found out that no-one had brought any dice. So were were harrassing traders as they set up - the one who got their stock out the fastest got our trade for a pile of dice :)

    Peter Pig won.

    1. We got a few purchases in really quick ourselves!

  4. It looked like a ggreat game... good terrain and information point there too! The bar seems quite high for games there, so joint-second is a good result... it's like being first loser!

    I'm not helping here, am I?

  5. Bloody hell Fran, I've been following you for a whole year now and I remember the Broadside post from last year. I probably asked you a direct question that you wouldn't feckin' answer and got pissed as hell when you didn't. So in honor of that stupendous moment in blogger history let me ask you this. "What is it you like most about the Alamo game?"

    And now, to further commemorate this occasion I'm going to go hurl a dish at the wall out of pure frustration with your stubborness.

    I missed you ya big Irishman!

  6. An excellent result for a top looking game. Kudos to you and the boys for the big push on promoting the show too. A gentleman and a scholar, Sir!

  7. Looked a cracking game, Joint second is really really good.

    Any truth in that only three demo games were there?


    1. That's a horrible thing to say but still fecking funny!

  8. Thanks for putting such a good show report together. Glad you got second place. Well done. As for your comments about me. Over exaggerated in the extreme. However Praise from the praise worthy is above all rewards.

  9. Fran, that looks like a fantastic game and a great day out. The terrain looks first class. Sorry I couldn't get there (kid's birthday party duty!), but looks like you very well deserved a very fine second place. Great stuff.

  10. Nice to catch up with you guys yesterday and congrats on the joint 2nd! :)

  11. Congrats for being second. These are some nice gaming tables and painted armies shown on the pictures.

  12. What a nice array of interesting tables and topics! I still don't get the point of demo games, but since that's obviously just us silly Germans it really doesn't take away from your great effort and result. ;-)
    Overall looks like a good show from and for all participants. Well done & thanks for sharing!


  13. Great looking game and convention! Well done on the event and in getting a place for best demo too. I quite understand the level of effort required to put on such a game, and know that the hordes very much appreciate it!

  14. From Postie " So you helped to pack all the gear upi did you??" I think not!!!!!

    1. I packed all the terrain boards and loaded up at the end!

  15. Congrats for the 2nd place!
    The games looks very nice and well build!
    I'm impressed with the terrains of some of them!
    (yours and other ones....)they are almost like dios!
    I've never go in an event like this and I really want to do!
    (I'm not a wargamer, but I'm interested by this side of the hobby...)

  16. Great set ups there. And nice matching golf-shirts. I don't think I've noticed those before.

  17. I can vouch for Posties comment above!!!!
    T'was a great day out, totally did not expect the joint 2nd show game! But am very pleased with the result, as is Postie! Great pics you old git, and just to make your back feel better both me and Posties are also fecked, but we didn't get up at 4:30 to go to work, Mwah ha ha ha ha!

    1. At first I noticed Rayolla's name on his shirt and wondered if that was so he would remember his own name when asked. Then I saw everyone else had their names on.

      Looks like a hell of a good time was had by all. And no shot of Ray's knee this year? I don't remember for sure if that was last year or what post, when we got an eye full of Ray's knee.

      Fun stuff. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  18. Great to meet you guys, a few photos over on mine.

  19. Simply splendid, well done. Distinct absence of bumcrack...


  20. I've been looking forward to the report from Broadsides and you didn't disappoint. Great pics. Congratulations on the joint second, that's excellent, especially considering it was your first demo.

  21. Great stuff Lurks. That Amiens battle looks immense. We're doing WW1 Spearhead soon in 6mm (French vs German) avec le gas poision et moutarde, le grande cannon du rail et l'attaque aerial!

    Zut alors!

  22. It was a great day, a fun game and a brilliant show topped off by the 2nd Place for our game. Excellent!! But like Ray & Angry I'm hurting like hell today! (I'd definitely do it again though).

  23. Seems like a great time and a great demo game -

  24. I am impressed! I had no idea so much went into the setup alone. And it all looks great.

  25. Cool photos Fran and a great looking game you guys put on. Very well done. Do I detect the faint hint of a smile on your face in the last photo? Or is it just a trick of the light?

  26. Looks like miniature heaven. So good and pretty cute, blown up tank is cute

  27. Nice report Fran, and well worth all the effort. I hope you did find time to purchase some goodies and peruse the bar, just for quality control purposes.

    Model on!

  28. Great pics Angry, and congrats to you and the Rejects for second place. Looks like a great game!

    Show looked really good too...

  29. I'm always amazed at those set ups. Fantastic. And congrats on the success.

  30. Lovely report!

    What rules did you use for your game?

    1. A mixture of old rules and home rules that Postie made up, I think one set came from the seventies!

    2. THX Fran! You guys do not by any chnce have a digital copy?

  31. wow those are some great pics. seems like you guys had fun.

  32. Looks like alot of fun thanks for sharing the pictures

  33. Hi Fran,

    your report is a really good read and it sounds like a great day for the Rejects. I'm glad to hear that everything went well.


  34. Great looking WW1 game. I love con pics and it looks like there were some great games there!

  35. I liked that little square with the houses...

  36. Sounds like a great time was surely had and congrats on second, too bad things blew up to easily..haha

  37. Thanks for the tour of the event.

  38. totally serious group of photos... good time to be had i am sure!

  39. Great pics. perhaps you need to take a camping stove and some bacon next year :D Perhaps get some brownie points of the traders

  40. The first landscape looked like an epic moonscape. :D

  41. Great photos from the show, it does seem that a good time was had by all. Coming second ans well eh ? - Isn't that like germany comingsecond in WWII ? (only joshing) Your game looked great btw.

  42. I call shenanigans! It seems like you guys had a lot of fun, though that's one early start. The playing feel and the models looked great, and hopefully you didn't have too much money taken from you by vendors.

    1. Not too much, can't comment on your blog comments bar?

  43. cool show you'll put together

  44. That looks like a really fun show, seems like everyone enjoyed them self. Would have love to gone and see all of that in person :)

  45. A really great looking game, and a very interesting show. Thank you a lot for the report!!!

  46. Thanks for the show report and piccies. Good looking game you had there.

    That Benfleet game does look very nice too. Lots of great games in fact.

  47. Well done, lads! And a big congratulations on the second-place! Especially as many of those games looked brilliant. Kudos and bell-ringing from the Canadian Chapter!

  48. Looks like a great time. I'm a bit envious!

  49. Looks like a great time. I'm a bit envious!

  50. Great effort all round and what an excellent-looking game!

  51. Hi Fran,

    Great to meet up with the infamous Rejects as ever! By the way, its DAVID Crook.....;-)

    All the best,


    1. Massive apologies, I put it down to the pain!

    2. I guess consorting with all the Rejects for a whole day must have been a trial and so apology accepted Captain Needa.....

      The game looked a hoot to play though all those armoured cars!

  52. Great effort in that game Fran, looks like a good time was had by the Rejects.

  53. I must say...that looks like a damn good time!

  54. Looks like a great little show. Your game looked ace, good on the Rejects for doing so well. Sadly I couldn't make it along yesterday, pity as I always like a chance to spend some pennies!

  55. Great looking show with some very nice games indeed

  56. Amazing, I really like this kind of stuff :P

  57. Great show you fellas put, on well done, I also really like the Dark ages game and the ancients game (Romans), thanks for posting the pics.

  58. Impressigve stuff and a nice view of the other games. I liked the look of that WWII game that seemed to be Pegasus bridge oger the Orne river? I would have loved to have seen it done in 15mm...

  59. really cool fran I wish I could have gone

  60. great report, and mighty fine looking table!

  61. Congrats and glad that it was a smashing success! When do we see the loot post now? :)

  62. As I've alreary written to Ray, it looks really fabulous!
    Congrats, and thanks for sharing!

  63. Thanks for a very good AAR:)

    Lots of good pictures !

    Best regards Michael

  64. Glad Broadside worked out so well! Great photos!

  65. Good stuff! Glad everything went well for you guys. Great report as always.

