
Thursday 7 June 2012

Broadside 2012 this Sunday, Rejects WW1 Demo Game.....

.....and a story about a magic trick!

The Rejects will be at Broadside 2012 this Sunday with our WW1 Battle of Amiens 1918 demo game........

...a sneak pic of the practice demo game we played last Sunday.

......and now a story about a magic trick!

Many years ago back in Dublin, me and the boys were out drinking and we ended up in a posh hotel bar, for some reason they were hosting a magic show with a reasonably famous magician and his quite risqué magic show (amazing female assistants).
So anyway the show was good until he requested a volunteer from the audience to help with an old magic trick, my mates volunteered me and really fecking reluctantly I agreed.

He asked me to loan him my watch....... which I did, he asked me to place it in a red velvet bag that his assistant handed me...and I did, he then took the bag and with a large fecking hammer that he produced from his inside his cloak he proceeded to knock the faeces out of the bag and then he asked to go back to the seat.......
....very, very reluctantly I returned to my seat to the sound of my mates laughing their heads off, I sat down when all of a sudden the magician shouted at me and threw the red velvet bag to me......

......I reached inside the bag and took out a doughnut and I bit into it and guess what was in it...........



  1. What a fine set of tanks!!! I wonder how many of them made it across the field???????

  2. If your watch had been in the doughnut, I would've been impressed.
    Nice work on the tanks.

  3. I love jelly doughnuts. :) You ever get the watch back? That demo game is looking good, too.

    1. Same question from me. Did you get the watch back?

  4. Great looking tanks! Doughnuts...

  5. You guys are at work again arn't you!!!!!

    Nice looking pic, and the tanks arn't bad either LOL

    Enjoy the Con and good luck


  6. That story was very unsatisfying! Please tell me you got your watch back!

    The tanks look good. I especially like the logs on the front of the first one.

  7. It's a win/win either way, jam or watch.

  8. Magicians are a bunch of tools. No thank you. You know what I would have done with that doughnut???? Anyway...nice work on those there tanks and dudes! Have a fun time =D

  9. Love the models! Having run a demo game myself in January this year, I can assure you that all the hard work really does pay off!

  10. Hi

    A timeless tale with a sticky ending... or is that a sticky tale with a timeless ending?


  11. Looking like a good game. Nice tanks etc. SO see you Sunday.

  12. You guys are lucky to have so many competitions around. We down under have none. That's what I've heard of, anyway.

  13. lol which was more important the watch or the doughnut????

  14. Good luck guys. I see you've found something productive to do on the night shift after all :D

  15. Jelly doughnuts!
    A trick nevertheless. He turned metal into jam!
    Good luck in Broadside mate!Have a good one.

  16. Mmmmmm donuts!!!

    Good luck this coming sunday!!

  17. Good luck, and have a nice day!

  18. There can't be long left Fran, nearly there! Great looking teaser pic; I'm looking forward to more details of the big day out.

  19. if you got your watch back, then at least you got a free donut.

    have fun with the game!

  20. Enjoy the demoing this weekend.. looking forward to the feedback and comments you all will be posting afterwards..

    And yeah.. what happened to the watch? And how good was the donut?

  21. There will be times where doughnuts become more value than a watch...believe me ;-)

  22. Awesome donut... ;) good luck with the show!

  23. It would have been way too impressive if there was a watch inside the doughnut.

  24. Hope you guys have a great game this weekend. Nice donut Mr L but it doesn't tell the time like a watch!!!

  25. Tanks look good. Moral of the story , don't wear nice watches to magic shows, don't trust your friends ?

  26. Fair swap Homer, I mean Fran. Good luck for the weekend.

  27. I never wear watches, but I'll never say no to a donut. Especially jam filled ones.

    Good luck with the demo.

  28. Donuts taste better than watches. Good luck with the show!

  29. LOL Jam? That was kind of a let down, should have been the watch, crappy magician hahaha

  30. What you lost in a watch you made up for in jelly doughnuts. A fair trade, no?

  31. Donuts? Was this before or after you went into security? ;)

    Hope to make it down to Kent on Sunday so that I can pay homage to Postie and take the mickey out of you and Ray :)

  32. Mmmm.... doughnuts. Now if you'd eaten it WITH the watch inside THAT would have been a real magic trick. But then you'd have to wait to pass the time.... geddit? :-o

    The tanks look terrific BTW.

  33. Take cover behind the tank!!

  34. Ya but wait.... where's the fucking watch!!

  35. Was it an expensive watch? And was it a good doughnut? Seems like a fair trade I guess....

  36. Tanks look great, also unusual to see vehicles on bases.

    Doughnuts look great too, unusual to see so much jam.

    Watch, disappointing, unusual to see no picture

  37. Wishing you all a great time this wknd. And hunkering down behind a tank is a good thing!

  38. that looks mighty epic (both pics :)

  39. Wow, thats a harsh magic trick! or a very funny joke!!

  40. ... AHAHAHA I would hate that magician forever. I mean, cough. Food!

  41. i take it you won the battle, since your tanks werent on fire like rays

  42. I'd have been happy with a custard donut but jam is taking the piss.

  43. Have a great time at the show, Fran, and remember to smile!
    (Also, if you make tank noises whilen they're moving and firing I find they seem to last longer... Just sayin'.)

  44. those tanks look awesome!

  45. Good luck with the demo game -- have a great time!

  46. Have a top game and show there and did you really think you would find your watch in a donut?

  47. Nice looking game, sadly I couldn't make it down to see it in the flesh.

    What scale is it - 15mm? If So, where did he tanks come from? In after a couple of nice ones in 15mm

  48. Hello!! Good Information. :)
