
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 80: Seeking A Friend for the end of the World 2012 (3 STARS).

...what would do with 21 days before all life ended?

An asteroid named "Matilda" is on a collision course with Earth and in 21 days it will collide with and end all life, everything that could be done has been done and failed and now the world must prepare for the end. What would you do if your life and the world were doomed? One man decides to spend his time searching for a  long lost love from high school (his wife has left him in the panic) during the upcoming apocalypse but not alone.......

This is a thinly veiled chick flick but the story of 21 days left for the world and what would you do intrigued me, some of the choices made my by some of the people amazed and dismayed me, it's a road movie, it's quite funny in places, it's a small story within the story of the world, there is rioting but it's just a scene setter for the rest of the movie.

The real story is between Steve Carell and Keira Knightley as they journey to the long lost love, they meet some great, absurd, annoying characters along the way, now these two are not my most favourite actors in the world but they perform well and didn't irritate me that much, a strange story with little shown about what real events would transpire as the world imploded, I didn't see it going this way myself but then I'm just a cynic......

.......I don't want to give away too much but it's worth a watch though but I would have gone another way with my 21 days!.


  1. This is a bit of a girlie film for you Fran, do we need to have that talk....again?

  2. another Steve Carell hooker

  3. I am completely in love with Steve Carell. No lies. No fries.

  4. Not sure what I'd do with 21 days, but yeah will give this one a watch.

  5. My wife has to watch it with me or no deal.

  6. I think it's nice that you watched a movie that was more for the SWMBO than for you and it didn't hurt all that bad.

    If I had only 21 days left I'd paint, play drums and shag the Hubby. Not necessarily in that order!

  7. It could be watched. I'll avoid it at the movies, I think.

  8. May give it a try. Thanks Fran. :)

  9. Might give it a watch, thanks for the review

  10. Not your usual fodder, but perhaps one for Mrs Awdry; thanks Fran.

  11. I actually like films like this, so I'll try and catch it, thanks for the review!

  12. I think you need the talk Ray´s offering..sounds well slushy. "21days..I wonder how much scotch I could get through in that time?

  13. It doesn't sound too bad, but I don't think I'll be watching it.

  14. i might watch it just for steve carrell.

  15. I'd watch it. I like movies about the end of the world.

    If I had 21 days to live, I would drink...a lot! And have sex... a lot!

  16. Seems a strange coupling, the two leads. Otherwise sounds pretty good. Thanks for reviewing one for the girls!

  17. I wouldn't mind spending the last 21 days with Keira Knightley.

  18. I like the plot, but can't stand the two actors :(

  19. Are there any zombies in it?

  20. Sounds like an interesting movie, reminds me of a movie called Last Night about the last night of the world (which I haven't got around to watching yet! I'll have to watch both the same time!

    If I only had 21 days left, I'd keep doing what I always do, exept eat more junk food.

  21. my lady friend would probably love this, she likes the lamest shit. thats why i love her

  22. Could be interesting and I'll probably watch it.


  23. interestin concept for a film

  24. I think I will watch it...when it comes to DVD.

  25. I might watch it, though when I have time to watch movies, it would be already be the end of the world.

  26. Hmmm. Thanks for the review Fran, but I think I'll give this one a miss.

  27. I'll wait for DVD for this one.

  28. Thanks for the review. I was wondering what this movie was like and kind of figured it would turn out to be a quasi- chick flick. lol. In reality, I think if most everyone knew there was only 21 days left to live on this planet, the rioting would continue until almost to the very end- until suddenly, everyone has a miraculous, unanimous belief in God and start praying like crazy monks on an acid trip.

  29. Thanks for the review. I'm not a big Steve Carell fan, so I'll probably give this one a miss.

  30. the premise seemed interesting but yeah, I get what you mean by the thinly veiled chick flick thing. I still want to see it but just gotta wait til DVD I suppose.

  31. i am interested in this film... i am not sure how, if i knew... that in 21 days it would be over. maybe stop worrying about stuff, that life brings.
