
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Two years old today and Angry painting.....

...and for once it's not me!

The One!

Been going two years today and I meant to have a special give away that myself, Ray and Lee have been trying to sort out but it's taking too long (hopefully soon but if not I'll sort out something else to give away)....

Thanks for reading and commenting and here's to maybe a third year as well.......

....and now for some angry painting from Ray, as you know we're on nights at the moment and Ray is involved in a painting challenge with Anne but he's not happy, he's cursing a lot, he's stabbed himself in a finger quite badly while painting a 28mm Mouse Mage (Ray calls it something else though but I won't print it in case there are any sensitive souls reading!) and he keeps shouting at me that's my fault as I made friends with the bitch Anne and dragged him into this situation!

The figure painter in his natural state, concentrating, focused, at one with the miniature and completely unaware he's been photographed......

until he spots the paparazzi and unleashes the anger but we all know it's Anne's fault as he keeps shouting, that bottle nearly hit my strawberry blonde head but I was laughing so much he missed...

....and strawberry blondes do have souls!!!!!!


  1. He shouldn't paint when he is angry. It makes for an unhappy mouse (and unmanly) miniature. He should be thinking of strawberries and unicorns.

  2. Strawberry blondes have souls but pure gingers don't. He did look fairly angry in that second picture. I almost want him to win so that he doesn't exact revenge on Anne. Congrats for lasting two years too Angry :) Here's to a third.

  3. Very many congratulations, what a phenomena you've created in that time. I'm absolutely certain we shall see another year. I love Ray's bib; very practical. ;)

  4. Congrats on 2 years, here's to the third!

    Is Ray really that messy when painting, that he needs a bib?

  5. LMAO Anne getting under his skin haha love it. Congrats on the two years. Here's to 18 more to add a 0 to it.

  6. Replies
    1. Bloody hell Ray, you look pissed off in that picture. I'd be afraid, but I'm pretty sure I could take you in hand to hand combat.

      I haven't even started painting mine yet!!

  7. congratulations, General! Hail Franonia!!

  8. I think Anne will be quite pleased to see Ray so angry!

    Congrats on 2 years and cheers to another one!

  9. Congrats to 2 brilliant years Fran! and if Ray is painting fluffy bunnies, Gandalf's mouse, and unicorns perhaps he should be wearing an apron... ;)


  10. Ah I see the problem. Looks as if Ray is confused about whether he's sitting down to paint a mini or eat a messy Italian Dinner

    Congrats on the birthiversary!

  11. Happy birthday!
    Ray that lil mouse is taking you way to long.... ;0)

  12. Congratulations on your two years Angry and my wish for you is that one day you get to take a bite out of what Pam's got there!!

    And tell Ray it's his own damn fault he's in this mess. If he wasn't always picking on you I wouldn't have to do this to him. He's brought it on himself!!

  13. Huzzah! Two years is quite the milestone! Keep it up! I look forward to reading another two years.

  14. Congratulations on two years and the best for your third. I love seeing this challenge play out on all of your blogs. Ray is so peaceful and calm, almost zen like in that first shot...not so much in the second.

  15. Lmao this is good. Uhm, congratulations on your bloggiversary! Hopefully there's many more to come.

    As for Ray. Just lol. Too good!

  16. Congrats mate!
    I can imagine the paint splattered all over the wall behind you! ;-)

  17. Congrats on the milestone you've done quite nicely for yourself here.

  18. That shit is funny, stay around for a while yet, 3 more like 13 years.

  19. Awesome! Happy blog birthday Lurker!

    Hard to believe my two years is just around the corner as well.

    Here's to many more!

  20. Well done mate. Here's to two more years. Cheers!

  21. 2 years really? I'd think it was far longer! anyway congrats and keep them pictures coming :-)

  22. Congratulations on the blogging anniversary. Does that mean you get angry cake?

    As to Ray, he is looking very angry. Still I'm loving the bib, is it used for lunch/dinner/whatever it's called when you eat at that time.

  23. Happy blog birthday Fran!
    And good luck to Ray in his competition with Anne, he's going to need it! :-)

  24. Happy Birthday!!
    so much work in so little time.... !!!!!!!!

  25. Bloody hell two year old, gosh and you have, how many, oh nevermind. All the best mate and long may it last.

    Ray does look like a man who knows in his soul he has lost, lol.

  26. Coolness on the duece. How can one paint when angry? lol I'd be shaking like a drunk in delirium tremens. lol

  27. LOL well done on two years.

    Hip Hip Hoorah
    Hip Hip Hoorah
    Hip Hip Hoorah

    Ray and the bib I will never think of you in the same way again!

  28. Congrats on two years, Looking forward to many more


  29. Congrats, looking forward to many more posts!

  30. Well done that man, here's for the next two years.

    It's not a bib, it's a painter's cravat (very flamboyant).


  31. Happy Birthday, It is amazing how much (both in hits and readers) you have achieved!!! Congratulations!

    I will be looking forward to seeing how the contest goes... that mouse sure is not easy subject! BTW... that bib is useless... as long as Ray is wearing it, he will not spill any paint, the moment he does not he will though!
    That is the way it always is for me. I wear old clothes while painting and never spill a thing, but be sure the moment I just want to do a small touch-up in good clothes, it all goes south!

  32. Congratulations Fran. Don't know how you keep up but it's sure fun over here.

  33. Many congrats, Fran. Keep 'em coming!

  34. Oh dear...ANd still the napkin on from lunch....

    2 years and still going strong! Congratz mate!

  35. Congrat's on hitting the two year mark Fran. Love that bib Ray. Maybe you could try painting the figure instead of the shirt next time.

  36. Happy Birthday matey!!!

    Here's hoping you make it to 3 years and many more besides.

  37. Angry, angry young man. Great work on the two year mark Fran. I think Rodgers on the right track about the bib.

  38. Happy blog birthday, Fran! Looking forward to many more years of great minis, and you tormenting poor Ray. :)

  39. Two years in, that's awesome, congrats! Here's to the next two years!

  40. big congrats on the second year, Lurk!

  41. Wow happy anniversary. You've accomplished a lot in two years.

  42. Congrats! Only two years? It seems like a lifetime ;-)

    Looking forward to many more angry posts!


  43. Congratulations, Fran! You have a brill blog, my friend. Here's to another two years!

  44. Happy bloggerversary to you!! You had better be around for more years to come!!

    And Ray is going to end up with a very sad mouse if he keeps shouting at it while painting...

  45. congrats on the milestone sir. All hail the lurker, king of bloggers!

  46. Happy happy! Why are you reading this! Get painting!

  47. is that a lab its not. lol i was gonna say he looks very professional if it was lab coat

  48. Hey, I haven't worked out your new posting schedule yet so I don't know if you're posting today or not. I'm going to go play my drums then check back later.

  49. Happy Anniversary, keep 'em coming.

    Has Ray read "Of Mice and Men" ?

  50. Congratulations, Fran! Keep the good job.

  51. Well done keep it up (fnar, fnar)

  52. Congrats on two years and may more follow! Ray indeed looks annoyed on the last pic!


  53. Congrats on two years! And watch out! that plastic bottle he's weilding looks dangerous!!

  54. Congrats mate, and here is to another year!

  55. Sounds like you're having a great time with Ray, there, dude. Congrats on doing the blog for two years straight. It's hard work cranking out post after post. Luckily, for the rest of us, you do it in an entertaining way. It's almost a variety type blog, with movie reviews and other stuff thrown into your miniature painting posts. Very cool. That why I always come back. Might take me awhile these days before I show up but I get so danged busy with the wife and family. Take care, man and keep up the grand work.

  56. Happy blogbirthday!! I'd love if you did a giveaway, too. Would you be giving away miniatures?


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