
Friday 13 July 2012

Upgraded the 15mm Franonian Navy....

.....from an old CIA guy who kept saying his name was Mr.Smith!

Bought these off Timecast, not particularly happy with them, lots of holes in the resin, the lifebuoys are not fully cast on any of the eight on both models, terrible mold lines on the metal parts and you had to supply your own gun barrels????? Now Timecast only sell this from a company called Gomi Designs but what can you do but get on with it!

Am I being pedantic about the barrels, no mention on the site, why don't they supply them?

We have a troop carrier and monitor boat from the Vietnam era, still functional after all these years....

15mm Rebel Minis figure for scale.....


  1. No barrels!? An odd thing not to supply considering.
    Anyway, they look good so alls well that ends well :-D

  2. Rule, Franonia! Franonia rule the waves!

  3. Yeah, they look really good regardless.

  4. Great Franonian floaters, Fran. Wow...they are packin' some serious firepower! BTW, rumor has it Rayonian Demolition Dolphins are lurking about in the river channels. But could be a false intell report to muck up the waters of security.

  5. Barrels or no barrels they look pretty spectacular to me!

  6. Great looking boats, incomplete kits like this would put me off to be honest, i'd rather pay extra and have it all together

  7. I think this turned out nicely. You must have cleaned it up pretty well because I can't see any flaws. Now that said, I want bigger boats!!! And bigger guns to man them too, Ray's gotta get demolished on the first attack!!

    Hey big guy I hope I got this right "Happy Anniversary" If I have go home and give that woman some rug burns she'll never forget. If I've got it wrong, give her the rug burns anyway!!

  8. They look pretty crash hot to me!

  9. You've really made them look great, whatever their original flaws might have been, they can't be seen now.

    As for those gun barrels, that company should at least have noted that on the site -- rather dishonest, not to mention it, and I'd be irritated too if it happened to me.

  10. Nice job on those, you really finished them up well. It's frustrating when you get a bad kit, but you really fixed them up.

  11. Nice way to pimp your navy, maybe their last mission was a piece mission?

  12. They look great, even if the models weren't up to snuff at the start.
    Impressive enough to force Rayonia to rethink any rebellions.

  13. A wonderful final result Fran. They should have supplied the barrels though.

  14. I like them very much Fran! You did an excellent job on them!

    Franonia rules the waves!


  15. They look quite big. I'm sure they aren't actually 15 mm, or I guess one can fit the 15 mm figures in them. I'm really bad at such things.

  16. Looks like you have had fun with those. Looking good.
    "Power to the Rayonian Popular Front!"

  17. Looking good.. and the more power the better! Always amazed with the expansion of your 15mm world..

  18. those are some mighty machines

  19. Those look great! Looking forward to seeing them in action.

  20. Very cool stuff Fran. Nah, I dont think you are being too pedantic about the gun barrels - kinda sucky in my opinion. Hell, I wouldnt have been happy about it even if they HAD of mentioned it on the website!

    No matter though - great job with them.

  21. Pretty awesome Fran. Hail Franonia.

  22. I think when it comes to things like this, you're allowed to be pedantic. In fact you HAVE to be pedantic. Accuracy and detail are everything.

  23. Awesome looking boats - great job on transforming them into the Franonian navy!

  24. Looking great Fran. If you have had to clean them up then you have done a good job on them as there is nothing obvious.

    I think you should have been told about the lack of gun barrels. A pretty important part of the model so there should have been some mention of the lack of them on the web page

  25. Nice work from what sounds like an exercise in frustration. I think you need to think about splinter camouflage though, they would look awesome in that scheme.

  26. Well I have to say that they painted up nice. It's a shame about the lifebuoys. I think I could have handled no barrels or casting problems, both together would have put me off.

  27. Now that looks like an impenetrable fortress. lol.

  28. Those boats are looking very nice! Great work on them!

  29. Now you can go all sea bound and conquer the world

  30. To barrel or not to barrel, that was the question, nice work Ranga!!

  31. Despite their flaws those look brilliant. Nice additions.

  32. I have to ask, what has Ray got to answer them with?


  33. Result is nice, even if it sounds like it was a pain to work with.

    You know, if you made a piece for the bottom, that exposed the bottom half of treds, these would make great amphibious tank fortresses, so you could play them on land too.

  34. I'd be a bit miffed not getting the barrels supplied, especially as there was no mention of that when you odered.

    They look great though, spiffing job!

  35. Nope, you're not being pedantic at all. That said, they've painted up very nice. Good work Fran.

  36. Very nice, Fran. The Free Port of Curtsburg is open to your fine fleet (after payment of modest weapon transport tariffs and port taxes, of course...).

  37. A really Brown Water Navy. Your painting work is wonderful.

  38. They look great, you did a nice job with what sounds like terrible castings. They would have looked awesome in a splinter camouflage scheme though. Maybe do the next batch that way, because you got two and you know they will breed.

  39. sorry to hear about the problems, but they turned out nice. I guess we all experiance problems now and then with the things we get.

  40. They have painted up nicely, but it's always a pain when you've spent hard earned cash on something not up to expectations. No gun barrels is odd though.

  41. Not matter about the barrels Fran, they have come up a treat. Well done!

  42. Sucks to hear there was so much trouble. At least you spiffed it up all nice?

  43. No matter how poor the original models might have been... you turned them into something great!

  44. Despite your misgivings on the model, your painting on them is exceptional, they look great.

  45. Fran, you've done a great job with these. It's always a pain when the model is less than perfect, but a great paint job can sort so many things out. And you've done these chaps proud - awesome stuff!

  46. No matter the obstacles, the end result looks great. You have quite a collection!

  47. They came out nicely. A pity about the flaws in the casts.

