1st Brigade c/o Sir Gilbert Gerrard
Sir Edward Strastling - Foot (Trained)
Sir Charles Vavosour - Foot (Trained)
Sir Lewis Dyke - Foot (Raw)
2nd Brigade c/o John Belasyse (Richard)
Sir Allan Apsley - Foot (Trained)
Sir Charles Gerrard - Foot (Veteran)
Horse c/o Lord Henry Wilmot (Ray)
1st Brigade c/o Sir JohnByron
Prince Rupert - Horse (Veteran)
Prince of Wales - Horse (Veteran)
Queens - Horse (Veteran)
2nd Brigade c/o Lord Digby (Lee)
Sir Arthur Aston - Horse (Veteran)
Nicolas Crisp - Horse (Trained)
Sir Thomas Tyldesley - Horse (Trained)
3rd Brigade c/o Robert Dormer, Earl of Carnarvern (Ray)
Colonel Thomas Howard - Horse (Trained)
Lord Brougham - Horse (Raw)
Parliamentarian c/o Earl of Essex (Me)
Earl of Essex Lifeguard (Elite)
Foot c/o Sir John Merrick (Surjit)
1st Brigade c/o James Holborne
Lord Roboules - Foot (Trained)
Lord Sayeand Sele - Foot (Trained)
Sir William Sprongale - Foot (Raw)
2nd Brigade c/o Harry Birclay LTB (Dave)
Southward Auxilliary London Trained Band - Foot (Trained)
Blue Auxilliary London Trained Band - Foot (Trained)
Red Auxilliary London Trained Band - Foot (Trained)
Horse c/o Sir Philip Stapleton
1st Brigade c/o Sir James Ramsey (Me)
Earl of Essex - Horse (Veteran)
James Mavlerners - Horse (Trained)
Sir William Constable - Horse (Trained)
2nd Brigade c/o Sir Arthur Haselrigg (John)
Sir Arthur Haselrigge (Lobsters) - Horse (Veterans)
Colonel Richard Norton - Horse (Raw)
Sir John Maldrum - Horse (Trained)
John Lilburne - Dragoons (Raw)

The beginning of the game, Lee (The Rich Reject) supposedly bribes Postie for some game winning decisions........possibly?
The table at the beginning......£10.00 note still in view......
My 3 horse units of veteran and trained horse.......
My raw dragoons enter the action, raw units are horrible, -2 to morale rolls and attempting to move them rolls and I believe shooting rolls.......
The Parliamentarians ready for action.........
BigLee's horse, 2 regular, 1 veteran and an elite on it's way.......
A colourful piece of scenery or just giving his opinion on the Royalists........
They look pretty the foot regiments but they are a fecker to do anything with except moving forward,,,,,,,
Ray's units move through the village of Stow......
An alleged briber gets his just desserts............
A view from the Royalist lines........
Two of the rarely spotted blog whores...........BigLee twittered and facebooked the whole game.....
The £10.00 at work possibly, I had to roll to see if bridge would collapse with my Dragoons on it.......
John and Ray clash with their cavalry.......
Initially this went well for John as Ray had some shocking dice.........
Myself and BigLee square up......
Wallop, this initially went well for me.........
My Dragoons head up the road eyeing up either roast lamb or roast horse.......
I handed Ray the camera to get some shots of the Royalist side but this came back.........
Casualties were shown using numbered card and they are beginning to mount......
BigLees character dies in the saddle, cue maniacal laughter.......
The Earl of Essex on the rickety but still standing bridge......
The Dragoons dismounted and heading for the action.......
Another of BigLee's generals dies and is in my grasp, cue more maniacal laughter.........
BigLee giving the artillery dice the kiss of death, this worked really well as nobody wanted to use them......
The end is near for all the cavalry.........
The Earl of Essex views the action from the field with the Dragoons and with his help to the raw Dragoons they blew 50% of the elite cavalry out of their saddles......
The infantry on both sides start to move forward after a gentleman's agreement on both sides which later descended in to bitching and accusations over sideward moving forward moves.......
The game was called as some of the lads day release permits had come to time and after Postie had declared a Royalist victory and then 10 minutes of recounts (arguing and shouting) a draw was declared...... that £10.00 of BigLee's nearly stuffed us....possibly!
Good game, good rules that need a few little changes that will make these rules really good..........possibly?
Don't forget that the close up picture of Ray can be used to keep kids away from the fireplace or proof the existence of the bogeyman?