Wednesday, 17 November 2010

My 28mm Painted Copplestone Castings Hunter Aliens.

Some pictures of my recently painted 28mm Copplestone Castings Hunter Aliens which look amazingly like Predators from the movies, there were 8 but my anger issues and a tantrum later there are 7(I cannot find where I threw it and anyway everybody knows 8 predators are unlucky).The pictures are not great as usual but hope you like what you can just about see.

The movie case in the background(Predator and the best one in the series in my opinion ) you can see something similar to these models. 


  1. Pretty cool predators (ahem!) sorry Hunter Aliens. Don't worry about no 8... he can't be found because he's stalking you.

  2. Im sure they didnt intentionally make those look like Predators :) (which wasnt a bad flick by the way - closer to the original finally) These look great. You did a great job on their skin.

  3. No8 has joined the rest of your 1 figure less units, Fran why has this unit of Samurai only got 11 figures in it? EErr??
    Fran I thought you bought a 24 figure Pirate unit, there's only 23 here? EErr??
    Bad boy Fran, stop throwing wobblers!!!

  4. The obvious thing to do here is to buy one more figure than what you actually need, so throwing one won't give you an odd unit.

    It will break the anger circle too, you're angry so you throw, then you get angry 'cos you can't find it yadda yadda. Now you can throw and think "I was going to do that anyway" - instant stress relief!

    Great paint work btw!

  5. To Ray: Bog Off

    To Jim: Good idea but copplestone sell in packs of 4 so could get expensive.

  6. I think you did a wonderful job with the skin pigmentation and I love the way you brought out the facial and muscle detail. You are braver than me with regards to the silver painting and the basing. It's very neat and well distributed.

    Do you have a fluerescent light in your kitchen? That's a great place to photograph.

  7. Bartender: I will try that and see what happens.

  8. Like em...:-) I always wonder though...why is it they seem to do so badly against Aliens.? In virtually every film they get a bit more of a kicking than i would expect of them.

  9. Yeah real sweet man, the skin tones are nice, I'm liking them alot.

  10. Oooh, I like these! And Copplestone are one of my all time favorite companies. I gotta remember these.
