Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Broadside Wargames Show June 12th 2011.

A new Wargames show this weekend at Broadside 2011 , 5 rejects will be going and as it's a brand new show and I just wanted to mention it so that that it will be a yearly show as long as it's well attended and advertised, no visitors no show and it is quite near to where we live which is not relevant to most readers but you've got to do what you can for you hobby or interest or dare I say your love/passion. Will take some pictures and post them next week.

After yesterdays allegations from Ray over at Don't throw a 1 about stolen items and the gift he received from the nice guy Lord Siwoc over at Brains and Guts , now our legal teams are currently dealing with the slanderous remarks from Ray (also known as a sock abuser and botherer), I decided to launch my own investigation.

What's this, a bin!

What's inside you say?

I have recovered the discarded items from the bin and currently have them with sock and figure social services.


  1. You dirtbag!! I knew you'd nicked the figures!!1 When the hell did you pinch the socks??

  2. Socks! They will lead to ultimate victory!

  3. Do you think either the sock or figures would be willing to testify on condition of immunity?

  4. Make sure to send the socks and figures to the crime lab for prints, DNA, and trace evidence.

  5. Raymond, Raymond, too little, too late sock boy.

  6. Have fun at the show guys!

  7. i have a bin just like that! :)

  8. I'm sending my penguins, Major, Private and Kowalski, to help you with that investigation.
    And those are some very gay socks if I may notice :)

  9. haha nice find nice find ;)

  10. Hope the show goes well. Have fun.

  11. Yea, Have Fun!

  12. Fran, you and Ray should be on TV with your own comedy/reality show!

  13. Excellent work, another perfectly successful investigation and within the day.

    Ray is very lucky you were able to recover the missing items, especially the socks, since there is another show coming up and he will need his trunk in case anyone takes pictures. We all remember what happened last time.

    Plus there may still be some chocolate on that twix wrapper.

  14. I want socks like that! I want to wear them and only them for my husband.

  15. Chocolate? Did anybody say CHOCOLATE!!!??!?!
    Oh, your out too?
    :S im getting trippy here... i needs me some chocolate....
    But abusing socks is terrible! Is Quantanamo Bay still open? =P

  16. From reports the poor abused socks stated that when the horrible offense occurred they know something foul was afoot before they lost a toehold on reality. The Horror, Oh the Humanity! I agree with elexerdelex, yes chocolate, dark chocolate, say Lindt dark with chilli in a 100gram dosage washed down with a dozen pints of cider. Nothing like a high octane brainwash followed up with a thorough administration of mental floss. I just hope the poor socks were not water boarded.

  17. heh i wouldnt touch those sucks. it is known that ray frequents my blog. just sayin'

  18. Can't wait to see pics from that wargams show!

  19. Sounds like it will be a fun time.

  20. Need shades to look at the socks man lol.

  21. Another gripping instalment - socks sell, no doubt about it!

    Good on you re the show too. That's solid thinking.

  22. As much as I like the side of a broad, I think I prefer the front of one instead...

  23. Keep us posted on the event::-)


  24. Bart has a point. It's gross, but that's Bart.

  25. Lo! What has this world come to? Stolen items? Allegations? Socks?

    Do I need to start wearing gloves to browse your blog?

  26. hahahaha Sock and figures social service you say? better get your team ready so we can take that bastard in!!!

  27. I told you Ray, the good honest man that Fran is, he found the lost items, AND the socks!!!!

    Now...I dare not think that you would throw out a present from me like that....

    Investigations are being made....somebody has to answer for this crime!!!

    The socks rule!!!!!

  28. I second Bard. Dust those suckers.

  29. Quality dumpster diving.

  30. wish i had socks like those

  31. You pair should start a new blog "Fran and Rays house party" or would be a killer :-D

  32. Who would want to abuse a poor pair of socks? Shameful.

  33. LOL you sir are a thief!

  34. Now you dont have to buy socks dude!

  35. you could make a weapon w/ those socks by filling them w/ pennies. think they call that a "black jack" maybe? I could be wrong, I'm not normally a violent type.

  36. weirdest post I ever saw man:)
