Wednesday 20 March 2013

An introduction to the Reject John!

Now John is one of our newest converts, he works as a teacher in an all girls school along with the other Reject Richard that Ray is highlighting today.

We have been told by a reliable source (Richard) that John looks at my blog in the teachers lounge and has been known to swear like an Irishman.

More shenanigans because of Phil.

I introduce John..........

What his loved ones think he does.......

He does make his own scenery!

What he likes us to think he does at work......

Can you smell Geography??????

What he really does at work.......

A day in John's life.....

How he sees himself.......

Stiff upper lip!

How we usually see him.......

He's a jammy git!
If he was in "Allo Allo" he'd be Officer Crabtree.......

Who will be next, maybe even honorary Rejects?

Ray is doing Richard here.


  1. God Moaning. The resist-once have accqo-aired a bum. They are going to ex-plod the whaleway brodge.

  2. The honoraries? Hu oh.
    You don't know anything!

  3. Acting like Crabtree looks a diaguise...

  4. Nice job on introducing John there Fran!

    Looking forward to your Intros to the Honoraries (with a certain degree of dread if Ray gets to do mine!)

  5. These have been a lot of fun and please do the honorary rejects as well.

    Also job well done on the Challenge Fran. I really enjoyed seeing your entries-some fine 25-28mm work there.

  6. Excellent! I like the pic with the guy who makes his own luck. That's who I want to be when I grow up. :)

  7. Okay, I'm polite and forthright enough to say: Lost me.

  8. At least he can make the kids go to bed

  9. This was great. We need more of these. And what are the qualifications to be an honorary reject? Other than being an actual reject (check!).

  10. you went easy on the fella, Lurk :)

  11. Funny pictures. Good job.

  12. Now that's a proper tribute to a new member! :)

  13. That's pretty funny and I don't even know him.

  14. Lo. Cracking. He certainly made his own luck in the battle just before Uccle!
